Man pages for FlowRepositoryR
FlowRepository R Interface

attachmentProxy-class'attachmentProxy': a class representing a proxy to an...
download-methodsDownload dataset files
fcsProxy-class'fcsProxy': a class representing a proxy to an FCS file in...
fileProxy-class'fileProxy': a class representing a proxy to a file in...
flowRepData-class'flowRepData': a class for storing metadata about a...
flowRep.getRetrieve information about a specified FlowRepository...
flowRep.lsList identifiers of datasets available in FlowRepository
flowRepOrganization-class'flowRepOrganization': a class for storing details about an...
FlowRepositoryR-packageProgramming interface to access
flowRep.searchSearch FlowRepository for datasets matching the query and...
flowRep.submitGeneStatusSubmit information about an IMPC gene analysis results to...
flowRep.submitImpcResultsSubmit IMPC data analysis results to FlowRepository.
forgetFlowRepositoryCredentialsForgets credentials (email and password) to login to...
getFlowRepositoryURLGet FlowRepository URL addresss.
id-methodsRetrieve the identifier of flowRepData objects
ilarCodeDescriptionGet the name of a lab from it's ILAR code
impcCodeDescriptionGet a human readable description of an IMPC code.
impcResultsCopy-methodsRetrieve a copy of IMPC results associated with a flowRepData...
is.downloaded-methodsCheck if a dataset or a file proxy is downloaded
listKnownIlarCodesList all known ILAR codes.
setFlowRepositoryCredentialsSet credentials (email and password) to login to...
setFlowRepositoryURLSet FlowRepository URL addresss.
FlowRepositoryR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:26 p.m.