
.NetCDFFile <- setRefClass("NetCDFFile",
    fields = list(
        con = "ANY",
        dimensions = "list",
        precision = "character"))

     initialize = function(file = character(0), ...)
         "Initialize all the fields of the NetCDFFile class"

         if (1L == length(file)) {
             .self$con <- nc_open(file)
             .self$dimensions <- lapply(con$var, function(var) {
                 vals <- sapply(var$dim, "[[", "len")
                 names(vals) <- sapply(var$dim, "[[", "name")
             .self$precision <- sapply(con$var, "[[", "prec")
    getPath = function() {
        "Returns the file name of this instance"
    getDimensions = function() {
        "Returns a list of variables and their dimensions"
    getPrecision = function() {
        "Returns the storage precision for a variable"
    finalize = function() {
        "Closes the NetCDF file"
        if (!is(con, "uninitializedField"))
            try(nc_close(con), silent=!verbose)

## Constructor for NetCDFFile class
NetCDFFile <-
    function(file = character(), ... )
    if (1L != length(file) || !file.exists(file))
        stop("'file' must be the path to a single NetCDF file")
    .NetCDFFile$new(file = file, ...)

## Accessor methods for NetCDFFile class

setMethod(precision, "NetCDFFile", function(x, ...) x$getPrecision())

setMethod(dimensions, "NetCDFFile", function(x, ...) x$getDimensions())

.pdims <-
    dnames <- sapply(dims, function(elt) paste(names(elt), collapse=" x "))
    txt <- sprintf("%s (%s)", lapply(dims, paste, collapse=" x "),
    paste(names(dnames), txt, sep=": ", collapse="\n  ")

setMethod(show, "NetCDFFile", function(object) {
    cat("class:", class(object), "\n")
    cat(.ppath("path", object$getPath()))
    cat("dimensions:\n ", .pdims(dimensions(object)), "\n")

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Streamer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:53 p.m.