#' Extracting miRNAs that target a query gene.
#' @param gene character. gene Identifier.
#' @param geneIDType character. GeneIDtype choices are 'GeneSymbol',
#' 'FBGN', 'CGID'
#' @param method character. Choices are 'Pearson','Distance','Both' and
#' 'BothIntersected'
#' @param Platform character. Choices are
#' 'Affy1','Affy2'.
#' @param Text logical . To choose between storing the data as text file.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param outpath character. The path where the data is stored if TEXT=TRUE.
#' Default is
#' @return Outputs the miRNA information, Target Prediction Score, miRNA
#' miRNA function and Target Database that predicts the interaction in
#' a dataframe.
#' Depending upon the ouput choice data is stored in the
#' path specified. Default option prints output to the console.
#' @examples
#' gene="Syb"
#' genes_Stat(gene,geneIDType="GeneSymbol",method=c("Pearson"),
#' Platform=c("Affy1"),Text=FALSE)
#' @import utils grDevices graphics
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
genes_Stat <- function(gene, geneIDType = c("GeneSymbol", "FBGN", "CGID"),
method = c("Pearson", "Distance", "Both", "BothIntersect"), Platform = c("Affy1",
"Affy2"), Text = FALSE, outpath = tempdir()) {
## Initialising and loading the databases
Affy2_Distance_Final <- c()
Affy1_Distance_Final <- c()
Affy2_Pearson_Final <- c()
Affy1_Pearson_Final <- c()
data("Affy1_Pearson_Final", envir = environment())
Affy1_Pearson_Final <- Affy1_Pearson_Final
data("Affy1_Distance_Final", envir = environment())
Affy1_Distance_Final <- Affy1_Distance_Final
data("Affy2_Pearson_Final", envir = environment())
Affy2_Pearson_Final <- Affy2_Pearson_Final
data("Affy2_Distance_Final", envir = environment())
Affy2_Distance_Final <- Affy2_Distance_Final
data("miRNA_ID_to_Function", envir = environment())
miRNA_ID_to_Function <- miRNA_ID_to_Function
## Checking for the input variables
stopifnot(is.character(gene), length(gene) > 0)
stopifnot(is.character(geneIDType), length(geneIDType) > 0)
stopifnot(is.character(method), length(method) > 0, method %in% c("Pearson",
"Distance", "Both", "BothIntersect"))
stopifnot(is.character(Platform), length(Platform) > 0, Platform %in%
c("Affy1", "Affy2"))
## Checks the method, the platform and geneIDType and extracts the data
## for each individual query gene. First Checks whether the method is
## Pearson and platform is Affy1 Else Checks If the method is is Pearson
## and platform is Affy2 Else Checks If the method is is Distance and
## platform is Affy1 Else Checks If the method is is Distance and
## platform is Affy2 Else Checks If the method is is Both and platform
## is Affy1 Else Checks If the method is is Both and platform is Affy2
## Else Checks If the method is is BothIntersect and platform is Affy2
## Else Checks If the method is is BothIntersect and platform is Affy2
## Else prints the error message that Method/platform is invalid
if (identical(method, "Pearson") & identical(Platform, "Affy1")) {
## Checks if the chosen geneIDType is GeneSymbol, FBGN or CGID else
## prints error message
if (identical(geneIDType, "GeneSymbol")) {
### Extracts data when geneIDType is gene symbol and Platform is AFFY1
dat <- Affy1_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Pearson_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(dat[, 2], dat[, 1], dat[, 3:5],
dat[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
mfunct <- c()
# Extracts the miRNA function
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
### Storing extracted data in a dataframe
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct, method = rep("Pearson",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
names(finaldat1) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID", "Genes_CGID",
"Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "FBGN")) {
### Extracts data when geneIDType is Flybase Gene ID and Platform is
### AFFY1
dat <- Affy1_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Pearson_Final$FBGN) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(dat[, 3], dat[, 1], dat[, 2], dat[,
4:5], dat[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
# Extracts the miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
## Storing the extracted data in a data frame
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct, method = rep("Pearson",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
names(finaldat1) <- c("FlybaseID", "miRNA", "GeneSymbol",
"Genes_CGID", "Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase",
"miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "CGID")) {
### Extracts data when geneIDType is Flybase Gene ID and Platform is
### AFFY1
dat <- Affy1_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Pearson_Final$CGID)
%in% tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(dat[, 4], dat[, 1], dat[, 2:3],
dat[, 5], dat[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
## Extracting miRNAfunction
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
## Storing the extracted data in a data frame
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct, method = rep("Pearson",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
names(finaldat1) <- c("Gene_CGID", "miRNA", "GeneSymbol",
"Genes_FBID", "Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase",
"miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else {
stop("GeneIdtype Invalid")
## If text is selected file written to outpath
if (identical(Text, TRUE)) {
if (length(gene) > 1) {
Genes <- paste(gene, collapse = "&")
} else {
Genes = gene
### Checks whether the file exists; write it in the path specified if
### file does not exist.
filename = paste("miRNAs_for_Genes_", Genes, "_", Platform,
"_", method, ".csv", sep = "")
if (!(file.exists(file.path(outpath, filename)))) {
write.csv(finaldat1, file = file.path(outpath, filename))
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else {
} else if (identical(method, "Pearson") & identical(Platform, "Affy2")) {
## Checks if the chosen geneIDType is GeneSymbol, FBGN or CGID else
## prints error message
if (identical(geneIDType, "GeneSymbol")) {
dat <- Affy2_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Pearson_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(dat[, 2], dat[, 1], dat[, 3:5],
dat[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
### Extracts miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
## Storing the data in data.frame
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct, method = rep("Pearson",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
names(finaldat1) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID", "Genes_CGID",
"Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "FBGN")) {
### Extracts data when geneIDType is FBGN and Platform is AFFY2
dat <- Affy2_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Pearson_Final$FBGN) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(dat[, 3], dat[, 1], dat[, 2],
dat[,4:5], dat[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
### Extracts miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
## Stores data in a data.frame
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct, method = rep("Pearson",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
names(finaldat1) <- c("FlybaseID", "miRNA", "GeneSymbol",
"Genes_CGID", "Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase",
"miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "CGID")) {
dat <- Affy2_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Pearson_Final$CGID) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(dat[, 4], dat[, 1], dat[, 2:3],
dat[, 5], dat[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
## Extracts miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
## Stores data in a data.frame
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct, method = rep("Pearson",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
names(finaldat1) <- c("Gene_CGID", "miRNA", "GeneSymbol",
"Genes_FBID", "Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase",
"miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else {
stop("GeneIdtype Invalid")
## If text is chosen as TRUE
if (identical(Text, TRUE)) {
if (length(gene) > 1) {
Genes <- paste(gene, collapse = "&")
} else {
Genes = gene
filename = paste("miRNAs_for_Genes_", Genes, "_", Platform,
"_", method, ".csv", sep = "")
## Checks files exists or not; if it does not exist write the .csv
## files.
if (!(file.exists(file.path(outpath, filename)))) {
write.csv(finaldat1, file = file.path(outpath, filename))
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else {
} else if (identical(method, "Distance") & identical(Platform, "Affy1")) {
if (identical(geneIDType, "GeneSymbol")) {
## Checks if the chosen geneIDType is GeneSymbol, FBGN or CGID else
## prints error message
dat <- Affy1_Distance_Final[which(tolower
(Affy1_Distance_Final$GeneSymbol) %in% tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(dat[, 2], dat[, 1], dat[, 3:5],
dat[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
### Extracts miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
### Stores data in a data.frame
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct, method = rep("Pearson",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
names(finaldat1) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID",
"Genes_CGID", "Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase",
"miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "FBGN")) {
### Extracts data when geneIDType is Flybase ID
dat <- Affy1_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Distance_Final$FBGN) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(dat[, 3], dat[, 1], dat[, 2],
dat[,4:5], dat[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
## Extracting miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
## Storing Data in data.frame
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct, method = rep("Pearson",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
names(finaldat1) <- c("FlybaseID", "miRNA", "GeneSymbol",
"Genes_CGID", "Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase",
"miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "CGID")) {
### Extracts data when geneIDType is CGID
dat <- Affy1_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Distance_Final$CGID) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(dat[, 4], dat[, 1], dat[, 2:3],
dat[, 5], dat[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
# Extracting the miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
## Storing data
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct, method = rep("Pearson",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
names(finaldat1) <- c("Gene_CGID", "miRNA", "GeneSymbol",
"Genes_FBID", "Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase",
"miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else {
stop("GeneIdtype Invalid")
if (identical(Text, TRUE)) {
## If text is chosen as TRUE; if not returns value to the console Checks
## if gene length>1; if yes adds & after each gene name
if (length(gene) > 1) {
Genes <- paste(gene, collapse = "&")
} else {
Genes = gene
filename = paste("miRNAs_for_Genes_", Genes, "_", Platform,
"_", method, ".csv", sep = "")
if (!(file.exists(file.path(outpath, filename)))) {
## Checks if file exists; if not write the data in .csv
write.csv(finaldat1, file = file.path(outpath, filename))
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else {
} else if (identical(method, "Distance") & identical(Platform, "Affy2")) {
## Checks if the chosen geneIDType is GeneSymbol, FBGN or CGID else
## prints error message
if (identical(geneIDType, "GeneSymbol")) {
dat <- Affy2_Distance_Final[which
%in% tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(dat[, 2], dat[, 1], dat[, 3:5],
dat[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
## Extracting microRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
### Storing Data
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct, method = rep("Pearson",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
names(finaldat1) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID",
"Genes_CGID", "Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase",
"miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "FBGN")) {
### Extracts data when geneIDType is FLybase ID
dat <- Affy2_Distance_Final[which
(tolower(Affy2_Distance_Final$FBGN) %in% tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(dat[, 3], dat[, 1], dat[, 2],
dat[, 4:5], dat[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
## Extracting miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
## Storing data in the data.frame.
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct, method = rep("Pearson",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
names(finaldat1) <- c("FlybaseID", "miRNA", "GeneSymbol",
"Genes_CGID", "Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase",
"miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "CGID")) {
### Extracts data when geneIDType is CGID
dat <- Affy2_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Distance_Final$CGID) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(dat[, 4], dat[, 1], dat[, 2:3],
dat[, 5], dat[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
## Extracting miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
## Storing data in the data.frame.
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct, method = rep("Pearson",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
names(finaldat1) <- c("Gene_CGID", "miRNA", "GeneSymbol",
"Genes_FBID", "Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase",
"miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else {
stop("GeneIdtype Invalid")
if (identical(Text, TRUE)) {
## If text is chosen as TRUE prints data in a .csv file else return the
## result to the console
if (length(gene) > 1) {
Genes <- paste(gene, collapse = "&")
} else {
Genes = gene
filename = paste("miRNAs_for_Genes_", Genes, "_", Platform,
"_", method, ".csv", sep = "")
## Check if file name exists. If not write it in the .csv file
if (!(file.exists(file.path(outpath, filename)))) {
write.csv(finaldat1, file = file.path(outpath, filename))
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else {
} else if (identical(method, "Both") & identical(Platform, "Affy1")) {
## Checks if the chosen geneIDType is GeneSymbol, FBGN or CGID else
## prints error message
if (identical(geneIDType, "GeneSymbol")) {
# Extract data from Pearson and Distance respectively
dat <- Affy1_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Distance_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
dat1 <- Affy1_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Pearson_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(Gene = dat[, 2], miRNA = dat[, 1],
dat[, 3:5], dat[, 7:8])
finaldat2 <- data.frame(Gene = dat1[, 2], miRNA = dat1[, 1],
dat1[, 3:5], dat1[, 7:8])
## Extract miRNA function for Pearson and Distance respectively.
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
miR <- finaldat2[, 2]
mfunct1 <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct1 <- c(mfunct1, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct1 <- c(mfunct1, "NA")
## Store data in data.frame
finaldat2 <- cbind(finaldat2, mfunct = mfunct1,
method = rep("Pearson", nrow(finaldat2)), row.names = NULL)
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct = mfunct, method = rep("Distance",
nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
finaldat <- rbind(finaldat1, finaldat2)
names(finaldat) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID",
"Genes_CGID", "Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase",
"miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "FBGN")) {
### Extracts data when geneIDType is FBGN Extract data from Pearson and
### Distance respectively
dat <- Affy1_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Distance_Final$FBGN)
%in% tolower(gene)), ]
dat1 <- Affy1_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Pearson_Final$FBGN)
%in% tolower(gene)), ]
finaldat1 <- data.frame(Gene = dat[, 2], miRNA = dat[, 1],
dat[, 3:5], dat[, 7:8])
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat2 <- data.frame(Gene = dat1[, 2], miRNA = dat1[, 1],
dat1[, 3:5], dat1[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
## miRNA function extraction
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
miR <- finaldat2[, 2]
mfunct1 <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct1 <- c(mfunct1,
} else {
mfunct1 <- c(mfunct1, "NA")
### Storing data in form of data.frame
finaldat2 <- cbind(finaldat2, mfunct = mfunct1,
method = rep("Pearson",nrow(finaldat2)),
row.names = NULL)
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct = mfunct,
method = rep("Distance", nrow(finaldat1)),
row.names = NULL)
finaldat <- rbind(finaldat1, finaldat2)
names(finaldat) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID", "Genes_CGID",
"Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "CGID")) {
### Extracts data when geneIDType is CGID Extract data from Pearson and
### Distance respectively
dat <- Affy1_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Distance_Final$CGID)
%in% tolower(gene)), ]
dat1 <- Affy1_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Pearson_Final$CGID)
%in% tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(Gene = dat[, 2], miRNA = dat[,1],
dat[, 3:5], dat[, 7:8])
finaldat2 <- data.frame(Gene = dat1[, 2], miRNA = dat1[, 1],
dat1[, 3:5], dat1[, 7:8])
## miRNA function extraction
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
miR <- finaldat2[, 2]
mfunct1 <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct1 <- c(mfunct1,
} else {
mfunct1 <- c(mfunct1, "NA")
## Storing data in data.frame
finaldat2 <- cbind(finaldat2, mfunct = mfunct1,
method = rep("Pearson", nrow(finaldat2)), row.names = NULL)
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct = mfunct,
method = rep("Distance",nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
finaldat <- rbind(finaldat1, finaldat2)
names(finaldat) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID", "Genes_CGID",
"Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else {
stop("GeneIdtype Invalid")
## If text is selected as TRUE saved as .csv; else return to the console
## If length of gene is greater than 1
if (identical(Text, TRUE)) {
if (length(gene) > 1) {
Genes <- paste(gene, collapse = "&")
} else {
Genes = gene
filename = paste("miRNAs_for_Genes_", Genes, "_", Platform,
"_", method, ".csv", sep = "")
if (!(file.exists(file.path(outpath, filename)))) {
## Check if file name exists and print data.frame in .csv
write.csv(finaldat, file = file.path(outpath, filename))
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else {
} else if (identical(method, "Both") & identical(Platform, "Affy2")) {
## Checks if the chosen geneIDType is GeneSymbol, FBGN or CGID else
## prints error message
if (identical(geneIDType, "GeneSymbol")) {
# Extract data from Pearson and Distance respectively
dat <- Affy2_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Distance_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
dat1 <- Affy2_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Pearson_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(Gene = dat[, 2], miRNA = dat[, 1],
dat[, 3:5], dat[, 7:8])
finaldat2 <- data.frame(Gene = dat1[, 2], miRNA = dat1[, 1],
dat1[, 3:5], dat1[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
## Extract miRNA function for mPearson and Distance respectively.
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
miR <- finaldat2[, 2]
mfunct1 <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct1 <- c(mfunct1,
} else {
mfunct1 <- c(mfunct1, "NA")
## Storing data in data.frame
finaldat2 <- cbind(finaldat2, mfunct = mfunct1,
method = rep("Pearson", nrow(finaldat2)),
row.names = NULL)
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct = mfunct,
method = rep("Distance", nrow(finaldat1)),
row.names = NULL)
finaldat <- rbind(finaldat1, finaldat2)
names(finaldat) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID", "Genes_CGID",
"Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "FBGN")) {
### Extracts data when geneIDType is gene symbol
dat <- Affy2_Distance_Final[which
(tolower(Affy2_Distance_Final$FBGN) %in% tolower(gene)), ]
dat1 <- Affy2_Pearson_Final[which
(tolower(Affy2_Pearson_Final$FBGN) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(Gene = dat[, 2], miRNA = dat[, 1],
dat[, 3:5], dat[, 7:8])
finaldat2 <- data.frame(Gene = dat1[, 2], miRNA = dat1[,1],
dat1[, 3:5], dat1[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
## Extracts miRNA data
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
miR <- finaldat2[, 2]
mfunct1 <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct1 <- c(mfunct1,
} else {
mfunct1 <- c(mfunct1, "NA")
### Storing data in data.frame
finaldat2 <- cbind(finaldat2, mfunct = mfunct1,
method = rep("Pearson", nrow(finaldat2)), row.names = NULL)
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct = mfunct,
method = rep("Distance",nrow(finaldat1)), row.names = NULL)
finaldat <- rbind(finaldat1, finaldat2)
names(finaldat) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID", "Genes_CGID",
"Score", "Experiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "CGID")) {
### Extracts data when geneIDType is CGID Extracts data for Pearson and
### Distance respectively.
dat <- Affy2_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Distance_Final$CGID)
%in% tolower(gene)), ]
dat1 <- Affy2_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Pearson_Final$CGID)
%in% tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
finaldat1 <- data.frame(Gene = dat[, 2], miRNA = dat[, 1],
dat[, 3:5], dat[, 7:8])
finaldat2 <- data.frame(Gene = dat1[, 2], miRNA = dat1[, 1],
dat1[, 3:5], dat1[, 7:8])
miR <- finaldat1[, 2]
### Extract data for miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
miR <- finaldat2[, 2]
mfunct1 <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct1 <- c(mfunct1,
} else {
mfunct1 <- c(mfunct1, "NA")
### Storing data in data.frame
finaldat2 <- cbind(finaldat2, mfunct = mfunct1,
method = rep("Pearson",nrow(finaldat2)),
row.names = NULL)
finaldat1 <- cbind(finaldat1, mfunct = mfunct,
method = rep("Distance", nrow(finaldat1)),
row.names = NULL)
finaldat <- rbind(finaldat1, finaldat2)
names(finaldat) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID",
"Genes_CGID", "Score", "Experiments",
"TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else {
stop("GeneIdtype Invalid")
if (identical(Text, TRUE)) {
if (length(gene) > 1) {
### If text selected as TRUE; print data in .csv file else
### print it on the console Checks if gene length>1; if yes
### adds & after each gene name
Genes <- paste(gene, collapse = "&")
} else {
Genes = gene
filename = paste("miRNAs_for_Genes_", Genes, "_", Platform,
"_", method, ".csv", sep = "")
### Checking if File name exists and write data into .csv files
if (!(file.exists(file.path(outpath, filename)))) {
write.csv(finaldat, file = file.path(outpath, filename))
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else {
} else if (identical(method, "BothIntersect") &
identical(Platform, "Affy1")) {
if (length(gene) > 1) {
## Checks whether the method is BothIntersect and platform
## is Affy1 If length > 1
finaldat <- data.frame()
## Checks if the chosen geneIDType is GeneSymbol,
## FBGN or CGID elseprints error message
if (identical(geneIDType, "GeneSymbol")) {
for (ii in seq_along(gene)) {
dat <- Affy1_Distance_Final[which
(tolower(Affy1_Distance_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene[ii])), ]
dat1 <- Affy1_Pearson_Final[which
(tolower(Affy1_Pearson_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene[ii])), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
int <- intersect(as.character(dat$miRNA),
fdat <- dat[which(tolower(dat$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)), ]
fdat1 <- dat1[which(tolower(dat1$miRNA) %in%
tolower(int)), ]
dat_D <- data.frame(Gene = fdat[, 2], miRNA = fdat[, 1],
fdat[, 3:5], fdat[, 7:8])
dat_P <- data.frame(Gene = fdat1[, 2], miRNA = fdat1[, 1],
fdat1[, 3:5], fdat1[, 7:8])
## Extracting the miRNA function
miR <- int
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
finaldat1 <- cbind(Gene = dat_P[, 2], miRNA = dat_P[, 1],
dat_P[, 3:5], DistanceScore = dat_D[, 5],
Pexp = dat_P[, 6], Dexp = dat_D[, 6],
TargetDB = dat_P[, 7], Genefunc = mfunct)
finaldat <- rbind(finaldat, finaldat1)
## Storing the data in the data.frame
finaldat <- cbind(finaldat, method = rep("PearsonDistance",
names(finaldat) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID", "Genes_CGID",
"Pearson_Score", "Distance_Score", "PearsonExperiments",
"DistanceExperiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "FBGN")) {
### If geneIDtype selected as FBGN Extracting data from Pearson and
### Distance and finding the common microRNAs between them and extracting
### data individually for the intersected miRNAs.
for (ii in seq_along(gene)) {
dat <- Affy1_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Distance_Final$FBGN) %in%
tolower(gene[ii])), ]
dat1 <- Affy1_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy1_Pearson_Final$FBGN) %in%
tolower(gene[ii])), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
int <- intersect(as.character(dat$miRNA),
fdat <- dat[which(tolower(dat$miRNA) %in%
fdat1 <- dat1[which(tolower(dat1$miRNA) %in%
dat_D <- data.frame(Gene = fdat[, 2], miRNA = fdat[, 1],
fdat[, 3:5], fdat[, 7:8])
dat_P <- data.frame(Gene = fdat1[, 2], miRNA = fdat1[, 1],
fdat1[, 3:5], fdat1[, 7:8])
miR <- int
### miRNA function extraction
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
### Storing data in data.frame
finaldat1 <- cbind(Gene = dat_P[, 3], miRNA = dat_P[,1],
GS = dat_P[, 2], dat_P[, 4:5],
DistanceScore = dat_D[,5], Pexp = dat_P[, 6],
Dexp = dat_D[, 6], TargetDB = dat_P[, 7],
Genefunc = mfunct)
finaldat <- rbind(finaldat, finaldat1)
finaldat <- cbind(finaldat, method = rep("PearsonDistance",
names(finaldat) <- c("FBID", "miRNA", "Gene_Symbol", "Genes_CGID",
"Pearson_Score", "Distance_Score", "PearsonExperiments",
"DistanceExperiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "CGID")) {
for (ii in seq_along(gene)) {
dat <- Affy1_Distance_Final[
which(tolower(Affy1_Distance_Final$CGID) %in%
tolower(gene[ii])), ]
dat1 <- Affy1_Pearson_Final[which
(tolower(Affy1_Pearson_Final$CGID) %in%
tolower(gene[ii])), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
int <- intersect(as.character(dat$miRNA),
fdat <- dat[which(tolower(dat$miRNA)
%in% tolower(int)),]
fdat1 <- dat1[which(tolower(dat1$miRNA)
%in% tolower(int)), ]
dat_D <- data.frame(Gene = fdat[, 2], miRNA = fdat[, 1],
fdat[, 3:5], fdat[, 7:8])
dat_P <- data.frame(Gene = fdat1[, 2], miRNA = fdat1[, 1],
fdat1[, 3:5], fdat1[, 7:8])
miR <- int
### miRNA function extraction
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
### Storing data in data.frame
finaldat1 <- cbind(Gene = dat_P[, 4], miRNA = dat_P[, 1],
dat_P[, 2:3], PearsonScore = dat_P[, 5],
DistanceScore = dat_D[, 5], Genefunc = mfunct,
Pexp = dat_P[, 6], Dexp = dat_D[, 6],
TargetDB = dat_P[, 7])
finaldat <- rbind(finaldat, finaldat1)
finaldat <- cbind(finaldat, method = rep("PearsonDistance",
names(finaldat) <- c("CGID", "miRNA", "Gene_Symbol", "Genes_FBID",
"Pearson_Score", "Distance_Score", "PearsonExperiments",
"DistanceExperiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else {
stop("GeneIdtype Invalid")
} else {
### If length of miRNA == 1 Checks if the chosen geneIDType is
### GeneSymbol, FBGN or CGID else prints error message
if (identical(geneIDType, "GeneSymbol")) {
### If geneIDtype selected as GeneSymbol Extracting data from Pearson and
### Distance and finding the common microRNAs between them and extracting
### data individually for the intersected miRNAs.
dat <- Affy1_Distance_Final[
which(tolower(Affy1_Distance_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
dat1 <- Affy1_Pearson_Final[
which(tolower(Affy1_Pearson_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
int <- intersect(as.character(dat$miRNA),
fdat <- dat[which(tolower(dat$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)), ]
fdat1 <- dat1[which(tolower(dat1$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)), ]
dat_D <- data.frame(Gene = fdat[, 2], miRNA = fdat[, 1],
fdat[, 3:5], fdat[, 7:8])
dat_P <- data.frame(Gene = fdat1[, 2], miRNA = fdat1[, 1],
fdat1[, 3:5], fdat1[, 7:8])
miR <- int
## Extracting miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
### Storing data in data.frame
finaldat <- cbind(Gene = dat_P[, 2], miRNA = dat_P[,1],
dat_P[, 3:5], DistanceScore = dat_D[, 5],
Genefunc = mfunct, Pexp = dat_P[, 6], Dexp = dat_D[, 6],
TargetDB = dat_P[, 7])
finaldat <- cbind(finaldat, method = rep("PearsonDistance",
names(finaldat) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID", "Genes_CGID",
"Pearson_Score", "Distance_Score", "PearsonExperiments",
"DistanceExperiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "FBGN")) {
### If geneIDtype selected as FBGN Extracting data from Pearson and
### Distance and finding the common microRNAs between them and extracting
### data individually for the intersected miRNAs.
dat <- Affy1_Distance_Final[which(tolower
(Affy1_Distance_Final$FBGN) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
dat1 <- Affy1_Pearson_Final[which
(tolower(Affy1_Pearson_Final$FBGN) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
int <- intersect(as.character(dat$miRNA),
fdat <- dat[which(tolower(dat$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)), ]
fdat1 <- dat1[which(tolower(dat1$miRNA) %in%
tolower(int)), ]
dat_D <- data.frame(Gene = fdat[, 2], miRNA = fdat[, 1],
fdat[, 3:5], fdat[, 7:8])
dat_P <- data.frame(Gene = fdat1[, 2], miRNA = fdat1[, 1],
fdat1[, 3:5], fdat1[, 7:8])
miR <- int
## miRNA extraction for function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
## Storing final data
finaldat <- cbind(Gene = dat_P[, 3], miRNA = dat_P[, 1],
GS = dat_P[, 2], dat_P[, 4:5], DistanceScore = dat_D[, 5],
Genefunc = mfunct, Pexp = dat_P[, 6], Dexp = dat_D[, 6],
TargetDB = dat_P[, 7])
finaldat <- cbind(finaldat, method = rep("PearsonDistance",
names(finaldat) <- c("FBID", "miRNA", "Gene_Symbol",
"Genes_CGID", "Pearson_Score", "Distance_Score",
"PearsonExperiments", "DistanceExperiments", "TargetDatabase",
"miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "CGID")) {
### If geneIDtype selected as CGID Extracting data from Pearson and
### Distance and finding the common microRNAs between them and extracting
### data individually for the intersected miRNAs.
dat <- Affy1_Distance_Final[which
(tolower(Affy1_Distance_Final$CGID) %in% tolower(gene)), ]
dat1 <- Affy1_Pearson_Final[
%in% tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
int <- intersect(as.character(dat$miRNA),
fdat <- dat[which(tolower(dat$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)), ]
fdat1 <- dat1[which(tolower(dat1$miRNA) %in%
tolower(int)), ]
dat_D <- data.frame(Gene = fdat[, 2], miRNA = fdat[, 1],
fdat[, 3:5], fdat[, 7:8])
dat_P <- data.frame(Gene = fdat1[, 2], miRNA = fdat1[, 1],
fdat1[, 3:5], fdat1[, 7:8])
miR <- int
## Extracting miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
### Storing data in data.frame
finaldat <- cbind(Gene = dat_P[, 4], miRNA = dat_P[, 1],
dat_P[, 2:3], PearsonScore = dat_P[, 5],
DistanceScore = dat_D[,5], Genefunc = mfunct,
Pexp = dat_P[, 6], Dexp = dat_D[, 6],
TargetDB = dat_P[, 7], Genefunc = mfunct)
finaldat <- cbind(finaldat, method = rep("PearsonDistance",
names(finaldat) <- c("CGID", "miRNA", "Gene_Symbol",
"Genes_FBID", "Pearson_Score", "Distance_Score",
"PearsonExperiments", "DistanceExperiments",
"TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction", "Method")
} else {
stop("GeneIdtype Invalid")
### If text selected as TRUE; print data in .csv file else print it on
### the console Checks if gene length>1; if yes adds & after each gene
### name
if (identical(Text, TRUE)) {
if (length(gene) > 1) {
Genes <- paste(gene, collapse = "&")
} else {
Genes = gene
filename = paste("miRNAs_for_Genes_", Genes, "_", Platform,
"_", method, ".csv", sep = "")
### Checking if File name exists and write data into .csv files
if (!(file.exists(file.path(outpath, filename)))) {
write.csv(finaldat, file = file.path(outpath, filename))
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else {
} else if (identical(method, "BothIntersect") & identical(Platform, "Affy2")) {
## length of gene > 1
if (length(gene) > 1) {
finaldat <- data.frame()
## Checks if the chosen geneIDType is GeneSymbol, FBGN or CGID else
## prints error message
if (identical(geneIDType, "GeneSymbol")) {
## Extracting data from Pearson and Distance and finding the common
## microRNAs between them and extracting data individually for the
## intersected miRNAs.
for (ii in seq_along(gene)) {
dat <- Affy2_Distance_Final[which
(tolower(Affy2_Distance_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene[ii])), ]
dat1 <- Affy2_Pearson_Final[which
(tolower(Affy2_Pearson_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene[ii])), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
stop("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
int <- intersect(as.character(dat$miRNA),
fdat <- dat[which(tolower(dat$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)), ]
fdat1 <- dat1[which(tolower(dat1$miRNA)
%in% tolower(int)), ]
dat_D <- data.frame(Gene = fdat[, 2], miRNA = fdat[, 1],
fdat[, 3:5], fdat[, 7:8])
dat_P <- data.frame(Gene = fdat1[, 2], miRNA = fdat1[, 1],
fdat1[, 3:5], fdat1[, 7:8])
miR <- int
### Extracting miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct,
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
# Storing data in data.frame
finaldat1 <- cbind(Gene = dat_P[, 2], miRNA = dat_P[,
1], dat_P[, 3:5], DistanceScore = dat_D[, 5], Genefunc = mfunct,
Pexp = dat_P[, 6], Dexp = dat_D[, 6], TargetDB = dat_P[,
7], Genefunc = mfunct)
finaldat <- rbind(finaldat, finaldat1)
finaldat <- cbind(finaldat, method = rep("PearsonDistance",
names(finaldat) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID", "Genes_CGID",
"Pearson_Score", "Distance_Score", "PearsonExperiments",
"DistanceExperiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "FBGN")) {
### If geneIDtype selected as FBGN Extracting data from Pearson and
### Distance and finding the common microRNAs between them and extracting
### data individually for the intersected miRNAs.
for (ii in seq_along(gene)) {
dat <- Affy2_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Distance_Final$FBGN) %in%
tolower(gene[ii])), ]
dat1 <- Affy2_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Pearson_Final$FBGN) %in%
tolower(gene[ii])), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
print("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
int <- intersect(as.character(dat$miRNA), as.character(dat1$miRNA))
fdat <- dat[which(tolower(dat$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)),
fdat1 <- dat1[which(tolower(dat1$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)),
dat_D <- data.frame(Gene = fdat[, 2], miRNA = fdat[,
1], fdat[, 3:5], fdat[, 7:8])
dat_P <- data.frame(Gene = fdat1[, 2], miRNA = fdat1[,
1], fdat1[, 3:5], fdat1[, 7:8])
miR <- int
## Extracting miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
### Storing data in data.frame
finaldat1 <- cbind(Gene = dat_P[, 3], miRNA = dat_P[,
1], GS = dat_P[, 2], dat_P[, 4:5], DistanceScore = dat_D[,
5], Pexp = dat_P[, 6], Dexp = dat_D[, 6], TargetDB = dat_P[,
7], Genefunc = mfunct)
finaldat <- rbind(finaldat, finaldat1)
finaldat <- cbind(finaldat, method = rep("PearsonDistance",
names(finaldat) <- c("FBID", "miRNA", "Gene_Symbol", "Genes_CGID",
"Pearson_Score", "Distance_Score", "PearsonExperiments",
"DistanceExperiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "CGID")) {
### If geneIDtype selected as CGID Extracting data from Pearson and
### Distance and finding the common microRNAs between them and extracting
### data individually for the intersected miRNAs.
for (ii in seq_along(gene)) {
dat <- Affy2_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Distance_Final$CGID) %in%
tolower(gene[ii])), ]
dat1 <- Affy2_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Pearson_Final$CGID) %in%
tolower(gene[ii])), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
print("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
int <- intersect(as.character(dat$miRNA), as.character(dat1$miRNA))
fdat <- dat[which(tolower(dat$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)),
fdat1 <- dat1[which(tolower(dat1$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)),
dat_D <- data.frame(Gene = fdat[, 2], miRNA = fdat[,
1], fdat[, 3:5], fdat[, 7:8])
dat_P <- data.frame(Gene = fdat1[, 2], miRNA = fdat1[,
1], fdat1[, 3:5], fdat1[, 7:8])
miR <- int
### miRNA function extraction
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
### Data stored in final data
finaldat1 <- cbind(Gene = dat_P[, 4], miRNA = dat_P[,
1], dat_P[, 2:3], PearsonScore = dat_P[, 5], DistanceScore = dat_D[,
5], Pexp = dat_P[, 6], Dexp = dat_D[, 6], TargetDB = dat_P[,
7], Genefunc = mfunct)
finaldat <- rbind(finaldat, finaldat1)
finaldat <- cbind(finaldat, method = rep("PearsonDistance",
names(finaldat) <- c("CGID", "miRNA", "Gene_Symbol", "Genes_FBID",
"Pearson_Score", "Distance_Score", "PearsonExperiments",
"DistanceExperiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else {
## Checks if the chosen geneIDType is GeneSymbol, FBGN or CGID else
## prints error message
if (identical(geneIDType, "GeneSymbol")) {
### If geneIDtype selected as GeneSymbol Extracting data from Pearson and
### Distance and finding the common microRNAs between them and extracting
### data individually for the intersected miRNAs.
dat <- Affy2_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Distance_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
dat1 <- Affy2_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Pearson_Final$GeneSymbol) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
print("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
int <- intersect(as.character(dat$miRNA), as.character(dat1$miRNA))
fdat <- dat[which(tolower(dat$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)),
fdat1 <- dat1[which(tolower(dat1$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)),
dat_D <- data.frame(Gene = fdat[, 2], miRNA = fdat[,
1], fdat[, 3:5], fdat[, 7:8])
dat_P <- data.frame(Gene = fdat1[, 2], miRNA = fdat1[,
1], fdat1[, 3:5], fdat1[, 7:8])
miR <- int
### Extracting miRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
### Storing data in the data.frame
finaldat <- cbind(Gene = dat_P[, 2], miRNA = dat_P[,
1], dat_P[, 3:5], DistanceScore = dat_D[, 5], Genefunc = mfunct,
Pexp = dat_P[, 6], Dexp = dat_D[, 6], TargetDB = dat_P[,
7], Genefunc = mfunct)
finaldat <- cbind(finaldat, method = rep("PearsonDistance",
names(finaldat) <- c("Gene", "miRNA", "Gene_FBID", "Genes_CGID",
"Pearson_Score", "Distance_Score", "PearsonExperiments",
"DistanceExperiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "FBGN")) {
### If geneIDtype selected as FBGN Extracting data from Pearson and
### Distance and finding the common microRNAs between them and extracting
### data individually for the intersected miRNAs.
dat <- Affy2_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Distance_Final$FBGN) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
dat1 <- Affy2_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Pearson_Final$FBGN) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
print("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
int <- intersect(as.character(dat$miRNA), as.character(dat1$miRNA))
fdat <- dat[which(tolower(dat$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)),
fdat1 <- dat1[which(tolower(dat1$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)),
dat_D <- data.frame(Gene = fdat[, 2], miRNA = fdat[,
1], fdat[, 3:5], fdat[, 7:8])
dat_P <- data.frame(Gene = fdat1[, 2], miRNA = fdat1[,
1], fdat1[, 3:5], fdat1[, 7:8])
miR <- int
### Extracting microRNA function
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
### Storing data in data.frame
finaldat <- cbind(Gene = dat_P[, 3], miRNA = dat_P[,
1], GS = dat_P[, 2], dat_P[, 4:5], DistanceScore = dat_D[,
5], Pexp = dat_P[, 6], Dexp = dat_D[, 6], TargetDB = dat_P[,
7], Genefunc = mfunct)
finaldat <- cbind(finaldat, method = rep("PearsonDistance",
names(finaldat) <- c("FBID", "miRNA", "Gene_Symbol",
"Genes_CGID", "Pearson_Score", "Distance_Score", "PearsonExperiments",
"DistanceExperiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else if (identical(geneIDType, "CGID")) {
### If geneIDtype selected as CGID Extracting data from Pearson and
### Distance and finding the common microRNAs between them and extracting
### data individually for the intersected miRNAs.
dat <- Affy2_Distance_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Distance_Final$CGID) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
dat1 <- Affy2_Pearson_Final[which(tolower(Affy2_Pearson_Final$CGID) %in%
tolower(gene)), ]
if (nrow(dat) == 0 | nrow(dat1) == 0) {
print("Records of the gene does not exist")
} else {
int <- intersect(as.character(dat$miRNA), as.character(dat1$miRNA))
fdat <- dat[which(tolower(dat$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)),
fdat1 <- dat1[which(tolower(dat1$miRNA) %in% tolower(int)),
dat_D <- data.frame(Gene = fdat[, 2], miRNA = fdat[,
1], fdat[, 3:5], fdat[, 7:8])
dat_P <- data.frame(Gene = fdat1[, 2], miRNA = fdat1[,
1], fdat1[, 3:5], fdat1[, 7:8])
miR <- int
### Extracting miRNA functional data
mfunct <- c()
for (l in seq_along(miR)) {
pa <- paste("^", miR[l], "$", sep = "")
dd <- grep(pa, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNA), = TRUE)
if (length(dd) == 1) {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, as.character(miRNA_ID_to_Function$miRNAFunction[dd]))
} else {
mfunct <- c(mfunct, "NA")
### Storing final data
finaldat <- cbind(Gene = dat_P[, 4], miRNA = dat_P[,
1], dat_P[, 2:3], PearsonScore = dat_P[, 5], DistanceScore = dat_D[,
5], Genefunc = mfunct, Pexp = dat_P[, 6], Dexp = dat_D[,
6], TargetDB = dat_P[, 7], Genefunc = mfunct)
finaldat <- cbind(finaldat, method = rep("PearsonDistance",
names(finaldat) <- c("CGID", "miRNA", "Gene_Symbol",
"Genes_FBID", "Pearson_Score", "Distance_Score", "PearsonExperiments",
"DistanceExperiments", "TargetDatabase", "miRNAFunction",
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
## If text is chosen as TRUE; if not returns value to the console Checks
## if gene length>1; if yes adds & after each gene name
if (identical(Text, TRUE)) {
if (length(gene) > 1) {
Genes <- paste(gene, collapse = "&")
} else {
Genes = gene
filename = paste("miRNAs_for_Genes_", Genes, "_", Platform,
"_", method, ".csv", sep = "")
### Checking whether file name exists amd writing data in .csv file
if (!(file.exists(file.path(outpath, filename)))) {
write.csv(finaldat, file = file.path(outpath, filename))
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else {
} else {
print("Method and/or Platform does not exist")
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