#minpBAD = function(path, BUFSIZE=100000, breakat=Inf, freqdump=10000,
# filefun=gzfile) {
# owarn = options()$warn
# ans = rep(NA, BUFSIZE)
# minind = rep(NA, BUFSIZE)
# rsid = rep(NA, BUFSIZE)
# on.exit(close(fi))
# nl = 0; fi = filefun(path, "r");
# hline = NULL
# while( !inherits(try(tmp <- readLines(fi, n=1, ok=FALSE)), "try-error") ) {
# if (nl == 0 & is.null(hline)) { # get header record and don't increment nl
# hline = strsplit(tmp, " ")[[1]]
# next
# }
# if (nl %% freqdump == 0 && options()$verbose) cat(nl) # monitor
# nl = nl+1 # bump line count
# if (nl %% BUFSIZE == 0) { # add buffer if needed
# ans = c(ans, rep(NA, BUFSIZE))
# minind = c(minind, rep(NA, BUFSIZE))
# rsid = c(rsid, rep(NA, BUFSIZE))
# if (options()$verbose) cat("growing buffer...\n")
# }
# txt = strsplit(tmp, " ")[[1]]
# rsid[nl] = as.numeric(txt[2])
# options(warn=0)
# chisqs = as.numeric(strsplit(tmp, " ")[[1]][-c(1,2)])
# options(warn=owarn)
# if (all( {
# ans[nl] = NA
# next
# }
# if (nl >= breakat) break
# N = sum(!
# rawp = pmin(1, 2*(1-pchisq(chisqs,1)))
# ans[nl] = min(rawp)
# minind[nl] = which.min(rawp)
## following chunk is intended to deal with multiplicity and correlation
## through Benjamini-Yekutieli algorithm -- but passing for now
# # adjp.tmp = mt.rawp2adjp(rawp, "BY")
# # adjp = adjp.tmp$adjp[,"BY"][order(adjp.tmp$index)]
# # if (all(adjp >=1 )) {
# # ans[nl] =NA
# # next
# # }
# # fish = sum(-2*log(adjp),na.omit=TRUE) # Chisq w 2N DF
# # print(fish)
# # print(N)
# # fishp = 1-pchisq(fish, 2*N)
# # ans[nl] = abs(qnorm(fishp))
# }
# list(rsid=rsid[1:nl], ans=ans[1:nl], minind=minind[1:nl], genes=hline[-1])
#locreport = function (winfo, chr)
# if (!is.numeric(chr))
# stop("chr must be in 1:24")
# locs = snpLocs.Hs(chrnum(chr), rsid(paste("rs", winfo[["rsid"]],
# sep = "")))
# ldf = data.frame(reflocs = locs[2, ], rsid = paste("rs",
# locs[1, ], sep = ""))
# gns = gsub("\"", "", winfo[["genes"]])
# picks = gns[winfo[["minind"]]]
# ac = as.character
# indf = data.frame(rsid = ac(paste("rs", winfo[["rsid"]],
# sep = "")), mlogp = -log10(winfo[["ans"]]), mind = winfo[["minind"]],
# bestgene = ac(picks), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# fulldf = merge(ldf, indf, by = "rsid", all.x = TRUE)
# fulldf$rsid = ac(fulldf$rsid)
# fulldf
#wgtinfo2browser = function(winfo, chr, start, end, trname="newtrack",
# bsession=NULL, vlim=c(0,16), ...) {
# require(rtracklayer, quietly=TRUE)
# lrep = locreport(winfo, chr)
# lrepc = na.omit(lrep)
# lrepco = lrepc[ order(lrepc$reflocs), ]
# space = paste("chr", chr, sep="")
# tsco = lrepco$mlogp
# tsco[!is.finite(tsco)] = max(tsco[is.finite(tsco)]) # winsorize at top
# rr = RangedData(IRanges(start=lrepco[,2], end=lrepco[,2]),
# score = tsco, space=space)
# if (is.null(bsession)) ee = browserSession("UCSC")
# else ee = bsession
# track(ee, trname, viewLimits=vlim) = rr
# browserView(ee, GenomicRanges(start=start, end=end, chrom=space),
# track=c("ruler", "cytoBand"), full=trname, ...)
#top4 = function (x, sms)
## assumes you have split a locreport output by gene
# par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# for (i in 1:4) plot_EvG(probeId(names(x)), rsid(x[[1]][i,
# "rsid"]), sms, main = paste("-log10p=", round(x[[1]][i, "mlogp"],
# 3)))
#maxchisq = function(mgr, nchr=length(mgr$fflist), type=c("perSNP", "perGene")[1], ncores=2) {
# theCall =
# if (type == "perSNP") {appmargin = 1; fnextract = colnames }
# else if (type == "perGene") {appmargin = 2; fnextract = rownames }
# else stop("check value of type parameter for this call")
# mgrcall = mgr$call
# if ("multicore" %in% search()) { # (is.loaded("mc_fork", PACKAGE="multicore")) {
# maxchisq = mclapply( mgr$fflist[1:nchr], function(x) apply(x[], appmargin, max)/mgr$shortfac, mc.cores=ncores)
# bestFeats = mclapply( mgr$fflist[1:nchr], function(x) fnextract(x)[apply(x[], appmargin, which.max)], mc.cores=ncores)
# } else {
# maxchisq = lapply( mgr$fflist[1:nchr], function(x) apply(x[], appmargin, max)/mgr$shortfac)
# bestFeats = lapply( mgr$fflist[1:nchr], function(x) fnextract(x)[apply(x[], appmargin, which.max)])
# }
# new("maxchisq", list(maxchisq=maxchisq, df=mgr$df, bestFeats=bestFeats, theCall=theCall, mgrcall=mgrcall))
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