Conducting statistical inference on comparing the mutational exposures of mutational signatures by using hierarchical latent Dirichlet allocation

Global functions
EstimatedParameters-class Man page
MetaInformation-class Man page
MutationFeatureData-class Man page
PMSboundary Man page Source code
boundaryTurbo_F Man page Source code
boundaryTurbo_Q Man page Source code
calcPMSLikelihood Man page Source code
convertFromTurbo_F Man page Source code
convertFromTurbo_Q Man page Source code
convertToTurbo_F Man page Source code
convertToTurbo_Q Man page Source code
getLogLikelihoodC Man page Source code
getMutationFeatureVector Man page Source code
hildaBarplot Man page Source code
hildaDiffPlot Man page Source code
hildaGlobalResult Man page Source code
hildaLocalResult Man page Source code
hildaPlotSignature Man page Source code
hildaReadMPFile Man page Source code
hildaRhat Man page Source code
hildaTest Man page Source code
mySquareEM Man page Source code
pmBarplot Man page Source code
pmMultiBarplot Man page Source code
pmPlotSignature Man page Source code
pmgetSignature Man page Source code
updateMstepFQC Man page Source code
updatePMSParam Man page Source code
updateTheta_NormalizedC Man page Source code
visPMS Man page Source code
HiLDA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:09 p.m.