
Defines functions combineOfftargets

Documented in combineOfftargets

combineOfftargets <- function(offtarget.folder, 
    sample.name, remove.common.offtargets = FALSE,
    offtarget.filename = "offTargetsInPeakRegions.xls",
    common.col = c("offTarget","predicted_cleavage_score",
        "gRNA.name", "gRNAPlusPAM", "offTarget_sequence",
        "guideAlignment2OffTarget", "offTargetStrand", 
        "mismatch.distance2PAM", "n.PAM.mismatch", 
        "n.guide.mismatch", "PAM.sequence", "offTarget_Start",
        "offTarget_End", "chromosome"),
    all <- read.table(file.path(offtarget.folder[1], 
        offtarget.filename, fsep = .Platform$file.sep),
        sep="\t", header = TRUE)
    all <- subset(all, !is.na(all$offTarget))
    if (!missing(exclude.col) && exclude.col != "")
        all <- all[, -which(colnames(all) %in% exclude.col)]
    if(length(setdiff(common.col, colnames(all))) > 0)
        stop(paste(setdiff(common.col, colnames(all)), 
            "are not valid column names! Please make sure to 
            specify the correct column names for common.col! If 
            you have specified the column names in exclued.col, please
            do not specify in the common.col!"))

    common.col <- setdiff(common.col, "peak_score")
    colnames(all)[!colnames(all) %in% common.col] <- paste(sample.name[1], 
        colnames(all)[!colnames(all) %in% common.col], sep=".")

    for (i in 2:length(offtarget.folder))
        off <- read.table(file.path(offtarget.folder[i], offtarget.filename,
            fsep = .Platform$file.sep), sep="\t", header = TRUE)
        off <- subset(off, !is.na(off$offTarget))
        if (!missing(exclude.col) && exclude.col != "")
            off <- off[,-which(colnames(off) %in% exclude.col)]
        colnames(off)[!colnames(off) %in% common.col] <- paste(sample.name[i], 
            colnames(off)[!colnames(off) %in% common.col], sep=".")

        all <- merge(all, off, by = common.col, all = TRUE)

    offtarget.columns <- paste(sample.name, "peak_score", sep = "." )
    temp <- do.call(cbind, 
        lapply(offtarget.columns, function(i) {
            temp1 <- all[, i]
    colnames(temp) <- sample.name
    venn_cnt <- vennCounts(temp)

    if (remove.common.offtargets)
        all <- subset(all, rowSums(temp) < dim(temp)[2])
    if (!missing(control.sample.name))
        if (control.sample.name %in%  sample.name)
            all <- subset(all, !temp[, control.sample.name])
            warning("Please note that control.sample.name is not on the sample.name list, filtering skipped!")
    write.table(subset(all, !is.na(all[,1])), file = outputFileName, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE)

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GUIDEseq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:27 p.m.