
#' @rdname nodeWeights
#' @aliases nodeWeights,graph,character-method
#' @import graph
#' @export
setMethod("nodeWeights", signature(object="graph", index="character"),
          function (object, index, attr, default) 
            if (!is.character(attr) || length(attr) != 1) 
              stop("'attr' must be character(1)")
            if (!attr %in% names(nodeDataDefaults(object))) {
              nodeDataDefaults(object, attr) <- default
            nw <- nodeData(object, index, attr = attr)
            if (length(nw) != 0) 

#' @rdname nodeWeights
#' @aliases nodeWeights,graph,numeric-method
#' @import graph
#' @export
setMethod("nodeWeights", signature(object="graph", index="numeric"),
          function (object, index, attr, default) 
            index <- nodes(object)[index]
            nodeWeights(object, index, attr = attr, default = default)

#' @rdname nodeWeights
#' @aliases nodeWeights,graph,missing-method
#' @import graph
#' @export
setMethod("nodeWeights", signature(object="graph", index="missing"),
          function (object, index, attr, default) 
            index <- nodes(object)
            nodeWeights(object, index, attr = attr, default = default)

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ROntoTools documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:41 p.m.