
#fsnp.rhs.tests.colch = function(ffref, colch, ...) {
#  sdata = new("SnpMatrix", ffref[, colch])
#  snp.rhs.tests( ..., )
#concatTests = function (x, y) {
#new("GlmTests", snp.names = c(x@snp.names, y@snp.names), chisq = c(x@chisq,
#    y@chisq), df = c(x@df, y@df), N = c(x@N, y@N))
#fsnp.rhs.tests = function(ffref, nchunk=10, applier=lapply, ...) {
#  chunks = chunk(1, ncol(ffref), length.out=nchunk)
#  ans = applier(chunks, function(ind) fsnp.rhs.tests.colch(ffref, ind, ...))
#  if (length(ans)==1) return(unlist(ans))
#  res = concatTests( ans[[1]], ans[[2]] )
#  if (length(ans)==2) return(res)
#  else {
#   for (i in 3:length(ans))
#      res = concatTests(res, ans[[i]])
#   return(res)
#  }
#mfeqtltests = function(listOfEgtSet, listOfRhs=~1, nchunk=10, runname="foo", targdir="foo",
#   geneApply=lapply, chromApply=lapply, shortfac=10, scapply=lapply, NA2rchisq=TRUE) {
# thecall =
# if (length(listOfEgtSet) == 1) stop("intended for use with list of egtSet; call feqtltests directly")
# nset = length(listOfEgtSet)
# ans = feqtltests( listOfEgtSet[[1]], listOfRhs[[1]], nchunk=nchunk, runname=runname, targdir=targdir,
#   geneApply=geneApply, chromApply=chromApply, shortfac=shortfac, increment=FALSE, incoming=NULL, scapply=scapply ,
#      NA2rchisq=NA2rchisq)
# for (j in 2:length(listOfEgtSet)) {
#   tmp = feqtltests( listOfEgtSet[[j]], listOfRhs[[j]], nchunk=nchunk, runname=runname, targdir=targdir,
#           geneApply=geneApply, chromApply=chromApply, shortfac=shortfac, increment=TRUE, incoming=ans, scapply=scapply,
#           NA2rchisq = NA2rchisq )
#   }
# ans@df = nset
# ans@call = thecall
# ans
#feqtltests = function(egtSet, rhs=~1, nchunk=10, runname="foo", targdir="foo",
#   geneApply=lapply, chromApply=lapply, shortfac=10, increment=FALSE, incoming=NULL, scapply=lapply, NA2rchisq=TRUE) {
## this function works on an out-of-memory representation of genotypes
## there is a double iteration: over chromosomes, and over genes (constant over
##    chromosomes)
## there will be a folder created and, within it, for each chromosome, a single
##    ff file representing chisq scores 
# theCall =
# sess = sessionInfo()
# fnhead = paste(targdir, "/", runname, "_", sep="")
# geneNames = featureNames(egtSet)
# chrNames = names(smList(egtSet))
# if (!file.exists(targdir)) system(paste("mkdir", targdir))
## start iteration per chromosome ... set up or receive receptacle
# cres = chromApply( chrNames, function(chr) {
#      targff = paste( fnhead, "chr", chr, ".ff" , sep="" )
#      snpdata = smList(egtSet)[[chr]]
#      rownames(snpdata) = sampleNames(egtSet)
#      sn = colnames(snpdata) = egtSet@snpNames[[chr]]
#      nsnps = ncol(snpdata)
#      if (!increment) store = ff( initdata=0, dim=c(nsnps, length(geneNames)), 
#                 dimnames=list(sn,geneNames), vmode="short", overwrite=TRUE,
#                 filename = targff )
#      else store = incoming@fflist[[chr]]
## start iteration over genes: populate receptacle store[, gene, add=TRUE] ...
#      geneApply(geneNames, function(gene) {
#           fmla = formula(paste("ex", paste(as.character(rhs),collapse=""), collapse=" "))
#           ex = exprs(egtSet)[gene,]
#           numans = fsnp.rhs.tests(ffref=snpdata, nchunk=nchunk, applier=scapply,
#                        fmla, data=pData(egtSet), 
#                        family="Gaussian", uncertain=TRUE )@chisq
## to avoid distinguishing NA results (monomorphy in sample) we assign
## from null distribution of test statistics
#        if (NA2rchisq) {
#           if (any(bad <- numans[which(bad)] = rchisq(sum(bad), 1)
#           }
#           store[, gene, add=TRUE] = shortfac*numans
#           NULL
#           })
#      store
#      })
#  names(cres) = chrNames
#  exdate = date()
#  new("eqtlTestsManager", fflist=cres, call=theCall, sess=sess, 
#        exdate=exdate, shortfac=shortfac, geneanno=annotation(egtSet),
#        df=1, summaryList=list())

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