Man pages for GRENITS
Gene Regulatory Network Inference Using Time Series

analyse.outputAnalysis Plots
defaultParams_gaussDefault Parameters for Linear Model with Gaussian distributed...
defaultParams_linearDefault Parameters for Linear Model
defaultParams_nonLinearDefault Parameters for non-Linear Model
defaultParams_studentDefault Parameters for Linear Model with Student distributed...
function_LinearNetDynamic Bayesian Network Inference Using Linear Interactions
function_NonLinearNetDynamic Bayesian Network Inference Using Non-Linear...
function_ReplicatesNet_gaussDynamic Bayesian Network Inference Using Linear Interactions...
function_ReplicatesNet_studentDynamic Bayesian Network Inference Using Linear Interactions...
LockeDataGene expression time series generated with ODE model
LockeDataErrorGene expression time series generated with ODE model with...
plotPriorsPlot prior using parameter vector
readChainsRead MCMC Chains
GRENITS documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:47 p.m.