#' @title GENIE3
#' @description \code{GENIE3} Infers a gene regulatory network (in the form of a weighted adjacency matrix) from expression data, using ensembles of regression trees.
#' @param exprMatrix Expression matrix (genes x samples). Every row is a gene, every column is a sample.
#' The expression matrix can also be provided as one of the Bioconductor classes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ExpressionSet}: The matrix will be obtained through exprs(exprMatrix)
#' \item \code{RangedSummarizedExperiment}: The matrix will be obtained through assay(exprMatrix), wich will extract the first assay (usually the counts)
#' }
#' @param regulators Subset of genes used as candidate regulators. Must be either a vector of indices, e.g. \code{c(1,5,6,7)}, or a vector of gene names, e.g. \code{c("at_12377", "at_10912")}. The default value NULL means that all the genes are used as candidate regulators.
#' @param targets Subset of genes to which potential regulators will be calculated. Must be either a vector of indices, e.g. \code{c(1,5,6,7)}, or a vector of gene names, e.g. \code{c("at_12377", "at_10912")}. If NULL (default), regulators will be calculated for all genes in the input matrix.
#' @param treeMethod Tree-based method used. Must be either "RF" for Random Forests (default) or "ET" for Extra-Trees.
#' @param K Number of candidate regulators randomly selected at each tree node (for the determination of the best split). Must be either "sqrt" for the square root of the total number of candidate regulators (default), "all" for the total number of candidate regulators, or a stricly positive integer.
#' @param nTrees Number of trees in an ensemble for each target gene. Default: 1000.
#' @param nCores Number of cores to use for parallel computing. Default: 1.
#' @param verbose If set to TRUE, a feedback on the progress of the calculations is given. Default: FALSE.
#' @return Weighted adjacency matrix of inferred network. Element w_ij (row i, column j) gives the importance of the link from regulatory gene i to target gene j.
#' @examples
#' ## Generate fake expression matrix
#' exprMatrix <- matrix(sample(1:10, 100, replace=TRUE), nrow=20)
#' rownames(exprMatrix) <- paste("Gene", 1:20, sep="")
#' colnames(exprMatrix) <- paste("Sample", 1:5, sep="")
#' ## Run GENIE3
#' set.seed(123) # For reproducibility of results
#' weightMatrix <- GENIE3(exprMatrix, regulators=paste("Gene", 1:5, sep=""))
#' ## Get ranking of edges
#' linkList <- getLinkList(weightMatrix)
#' head(linkList)
#' @export
setGeneric("GENIE3", signature="exprMatrix",
function(exprMatrix, regulators=NULL, targets=NULL,
treeMethod="RF", K="sqrt", nTrees=1000,
nCores=1, verbose=FALSE)
#' @export
setMethod("GENIE3", "matrix",
function(exprMatrix, regulators=NULL, targets=NULL, treeMethod="RF", K="sqrt", nTrees=1000, nCores=1, verbose=FALSE)
.GENIE3(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, regulators=regulators, targets=targets, treeMethod=treeMethod, K=K, nTrees=nTrees, nCores=nCores, verbose=verbose)
#' @export
setMethod("GENIE3", "SummarizedExperiment",
function(exprMatrix, regulators=NULL, targets=NULL, treeMethod="RF", K="sqrt", nTrees=1000, nCores=1, verbose=FALSE)
if(length(SummarizedExperiment::assays(exprMatrix))>1) warning("More than 1 assays are available. Only using the first one.")
exprMatrix <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(exprMatrix)
.GENIE3(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, regulators=regulators, targets=targets, treeMethod=treeMethod, K=K, nTrees=nTrees, nCores=nCores, verbose=verbose)
#' @export
setMethod("GENIE3", "ExpressionSet",
function(exprMatrix, regulators=NULL, targets=NULL, treeMethod="RF", K="sqrt", nTrees=1000, nCores=1, verbose=FALSE)
exprMatrix <- Biobase::exprs(exprMatrix)
.GENIE3(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, regulators=regulators, targets=targets, treeMethod=treeMethod, K=K, nTrees=nTrees, nCores=nCores, verbose=verbose)
.GENIE3 <- function(exprMatrix, regulators, targets, treeMethod, K, nTrees, nCores, verbose)
.checkArguments(exprMatrix=exprMatrix, regulators=regulators, targets=targets, treeMethod=treeMethod, K=K, nTrees=nTrees, nCores=nCores, verbose=verbose)
if(is.numeric(regulators)) regulators <- rownames(exprMatrix)[regulators]
# transpose expression matrix to (samples x genes)
exprMatrixT <- t(exprMatrix); rm(exprMatrix)
num.samples <- nrow(exprMatrixT)
allGeneNames <- colnames(exprMatrixT)
# get names of input genes
regulatorNames <- allGeneNames
} else
# input gene indices given as integers
if (is.numeric(regulators))
regulatorNames <- allGeneNames[regulators]
# input gene indices given as names
} else
regulatorNames <- regulators
# for security, abort if some input gene name is not in gene names
missingGeneNames <- setdiff(regulatorNames, allGeneNames)
if (length(missingGeneNames) != 0) stop(paste("Regulator genes missing from the expression matrix:", paste(missingGeneNames, collapse=", ")))
regulatorNames <- sort(regulatorNames)
# get names of target genes
targetNames <- allGeneNames
} else
# input gene indices given as integers
if (is.numeric(targets))
targetNames <- allGeneNames[targets]
# input gene indices given as names
} else
targetNames <- targets
# for security, abort if some input gene name is not in gene names
missingGeneNames <- setdiff(targetNames, allGeneNames)
if (length(missingGeneNames) != 0) stop(paste("Target genes missing from the expression matrix:", paste(missingGeneNames, collapse=", ")))
targetNames <- sort(targetNames)
nGenes <- length(targetNames)
# tree method
if (treeMethod == 'RF')
RF_randomisation <- 1
ET_randomisation <- 0
bootstrap_sampling <- 1
} else {
RF_randomisation <- 0
ET_randomisation <- 1
bootstrap_sampling <- 0
if (verbose) message(paste("Tree method: ", treeMethod,
"\nK: ", K,
"\nNumber of trees: ", nTrees, sep=""))
# other default parameters
nmin <- 1
permutation_importance <- 0
# setup weight matrix
weightMatrix <- matrix(0.0, nrow=length(regulatorNames), ncol=length(targetNames))
rownames(weightMatrix) <- regulatorNames
colnames(weightMatrix) <- targetNames
# compute importances for every target gene
if(nCores==1 && !foreach::getDoParRegistered())
# serial computing
if(verbose) message("Using 1 core.")
for(targetName in targetNames)
if(verbose) message(paste("Computing gene ", which(targetNames == targetName), "/", nGenes, ": ",targetName, sep=""))
# remove target gene from input genes
theseRegulatorNames <- setdiff(regulatorNames, targetName)
numRegulators <- length(theseRegulatorNames)
mtry <- .setMtry(K, numRegulators)
x <- exprMatrixT[,theseRegulatorNames]
y <- exprMatrixT[,targetName]
im <- .C("BuildTreeEns",as.integer(num.samples),as.integer(numRegulators),
# normalize variable importances
im <- im / sum(im)
weightMatrix[theseRegulatorNames, targetName] <- im
} else
# requireNamespace("foreach"); requireNamespace("doRNG"); requireNamespace("doParallel")
# parallel computing
if (!foreach::getDoParRegistered()) {
if(verbose) message(paste("\nUsing", foreach::getDoParWorkers(), "cores."))
# weightMatrix.reg <- foreach::foreach(targetName=targetNames, .combine=cbind) %dorng%
"%dopar%"<- foreach::"%dopar%"
suppressPackageStartupMessages(weightMatrix.reg <- doRNG::"%dorng%"(foreach::foreach(targetName=targetNames, .combine=cbind),
# remove target gene from input genes
theseRegulatorNames <- setdiff(regulatorNames, targetName)
numRegulators <- length(theseRegulatorNames)
mtry <- .setMtry(K, numRegulators)
x <- exprMatrixT[,theseRegulatorNames]
y <- exprMatrixT[,targetName]
im <- .C("BuildTreeEns", as.integer(num.samples), as.integer(numRegulators),
as.single(c(x)),as.single(c(y)), as.integer(nmin),
as.integer(ET_randomisation), as.integer(RF_randomisation),
as.integer(mtry), as.integer(nTrees),
as.integer(bootstrap_sampling), as.integer(permutation_importance),
# normalize variable importances
im <- im / sum(im)
c(setNames(0, targetName), setNames(im, theseRegulatorNames))[regulatorNames]
attr(weightMatrix.reg, "rng") <- NULL
weightMatrix[regulatorNames,] <- weightMatrix.reg[regulatorNames,]
# weightMatrix[which(weightMatrix < 0, arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 0
# mtry <- setMtry(K, numRegulators)
.setMtry <- function(K, numRegulators)
# set mtry
if (class(K) == "numeric") {
mtry <- K
} else if (K == "sqrt") {
mtry <- round(sqrt(numRegulators))
} else {
mtry <- numRegulators
.checkArguments <- function(exprMatrix, regulators, targets, treeMethod, K, nTrees, nCores, verbose)
# check input arguments
if (!is.matrix(exprMatrix) && !is.array(exprMatrix)) {
stop("Parameter exprMatrix must be a two-dimensional matrix where each row corresponds to a gene and each column corresponds to a condition/sample/cell.")
if (length(dim(exprMatrix)) != 2) {
stop("Parameter exprMatrix must be a two-dimensional matrix where each row corresponds to a gene and each column corresponds to a condition/sample/cell.")
if (is.null(rownames(exprMatrix))) {
stop("exprMatrix must contain the names of the genes as rownames.")
countGeneNames <- table(rownames(exprMatrix))
nonUniqueGeneNames <- countGeneNames[countGeneNames>1]
stop("The following gene IDs (rownames) are not unique: ", paste(names(nonUniqueGeneNames), collapse=", "))
if (treeMethod != "RF" && treeMethod != "ET") {
stop("Parameter treeMethod must be \"RF\" (Random Forests) or \"ET\" (Extra-Trees).")
if (K != "sqrt" && K != "all" && !is.numeric(K)) {
stop("Parameter K must be \"sqrt\", or \"all\", or a strictly positive integer.")
if (is.numeric(K) && K<1) {
stop("Parameter K must be \"sqrt\", or \"all\", or a strictly positive integer.")
if (!is.numeric(nTrees) || nTrees<1) {
stop("Parameter nTrees should be a stricly positive integer.")
if (!is.null(regulators))
if(length(regulators)<2) stop("Provide at least 2 potential regulators.")
if (!is.vector(regulators)) {
stop("Parameter 'regulators' must a vector (of indices or gene names).")
if (is.numeric(regulators)) {
if(max(regulators) > nrow(exprMatrix)) stop("At least one index in 'regulators' exceeds the number of genes.")
if(min(regulators) <= 0) stop("The indexes in 'regulators' should be >=1.")
stop("Please, provide each regulator (name/ID) only once.")
if (is.character(regulators)){
regulatorsInMatrix <- intersect(regulators, rownames(exprMatrix))
if(length(regulatorsInMatrix) == 0)
stop("The genes must contain at least one regulators")
if(length(regulatorsInMatrix) < length(regulators))
warning("Only", length(regulatorsInMatrix), "out of", length(regulators), " candidate regulators (IDs/names) are in the expression matrix.")
if (!is.null(targets))
if (!is.vector(targets)) {
stop("Parameter 'targets' must a vector (of indices or gene names).")
if (is.numeric(targets)) {
if(max(targets) > nrow(exprMatrix)) stop("At least one index in 'targets' exceeds the number of genes.")
if(min(targets) <= 0) stop("The indexes in 'targets' should be >=1.")
stop("Please, provide each target (name/ID) only once.")
if (is.character(targets)){
targetsInMatrix <- intersect(targets, rownames(exprMatrix))
if(length(targetsInMatrix) == 0)
stop("The genes must contain at least one targets.")
if(length(targetsInMatrix) < length(targets))
warning("Only", length(targetsInMatrix), "out of", length(targets), "target genes (IDs/names) are in the expression matrix.")
if (!is.numeric(nCores) || nCores<1)
stop("Parameter nCores should be a stricly positive integer.")
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