#'Query Qtlizer
#'@description Query Qtlizer database for expression quantitative
#'trait loci (eQTLs) in human.
#'@param query The query consists of search terms and can be a single
#'string or a vector. Qtlizer allows to query both variants
#'(Rsid, ref_version:chr:pos) and genes (Symbol consisting of letters
#'and numbers according to the HGNC guidelines). The minimum allowed character length per search term is 2.
#'@param corr Linkage disequilibrium based on 1000 Genomes Phase 3 European.
#'If this optional value between 0 and 1 is set,
#'the input variants are enriched for proxy variants passing the threshold.
#'Default value is NA.
#'@param max_terms Number of terms in a single HTTP request. Default value is 5.
#'A large value can lead to a very large result set and a error by the database.
#'@param ld_method There are two methods available: "r2" (default) and "dprime".
#'@param ref_version Two possible versions are supported: hg19 (GRCh37) or
#'hg38 (GRCh38). Default value is "hg19".
#'This argument is only considered if a GenomicRanges::GRanges object is returned.
#'@param return_obj The user can choose to get the QTL data to be returned
#'as data frame or as a GenomicRanges::GRanges object. The default value is "dataframe".
#'@return Data frame or GenomicRanges::GRanges object containing QTL data.
#'@examples get_qtls("rs4284742")
#'get_qtls(c("rs4284742", "DEFA1"))
#'get_qtls("rs4284742", return_obj="granges", ref_version="hg38")
#'get_qtls("rs4284742", corr=0.6)
get_qtls = function(query, corr = NA, max_terms = 5, ld_method = "r2",
ref_version = "hg19", return_obj = "dataframe"){
# Check if there is an internet connection
if (!curl::has_internet())
stop("No internet connection detected...")
# Split terms
query = paste(query, sep = ' ', collapse = ' ')
query = unique(unlist(strsplit(query, "[\\n\\s,\\t.;]+", perl=TRUE)))
query = query[stringi::stri_length(query)>1]
message(length(query)," unique query term(s) found")
# Binningtolower
bins = vector_split(query, ceiling(length(query)/max_terms))
bins = stringi::stri_join_list(bins, sep = ",")
# Communicate with database
message("Retrieving QTL information from Qtlizer...")
res = lapply(bins, communicate, corr = corr, ld_method = ld_method)
res =, res)
message(nrow(res), " data point(s) received")
} else {
# Convert to respective data types
res[res == "-"] = NA
if(all(c("p", "distance", "n_qtls", "n_best", "n_sw_sign", "n_occ") %in% names(res))){
res$distance = as.numeric(res$distance)
res$p = as.numeric(res$p)
res$n_qtls = as.numeric(res$n_qtls)
res$n_best = as.numeric(res$n_best)
res$n_sw_sign = as.numeric(res$n_sw_sign)
res$n_occ = as.numeric(res$n_occ)
# Create GRanges container
if(tolower(return_obj) == "granges"){
if(tolower(ref_version) == "hg19" || tolower(ref_version) == "grch37"){
# Check for missing hg19 positions
res_with_hg19 = res[which(!$var_pos_hg19)),]
if(nrow(res_with_hg19) < nrow(res)){
message("Not all results in GRanges object included due to missing hg19 (GRCh37) positions. Please use set ref_version to hg38 (GRCh38) andd/or set return_obj to 'dataframe' to obtain all results.")
gres = GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(res_with_hg19, start.field = "var_pos_hg19", end.field = "var_pos_hg19",
seqnames.field = "chr", keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
} else {
gres = GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(res, start.field = "var_pos_hg38", end.field = "var_pos_hg38",
seqnames.field = "chr", keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
GenomicRanges::strand(gres) = "+"
comment(gres) = comment(res)
} else {
#'URL building and request/response handling
#'@param q The qtlizer query. Can either be a single string or a vector.
#'@param corr Linkage disequilibrium based on 1000 Genomes Phase 3 European.
#' Optional value between 0 and 1. Default value is NA.
#'@param ld_method There are two methods. Default method is "r2".
#'The other opportunity is to use "dprime".
#'@return Data frame with results.
#'@keywords internal
communicate = function(q, corr, ld_method, n.tries=2){
# Build URL
url = paste0('', q)
if(is.numeric(corr) && corr>=0 && corr<=1){
url = paste0(url, "&corr=", round(corr, digits=2))
if(is.character(ld_method) && (ld_method == "r2" || ld_method == "dprime")){
url = paste0(url, "&ld_method=", ld_method)
# Send POST request and retrieve response
while(n.tries > 0){
response = httr::POST(url)
n.tries = n.tries-1
if(n.tries == 0){
stop("Web server seems to be down. Try again later!")
result = httr::content(response)
result = unlist(strsplit(result , "\n"))
# Display error message from server
if(length(grep("^#", result)) == 0){
# Extract
meta = grep("^#", result, value = TRUE)
data = grep("^[^#]", result, value = TRUE)
# If no QTLs were found
if(length(data)-1 <= 0) {
message("No QTLs found")
# Convert to dataframe
header = unlist(strsplit(data[1], "\t"))
ncols = length(header)
data = unlist(strsplit(data[-1], "\t"))
m = matrix(data, ncol=ncols, byrow=TRUE)
d =, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(d) = header
comment(d) = meta
#'Splits vector v into n subvectors
#'@param v input vector
#'@param n number of subvectors
#'@return List with subvectors.
#'@keywords internal
vector_split = function(v, n) {
l = length(v)
r = l/n
return(lapply(seq_len(n), function(i){
s = max(1, round(r*(i-1))+1)
e = min(l, round(r*i))
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