Man pages for EventPointer
An effective identification of alternative splicing events using junction arrays and RNA-Seq data

AllEvents_RNASeqAlternative splicing events detected by EventPointer
AllEvents_RNASeq_MPAlternative splicing multi-path events detected by...
ArrayDatamultipathPreprocessed arrays data with multi-path events
ArraysDataPreprocessed arrays data
CDFfromGTFCDF file creation for EventPointer
CDFfromGTF_MultipathCDF file creation for EventPointer (MultiPath)
EventDetectionDetect splicing events using EventPointer methodology
EventDetectionMultipathDetect splicing multipath events using EventPointer...
EventPointer_IGVEventPointer IGV Visualization
EventPointer_RNASeqStatistical analysis of alternative splcing events for RNASeq...
EventPointer_RNASeq_IGVEventPointer RNASeq IGV Visualization
EventsGTFfromTrancriptomeGTFEvents .gtf from trancriptome .gtf
EventXtransrelationship between isoforms and events
InternalFunctionsEventPointer Internal Functions
MyPrimersData frame with primers design for conventional PCR
MyPrimers_taqmanData frame with primers design for taqman PCR
PrepareBam_EPBam files preparation for EventPointer
PSIssrelationship between isoforms and events
SG_RNASeqSplicing graph elements predicted from BAM files
EventPointer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:12 p.m.