## ----style, echo=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE-------------------------
opts_chunk$set(error = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
opts_chunk$set(fig.asp = 1)
## ----installation, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------
# ## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported
# if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
# install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("Melissa")
# ## Or download from Github repository
# # install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("andreaskapou/Melissa", build_vignettes = TRUE)
## ----melissa, fig.retina = NULL, fig.align='center', fig.cap="`Melissa` model overview. Melissa combines a likelihood computed from single cell methylation profiles fitted to each genomic region using a supervised regression approach (bottom left) and an unsupervised Bayesian clustering prior (top left). The posterior distribution provides a methylome-based clustering (top right) and imputation (bottom right) of single cells.", echo=FALSE----
## ----load_synth_data----------------------------------------------------------
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(Melissa)) # Load package
dt_obj <- melissa_encode_dt # Load synthetic data
## ---- eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE, include=FALSE-----------------------------------
# # For efficiency keep only the first 50 genomic regions
# dt_obj$met <- dt_obj$met[1:50]
# dt_obj$opts$C_true <- dt_obj$opts$C_true[1:50,]
# #dt_obj$met <- lapply(dt_obj$met, function(x) x[1:50])
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Elements of `dt_obj` object
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Number of cells
cat("Number of cells: ", length(dt_obj$met))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Number of genomic regions in each cell
cat("Number of genomic regions: ", length(dt_obj$met[[1]]) )
## ----create_basis-------------------------------------------------------------
# Create RBF basis object with 4 RBFs
basis_obj <- create_rbf_object(M = 4)
## ----show_basis---------------------------------------------------------------
# Show the slots of the 'rbf' object
## ----partition_data-----------------------------------------------------------
# Partition to training and test set
dt_obj <- partition_dataset(dt_obj = dt_obj, data_train_prcg = 0.2,
region_train_prcg = 1, cpg_train_prcg = 0.4,
is_synth = TRUE)
## ----run_melissa--------------------------------------------------------------
# Run Melissa with K = 4 clusters
melissa_obj <- melissa(X = dt_obj$met, K = 4, basis = basis_obj,
vb_max_iter = 20, vb_init_nstart = 1,
is_parallel = FALSE)
## ----summary_mixing_proportions-----------------------------------------------
## ----summary_responsibilities-------------------------------------------------
## ----summary_weights----------------------------------------------------------
melissa_obj$W[10, , 2]
## ----plot_profiles_1, fig.wide=TRUE-------------------------------------------
# Plot profiles from all cell subtypes for genomic region 25
plot_melissa_profiles(melissa_obj = melissa_obj, region = 25,
title = "Methylation profiles for region 25")
## ----plot_profiles_2, fig.wide=TRUE-------------------------------------------
# Plot profiles from all cell subtypes for genomic region 90
plot_melissa_profiles(melissa_obj = melissa_obj, region = 90,
title = "Methylation profiles for region 90")
## ----evaluate_cluster_perf----------------------------------------------------
# Run clustering performance
melissa_obj <- eval_cluster_performance(melissa_obj, dt_obj$opts$C_true)
## ----ari_measure--------------------------------------------------------------
# ARI metric
cat("ARI: ", melissa_obj$clustering$ari)
## ----cluster_assignment_error-------------------------------------------------
# Clustering assignment error metric
cat("Clustering assignment error: ", melissa_obj$clustering$error)
## ----perfrom_imputation-------------------------------------------------------
imputation_obj <- impute_test_met(obj = melissa_obj,
test = dt_obj$met_test)
## ----evaluate_imputation------------------------------------------------------
melissa_obj <- eval_imputation_performance(obj = melissa_obj,
## ----auc----------------------------------------------------------------------
cat("AUC: ", melissa_obj$imputation$auc)
## ----f_measure----------------------------------------------------------------
# F-measure
cat("F-measure: ", melissa_obj$imputation$f_measure)
## ----real_data, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------
# # Observed binarised met file format:
# # chr pos met_state
# # 1 11 0
# # X 15 1
# # To impute met file format:
# # chr pos met_state
# # 1 20 -1
# # X 25 -1
# # X 44 0
# # Imputed met file format:
# # chr pos met_state predicted
# # 1 20 -1 0.74
# # X 25 -1 0.1
# # X 44 0 0.05
# # Directory of files (cells) with binarised methylation data. Each row
# # contains CpGs that we have coverage and will be used to infer
# # methylation profiles with Melissa.
# met_dir <- "directory_of_observed_met_data"
# # Directory of files (cells, filenames and their structure should
# # match with those in met_dir) to make predictions. Each row corresponds
# # to a CpG that we will impute its value. It can contain both CpGs
# # with and without CpG coverage. Those CpGs without coverage the third
# # column can be any value, e.g. -1. Melissa will create a new folder
# # with the same filenames, but including a new column named <predicted>,
# # corresponding the imputed value.
# impute_met_dir <- "directory_of_cells_to_impute_CpGs"
# # Annotation file name for creating genomic regions of interest
# anno_file <- "name_of_anno_file"
# # Create melissa data object
# melissa_data <- create_melissa_data_obj(met_dir, anno_file)
# # QC and filtering regions
# # By CpG coverage
# melissa_data <- filter_by_cpg_coverage(melissa_data, min_cpgcov = 5)
# # By methylation variability
# melissa_data <- filter_by_variability(melissa_data, min_var = 0.1)
# # By genomic coverage across cells
# melissa_data <- filter_by_coverage_across_cells(melissa_data,
# min_cell_cov_prcg = 0.3)
# # Run Melissa
# melissa_obj <- melissa(X = melissa_data$met, K = 2)
# # Extract annotation region object
# anno_region <- melissa_data$anno_region
# # Peform imputation. This function will create a new folder with
# # imputed met values for each cell. Note that the new files will only
# # contain imputed values for CpGs that fall in `anno_region`, since
# # Melissa can predict values only within these regions.
# out <- impute_met_files(met_dir = impute_met_dir, obj = melissa_obj,
# anno_region = anno_region)
## ----session_info, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE-----------------------------------
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