
#GeneSet2LocInfo = function(gs) {
## returns a list of named vectors, each element has a gene set
## id as name and a vector of signed locations on chromosomes
## the names of the location elements are the chromosome names
#.Deprecated("eqtlTests", , msg="please use eqtlTests for all GGtools analyses")
# if (annotate::organism(gs) == "") warning("organism missing from gene set object, assuming Homo sapiens")
# else if (annotate::organism(gs) != "Homo sapiens") stop("only functioning for gene sets satisfying organism(gs) %in% c('', 'Homo sapiens')")
# gst = geneIdType(gs)
# tags = GSEABase::geneIds(gs)
# if (gst@type == "Annotation") {
#   anp = gst@annotation
#   if (length(grep("\\.db", anp)) == 0) {
#      prefix = anp
#      anp = paste(anp, ".db", sep="")
#      }
#   else prefix = gsub("\\.db", "", anp)
#   }
# else {
#   anp = ""
#   prefix = ""
#   }
# require(anp, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE)
# if (gst@type == "Symbol")
#  tags = unlist(mget(tags, revmap(org.Hs.egSYMBOL)))
# mget(tags, get(paste(prefix, "CHRLOC", sep="")))
# }
##cisSnpTests = function(fmla, smls, radius, ...) {
## .Deprecated("eqtlTests",,msg="Please use eqtlTests for all GGtools analyses")
## mc =
## wrapg = function(x) paste("genesym(\"", x, "\")", sep="")
## wrapex = function(x) paste("probeId(\"", x, "\")", sep="")
## okRespClNames = c("GeneSet", "genesym", "probeId")
## respObj = eval(fmla[[2]])
## if (!(any(sapply(okRespClNames, function(c) is(respObj,c)))))
##   stop("dependent variable must inherit from one of GeneSet, genesym or probeId")
## if (is(respObj, "GeneSet")) {
##   flist = as.list(fmla)
##   if (length(flist[[3]]) > 1) pred = paste(flist[[3]][-1], collapse="+")
##     else if (length(flist[[3]]) == 1) pred = flist[[3]]
##   geneLocList = GeneSet2LocInfo(respObj)
##   isna = sapply(geneLocList, function(x)[1]))
##   isnull = sapply(geneLocList, function(x)length(x[1])==0)
##   if (any(isna) | any(isnull)) {
##       kill = union(which(isna), which(isnull))
##       geneLocList = geneLocList[-kill]
##       respObj = respObj[-kill]
##       warning(paste(length(kill), "genes in response object dropped for lack of location info"))
##       }
##   toks = GSEABase::geneIds(respObj)
##   lnames = lapply(geneLocList, names)
##   lnl = lapply(lnames, nchar)
##   for (i in 1:length(lnl))  # this is to get rid of chromosome annos with weird names
##     lnames[[i]] = lnames[[i]][ lnl[[i]] < 3 ]
##   chroms = sapply(lnames, "[", 1)
##   keepSnps = snpsNear(respObj, radius)  # will have try-errors
##   targInfo = lapply(keepSnps, function(x)try(attr(x, "target")))
##   ntests = length(chroms)
##   conditions = list()
##   outl = list()
##   curfmla = fmla
##   for (i in 1:ntests) {
##     if (options()$verbose) cat(".")
##     if (inherits(keepSnps[[i]], "try-error") |   # try-error attribute gets lost
##        length(grep("rror", keepSnps[[i]])>0)) {
##        conditions[[i]] = list(gene=toks[i], chrom=
##            chroms[i], cond="snpsNear fails for this gene, location probably ambiguous", targInfo=NA)
##        outl[[i]] = NA
##        next
##        }
##     resp = wrapex( toks[i] )
##     curfmla = formula(paste(resp , pred, sep="~"))
##     cursm = smls[ chrnum(chroms[i]), ,drop=FALSE]
##     smat = smList(cursm)[[chroms[i]]]
##     onc = colnames(smat)
##     nsnps = length(intersect(onc,keepSnps[[i]]) )
##     if (nsnps == 0) {
##         warning(paste("no snps on chip for given radius relative to gene; need to increase; executing full chromosome test for gene ", toks[i],"chr", chroms[i]))
##         conditions[[i]] = list(gene=toks[i], chrom=chroms[i], cond="no SNP in radius", targInfo=targInfo[[i]])
##         outl[[i]] = NA
##       }
##     else {
##        smat = smat[, intersect(onc,keepSnps[[i]]), drop=FALSE ]
##        tmp = list(smat)
##        tmp = lapply(tmp, function(z) new("SnpMatrix", z))
##        names(tmp) = chroms[i]
##        assign("smList", tmp, cursm@smlEnv)
##        outl[[i]] = gwSnpTests(curfmla, cursm, chrnum(chroms[i]))
##        conditions[[i]] = list(gene=toks[i], chrom=chroms[i], cond=NA, targInfo=targInfo[[i]])
##        }
##     }
##   names(outl) = toks
##   return(new("multiCisTestResult", call=mc, conditions=conditions, outl))
##  }
##  else stop("only functioning for GeneSets based on probeIds")

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GGtools documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:32 p.m.