Man pages for Rmagpie
MicroArray Gene-expression-based Program In Error rate estimation

classifyNewSamples-methodsclassifyNewSamples Method to classify new samples for a given...
experiment-classassessment: A central class to perform one and two layers of...
featureSelectionOptions-class"featureSelectionOptions": A virtual class to store the...
finalClassifier-classfinalClassifier: A class to store the final classifier...
findFinalClassifier-methodsfindFinalClassifier Method to train and build the final...
geneSubsets-classgeneSubsets: A class to handle the sizes of gene susbets to...
getDataset-methodsgetDataset Method to access the attributes of a dataset from...
getFeatureSelectionOptions-methodsgetFeatureSelectionOptions Method to access the attributes of...
getFinalClassifiergetFinalClassifier Method to access the attributes of a...
getResults-methodsgetResults Method to access the result of one-layer and...
initialize-methodsInitialize objects of class from Rmagpie
plotErrorsFoldTwoLayerCV-methodsplotErrorsFoldTwoLayerCV Method to plot the error rate of a...
plotErrorsRepeatedOneLayerCVplotErrorsRepeatedOneLayerCV Method to plot the estimated...
plotErrorsSummaryOneLayerCV-methodsplotErrorsSummaryOneLayerCV Method to plot the summary...
rankedGenesImg-methodsrankedGenesImg Method to plot the genes according to their...
runOneLayerExtCV-methodsrunOneLayerExtCV: Method to run an external one-layer...
runTwoLayerExtCV-methodsrunTwoLayerExtCV: Method to run an external two-layers...
setDataset-methodsgetDataset<- Method to modify the attributes of a dataset...
setFeatureSelectionOptions-methodsgetFeatureSelectionOptions<- Method to modify the attributes...
show-methodsshow Display the object, by printing, plotting or whatever...
thresholds-classthresholds: A class to handle the thresholds to be tested...
vV70genesvV70genes: van't Veer et al. 70 best genes in an object of...
Rmagpie documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:09 p.m.