
#bestCis = function(ffmgr, slranges, radius=1e6, ffind=1, anno, ncores=10) {
#   # get genes in play
## allg = unlist(sapply(ffmgr[[1]], colnames))
# allg = colnames(ffmgr[[1]][[ffind]])
#   # get SNPs used in testing
# relevantRS = rownames(ffmgr[[1]][[ffind]])
#   # restrict SNPlocs data to relevant snp
# slranges = slranges[ which(slranges$name %in% relevantRS), ]
#   # obtain coordinates of genes in play
# gr = geneRanges(allg, anno, extend=radius)
# maxgap <<- 0L
# sspcs = as.character(unique(space(slranges)))  # coercion added late july 2010
# if (length(sspcs)>1) warning(paste("slranges included multiple spaces; using", sspcs[1]))
#   # find overlaps of gene regions and SNP
# lk = findOverlaps(gr, slranges)[[sspcs[1]]]
# querGnames = allg[ lk@matchMatrix[,1] ]
# indPerGene = split(lk@matchMatrix[,2], querGnames)  # some genes will have no overlap
#   # rs numbers of SNP cis to each gene
# if ("multicore" %in% search()) #(is.loaded("mc_fork", PACKAGE="multicore"))
#   cisrs = mclapply(indPerGene, function(x) slranges$name[x], mc.cores=ncores)
# else
#   cisrs = lapply(indPerGene, function(x) slranges$name[x] )
#   # get maxchisq of all cis SNP
# names(cisrs) = names(indPerGene)
# wmax = function(x) c(snpind=which.max(x), max=max(x), rsnum=rownames(x)[which.max(x)])
# if ("multicore" %in% search()) # (is.loaded("mc_fork", PACKAGE="multicore"))
#  tmp = mclapply(names(cisrs), function(x) wmax(ffmgr[[1]][[ffind]][cisrs[[x]],x,drop=FALSE]/ffmgr$shortfac))
# else tmp = lapply(names(cisrs), function(x) wmax(ffmgr[[1]][[ffind]][cisrs[[x]],x,drop=FALSE]/ffmgr$shortfac))
# tmp = t(matrix(unlist(tmp),nr=3))
# colnames(tmp) = c("snpind", paste("chisq(", ffmgr$df,")", sep=""), "rsnum")
# rownames(tmp) = names(cisrs)  # mclapply does not preserve names
# ans = tmp[match(names(indPerGene), rownames(tmp) ),]
# ans = data.frame(ans, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE)
# ans[,1] = as.numeric(ans[,1])
# ans[,2] = as.numeric(ans[,2])
# ans = ans[,c(3,2)]
# #tmp = list(ans=ans[,c(3,2)], granges=gr, sloc=slranges)
# gstarts = start(gr)
# names(gstarts) = gr$name
# sloc = start(slranges)
# names(sloc) = slranges$name
# snplocs = sloc[ans[,1]]
# gstarts = gstarts[rownames(ans)]
# syms = geneSyms(rownames(ans), anno)
# pv = 1-pchisq(ans[,2], ffmgr$df)
## pv2 =pmin(1,2*( 1-pchisq(ans[,2], ffmgr$df)))
# dist = abs(gstarts-snplocs)
# data.frame(gstarts, ans, df=ffmgr$df, snplocs, pv=pv, sym=syms, absdist=dist, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
##allCisP_1sided = function (ffmgr, slranges, radius = 1e+06, ffind = 1, anno, ncores = 10)
##    allg = colnames(ffmgr[[1]][[ffind]])
##    relevantRS = rownames(ffmgr[[1]][[ffind]])
##    slranges = slranges[which(slranges$name %in% relevantRS),
##        ]
##    gr = geneRanges(allg, anno, extend = radius)
##    maxgap <<- 0L
##    sspcs = unique(space(slranges))
##    if (length(sspcs) > 1)
##        warning(paste("slranges included multiple spaces; using",
##            sspcs[1]))
##    lk = findOverlaps(gr, slranges)[[as.character(sspcs[1])]]
##    querGnames = allg[lk@matchMatrix[, 1]]
##    indPerGene = split(lk@matchMatrix[, 2], querGnames)
##    cisrs = mclapply(indPerGene, function(x) slranges$name[x],
##        mc.cores = ncores)
##    names(cisrs) = names(indPerGene)
##    wmax = function(x) c(snpind = which.max(x), max = max(x),
##        rsnum = rownames(x)[which.max(x)])
##    ans = mclapply(names(cisrs), function(x) 1 - pchisq(ffmgr[[1]][[ffind]][cisrs[[x]],
##        x, drop = FALSE]/ffmgr$shortfac, ffmgr$df))
##    names(ans) = names(cisrs)
##    ans

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