
Defines functions getPages

Documented in getPages

## getPages.R
## 2015-08-05 dmontaner@genometra.com jpanadero@genometra.com
## function to download a list of given pages

##' Download SNPedia pages
##' A function to download the (wiki) text content of a list of SNPedia pages.
##' JSON format is parsed to extract the wiki text returned by the function.
##' If the \code{wikiParseFunction} parameter is provided,
##' parsing of the pages is done internally once each batch of pages
##' is downloaded.
##' Pages do not need to be of the same class...
##' but users may be aware of the type of pages they are queering,
##' moreover when using their own \code{wikiParseFunction}.
##' Parameters \code{baseURL}, \code{format} and \code{query}
##' are not intended for end users.
##' @param titles Titles of the pages to be downloaded.
##' @param verbose If TRUE some messages are provided.
##' @param wikiParseFunction Function to be used to parse the wiki code
##' at downloading time.
##' Default is \code{identity} so the raw wiki text is provided.
##' @param limit The maximum number of items to be queried at a time.
##' @param baseURL SNPedia boots URL.
##' @param format Downloading format. Currently just JSON is available.
##' @param query The query to be iterated.
##' @param \dots any parameter to be pasted to the \code{wikiParseFunction}.
##' @return A list containing the wiki content of the required pages
##' or the formatted objects returned by the \code{wikiParseFunction}
##' applied to each page.
##' @examples 
##' res <- getPages(titles = "Rs1234")
##' res
##' res <- getPages(titles = c("Rs1234", "Rs1234(A;A)", "Rs1234(A;C)"))
##' res
##' myfun <- function(x) substring(x, 1, 5)
##' lapply(res, myfun)
##' res <- getPages(titles = c("Rs1234", "Rs1234(A;A)", "Rs1234(A;C)"),
##' wikiParseFunction = myfun)
##' res
##' @seealso extractTags, getCategoryElements
##' @import RCurl jsonlite
##' @export
getPages <- function(titles,
                      verbose = FALSE,
                      limit = 50,
                      wikiParseFunction = identity,
                      ) {

    ## default URL parameters
    if (missing(baseURL)) baseURL <- "https://bots.snpedia.com/api.php"
    if (missing(format))  format  <- "format=json"
    if (missing(query))   query   <- "action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&titles="
    ## URL
    baseURL <- paste0(baseURL, "?", format, "&", query)
    ## counters
    Np <- length(titles) ## number of pages
    Cp <- 0               ## downloaded(accumulated) pages
    ## format titles
    titles <- curlEscape(titles)  ## white spaces to %20 Suitable for URLs
    n.batches <- 1 + length(titles) %/% limit
    suppressWarnings(titles <- split(titles, 1:n.batches))
    titles <- sapply(titles, paste, collapse = "|")
    ## loop
    res <- list()
    for (tit in titles) {
        pagesURL <- paste0(baseURL, tit)
        if (verbose) {
            Cp <- Cp + limit
            cat(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                 "Downloading", min(Cp, Np), "of", Np, "pages ...",
                 pagesURL, fill = TRUE)
        ## get URL
        datos <- getURL(pagesURL)

        ## parsing some strange characters:
        datos <- gsub("\\n", "\\\\n", datos)  ## Some funny endlines
        datos <- gsub("\\t", "\\\\t", datos)  ## Some funny tabs
        datos <- gsub("\\\\\\\\x", "~x", datos) ## \\\\x double bar in R
        datos <- gsub("\\\\x",     "~x", datos) ## \\x  see for instance Rs9530
        datos <- gsub("\\| *",  "\\|"  , datos) ## white after pipe
        datos <- gsub(" *= *",  "="    , datos) ## white around equal
        ## json
        datos <- fromJSON(datos)
        datos <- datos[["query"]][["pages"]]
        ## list
        nombres <- sapply(datos, function(x) x[["title"]])
        datos <- lapply(datos, function(x) x[["revisions"]][["*"]])
        names(datos) <- nombres
        ## parsing function
        datos <- lapply(datos, wikiParseFunction, ...)
        ## store
        res <- c(res, datos)

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SNPediaR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:08 p.m.