
#' Defunct methods
#' Defunct methods in the \pkg{SingleCellExperiment} package.
#' @section Named size factors:
#' The class now only supports one set of size factors, accessible via \code{\link{sizeFactors}}.
#' This represents a simplification of the class and removes a difficult part of the API 
#' (that had to deal with both \code{NULL} and strings to specify the size factor set of interest).
#' @section Spike-ins:
#' It is recommended to handle spike-ins and other \dQuote{alternative} features via \code{\link{altExps}}.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @docType methods 
#' @aliases isSpike isSpike<- spikeNames clearSpikes
#' sizeFactorNames clearSizeFactors
#' @name defunct

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SingleCellExperiment documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:51 p.m.