Man pages for HiLDA
Conducting statistical inference on comparing the mutational exposures of mutational signatures by using hierarchical latent Dirichlet allocation

boundaryTurbo_FCheck whether the parameter F is within the appropriate range
boundaryTurbo_QCheck whether the parameter Q is within the appropriate range
calcPMSLikelihoodA function for calculating the log-likelihood from the data...
convertFromTurbo_FRestore the converted parameter F for turboEM
convertFromTurbo_QRestore the converted parameter Q for turboEM
convertToTurbo_FConvert the parameter F so that turboEM can treat
convertToTurbo_QConvert the parameter Q so that turboEM can treat
EstimatedParameters-classAn S4 class representing the estimated parameters
getLogLikelihoodCCalculate the value of the log-likelihood for given...
getMutationFeatureVectorGet mutation feature vector from context sequence data and...
hildaBarplotRead the raw mutation data with the mutation feature vector...
hildaDiffPlotRead the raw mutation data with the mutation feature vector...
hildaGlobalResultCompute the Bayes factor
hildaLocalResultExtract the posterior distributions of the mean differences...
hildaPlotSignaturePlot mutation signatures from HiLDA output
hildaReadMPFileRead the raw mutation data of Mutation Position Format.
hildaRhatOutput the maximum potential scale reduction statistic of all...
hildaTestApply HiLDA to statistically testing the global difference in...
MetaInformation-classAn S4 class to represent a mutation meta information common...
MutationFeatureData-classAn S4 class representing the mutation data
mySquareEMA function for estimating parameters using Squared EM...
pmBarplotPlot both mutation signatures and their mutational exposures...
pmgetSignatureObtain the parameters for mutation signatures and memberships
pmMultiBarplotPlot both mutation signatures and their mutational exposures...
pmPlotSignaturePlot mutation signatures from pmsignature output
PMSboundaryA functional for generating the function checking the...
updateMstepFQCUpdate the parameter F and Q (M-step in the EM-algorithm)
updatePMSParamA function for updating parameters using EM-algorithm
updateTheta_NormalizedCUpdate the auxiliary parameters theta and normalize them so...
visPMSvisualize probabisitic mutaiton signature for the independent...
HiLDA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:09 p.m.