
Defines functions clustersDistance

Documented in clustersDistance

# Distances: Binary
# Clustering: Single
clustersDistance <- function(incidenceMatices, mgCols=NULL, clustMethod="average")
    if("metagroupsMatrix" %in% names(incidenceMatices)) metagroupGenesMatrix <- incidenceMatices$metagroupsMatrix
    if("clustersMatrix" %in% names(incidenceMatices)) metagroupGenesMatrix <- incidenceMatices$clustersMatrix

    mxDistancias <- NULL
        distancias <- dist(t(metagroupGenesMatrix), method="binary")
        mxDistancias <- as.matrix(distancias)    
        clustering <- hclust(distancias, method=clustMethod)
        # Prepare layout
        nf <- layout(cbind(c(1,2),c(0,3)), widths=c(9,1), heights=c(3,8), TRUE)
        # Plot dendogram
        par(mar = c(0,3,1,1))
         plot(clustering,  ann=FALSE, axes=FALSE)
        mxDistancias <- mxDistancias[clustering$order, rev(clustering$order)]
        # Plot "image"        
        minDist <- unique(sort(mxDistancias))[2] #[1] = 0        
        if(minDist > 0)
            cero <- which(mxDistancias == 0)
            uno  <- which(mxDistancias == 1)
            mxPlot <- (mxDistancias-(minDist))+0.12            
            mxPlot <- mxPlot/(max(mxPlot)/0.9)
            mxPlot <- trunc(mxPlot*10)
            mxPlot[cero] <- 0
            mxPlot[uno] <- 10
        } else mxPlot <- mxDistancias
        par(mar = c(3,3,1,1))
        if (TRUE) #library(RColorBrewer, logical.return=TRUE))
            colPalette<- rev(brewer.pal(11, "RdBu"))
            colPalette <- heat.colors(11)
        image(mxPlot, col=colPalette, axes=FALSE)

            barplot(c(0,rep(siz*.3,ncol(mxPlot))), add=TRUE, col=c("white",mgCols[rev(colnames(mxDistancias))]), border=FALSE, axes=FALSE, width=c(-siz,rep(siz*2,ncol(mxPlot))),space=0, offset=1+(siz*2)+(-siz+.01), xlim=c(-0.5,1), xpd=TRUE)

        axis(1, at=seq(0,1, by=1/(length(colnames(mxPlot))-1)), labels = rownames(mxPlot))
        axis(2, at=seq(0,1, by=1/(length(colnames(mxPlot))-1)), labels = colnames(mxPlot))

        # Leyenda
        levs <- unique(sort(mxPlot))
        labs <- sapply(lapply(levs, function(x) which(mxPlot %in% x)), function(x) round(mean(mxDistancias[x]), digits=2))
        par(mar = c(3,1,15,0.5))
        image(t(as.matrix(levs)),  col=colPalette, axes=FALSE)
        axis(2, at=seq(0,1, by=1/(length(levs)-1)), labels= labs, cex.axis=0.8)
        # Reset layout
        nf <- layout(matrix(1), widths=1, heights=1, TRUE)
        par(mar = c(1,1,1,1))
        #par(mar= c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)  #- reset to default
        mxDistancias <- mxDistancias[,rev(colnames(mxDistancias))]

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FGNet documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:43 p.m.