objectToHTML-methods: Transform R objects into HTML form to be inserted in HTML...

Description Methods


Unless overridden by a .toHTML argument, this function is called to transform objects being published into HTML form before they are inserted into a report.


signature(object = "ANY")

The default method for objectToHTML calls toReportDF (or the overriding .toDF) then modifyReportDF (or the overriding .modifyDF) to create a data.frame to be published. The data.frame method of objectToHTML is then called.

signature(object = "character")

If the character vector contains HTML code (determined by attempted parsing), it is parsed but otherwise unchanged. If not, it is added as content to a new <p> HTML node.

signature(object = "data.frame")

The data.frame is transformed into a filterable, sortable HTML table

signature(object = "ggbio")

The graphic is written to the report's figure directory and an <image> tag to display the image is returned

signature(object = "ggplot")

The graphic is written to the report's figure directory and an <image> tag to display the image is returned

signature(object = "recordedplot")

The graphic is written to the report's figure directory and an <image> tag to display the image is returned

signature(object = "trellis")

The graphic is written to the report's figure directory and an <image> tag to display the image is returned

ReportingTools documentation built on March 10, 2021, 2 a.m.