
Defines functions GOFunction

Documented in GOFunction

GOFunction <-
function(interestGenes, refGenes, organism = "org.Hs.eg.db", ontology = "BP", fdrmethod = "BY", fdrth = 0.05, ppth = 0.05, pcth = 0.05, poth = 0.05, peth = 0.05, bmpSize = 2000, filename = "sigTerm")

      ## Loading the GO annotation package
      require(organism, character.only = TRUE) || stop(paste("package", organism, "is required", sep=" "))

      ## Extracting the gene annotation data
      .sql <-  paste("select distinct t1.gene_id,t2.go_id",
                     " from genes as t1 inner join",paste("go", tolower(ontology), "all", sep = "_"),
                     " as t2 on t1._id=t2._id",seq="")
      organism <- strsplit(organism,".db")
      organism <- organism[[1]]
      conn <- get(paste(organism, "_dbconn", sep = ""))()
      generalAnn <- dbGetQuery(conn, .sql)
      annRef <- generalAnn[generalAnn[,1] %in% refGenes,]
      annInterest <- generalAnn[generalAnn[,1] %in% interestGenes,]
      ## Calculating the statistically significant terms for interestGenes
      cat("Finding statistically significant terms...\n") 
      termInfo <- enrichmentFunction(annRef, annInterest,fdrmethod,fdrth)
      sigTerm <- termInfo$sigTerm
		  warning("There is no significant term! \n")
      allTerm <- termInfo$allTerm
      ## Loading the GO structure data
      require("GO.db") || stop("package GO.db is required")
      conn <- get("GO_dbconn")()
      ## Finding the GO term name for statistically siginificant terms
      .sql <- paste("select distinct go_id goid,term name from go_term where ontology='",
                    toupper(ontology), "'", sep="")
      allTermName <-  dbGetQuery(conn,.sql)
      sigTermName <- allTermName[allTermName[,1] %in% sigTerm[,1],]
      sigTermName <- sigTermName[order(sigTermName[,1]),]
      sigTerm <- sigTerm[order(sigTerm[,1]),]
      sigTerm$name <- sigTermName[,2]
      sigTerm <- sigTerm[,c(1,6,2,3,4,5)]

      ## Finding the relationship between statistically significant terms
      .sql <- paste("select distinct t1.go_id parentid,t2.go_id childid from ", paste("go", tolower(ontology),   "offspring", sep = "_"), " as t3 inner join  go_term as t1 on t1._id=t3._id inner join go_term as t2", " on t2._id=t3._offspring_id", sep="")
      allTermRelation <-  dbGetQuery(conn,.sql)
      sigTermRelation <- allTermRelation[(allTermRelation[,1] %in% sigTerm[,1]) & (allTermRelation[,2] %in% sigTerm[,1]),]

      ## Finding the offspring terms for each statistically significant terms
      ## Local redundance
      cat("Treating for local redundant terms...\n")
      sigTerm_LocalRedun <- localRedundancy(sigTerm, generalAnn, sigTermRelation, annRef, annInterest, ppth, pcth)
      ##Global redundance

      cat("Treating for global redundant terms...\n")
      sigTerm_GlobalRedun <- globalRedundancy(generalAnn, sigTermRelation, annRef, annInterest, sigTerm_LocalRedun, poth,  peth)
      ## Display the GO DAG plot for the significant terms
      cat("Visualizing the GO DAG...\n")
      require("graph") || stop("package graph is required")
      sigDAG <- createGODAG(as.character(sigTerm[,1]),ontology)
      allDAGTerm <- allTerm[allTerm[,1] %in% nodes(sigDAG),]
      dagTermName <- allTermName[allTermName[,1] %in% allDAGTerm[,1],]
      dagTermName <- dagTermName[order(dagTermName[,1]),]
      allDAGTerm <- allDAGTerm[order(allDAGTerm[,1]),]
      allDAGTerm$name <- dagTermName[,2]
      allDAGTerm <- allDAGTerm[,c(1,6,2,3,4,5)]
      sigTermID <- as.character(sigTerm[,1])
      sigTerm_LocalRedunID <- as.character(sigTerm_LocalRedun[,1])
      sigTerm_GlobalRedunID <- as.character(sigTerm_GlobalRedun[,1])

      showSigNodes(sigDAG, sigTermID, sigTerm_LocalRedunID, sigTerm_GlobalRedunID, allDAGTerm, bmpSize, filename)
      ## Saving the table of statistically significant terms
      label <- array("",dim=c(nrow(sigTerm),1))
      rmsigLocalTerm <- setdiff(sigTermID, sigTerm_LocalRedunID)
      label[sigTermID %in% rmsigLocalTerm,1] <- "Local"
      rmsigGlobalTerm <- setdiff(sigTerm_LocalRedunID, sigTerm_GlobalRedunID)
      label[sigTermID %in% rmsigGlobalTerm,1] <- "Global"
      label[sigTermID %in% sigTerm_GlobalRedunID,1] <- "Final"
      sigTerm$FinalResult <- label
      tablename <- paste(filename,".csv",sep="")
      write.csv(sigTerm, tablename, row.names=F)
      cat("\n********************  Results  ********************\n")
      cat("The number of annotated interesting genes:", length(unique(annInterest[,1])), "\n")
      cat("The number of annotated reference genes:", length(unique(annRef[,1])), "\n");
      cat("The number of statistically significant terms:", nrow(sigTerm), "\n");
      cat("The number of terms after treating local redundancy:", nrow(sigTerm_LocalRedun), "\n")
      cat("The number of terms after treating global redundancy:", nrow(sigTerm_GlobalRedun), "\n")
	  note = paste("Please see details about the significant terms in the files ",filename,".csv and ",filename,".bmp!\n",sep="")

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GOFunction documentation built on April 28, 2020, 6:55 p.m.