Man pages for KnowSeq
KnowSeq R/Bioc package: The Smart Transcriptomic Pipeline

batchEffectRemovalCorrects the batch effect of the data by using the selected...
calculateGeneExpressionValuesCalculates the gene expression values by using a matrix of...
countsToMatrixcountsToMatrix merges in a matrix the information in the...
dataPlotPlot different graphs depending on the current step of...
DEGsEvidencesDEGsEvidences function returns for each DEG a list of...
DEGsExtractionDEGsExtraction performs the analysis to extract the...
DEGsToDiseasesDEGsToDiseases obtains the information about what diseases...
DEGsToPathwaysThe function uses the DEGs to retrieves the different...
downloadPublicSeriesDownload automatically samples from NCBI/GEO and ArrayExpress...
featureSelectionfeatureSelection function calculates the optimal order of...
fileMoveThis function is used to move files to other locations.
gdcClientDownloadThis function downloads a list of controlled files from GDC...
geneOntologyEnrichmentgeneOntologyEnrichment obtains the information about what...
getGenesAnnotationgetGenesAnnotation returns the required information about a...
hisatAlignmenthisatAlignment allows downloading and processing the fastq...
knn_testknn_test allows assessing the final DEGs through a machine...
knn_trnknn_trn allows assessing the final DEGs through a machine...
knowseqReportknowseqReport creates a report for a given set of genes which...
plotConfMatrixplotConfMatrix plots a confusion matrix with some statistics.
rawAlignmentrawAlignment allows downloading and processing the fastq...
rf_testrf_test allows assessing the final DEGs through a machine...
rf_trnrf_trn allows assessing the final DEGs through a machine...
RNAseqQARNAseqQA performs the quality analysis of an expression...
sraToFastqsraToFastq downloads and converts the sra files to fastq...
svm_testsvm_test allows assessing the final DEGs through a machine...
svm_trnsvm_trn allows assessing the final DEGs through a machine...
KnowSeq documentation built on April 16, 2021, 6:01 p.m.