
Defines functions .getUniprots .makeDbPkgName .makePkgName UniProt.ws

Documented in UniProt.ws

## Class to allow interaction with Uniprot Web services.

setOldClass("package_version")  ## For S3

         representation(taxId="numeric", db="character",
         prototype(db=character(0), taxIdUniprots=character(0)))

## even though it's a singleton, I CANNOT initialize the tempfile() in the
## prototype.  R is somehow creating the stuff that is done in prototype
## during package INSTALLATION.  Which is interesting...

## I want a real constructor function because of all the argument "deduction"
UniProt.ws <- function(taxId=9606, ...)
    ## deduce db and taxIdUniprots from the taxId and pre-cache them
    ## into the object.
##     db <- .getMatchingDbPkg(taxId)
    taxIdUniprots <- .getUniprots(taxId)   
    new("UniProt.ws", taxId=taxId, taxIdUniprots=taxIdUniprots, ...)

setMethod("show", "UniProt.ws",
            cat("\"", class(object), "\" object:\n", sep="")
            cat("An interface object for UniProt web services")
            cat("\nCurrent Taxonomy ID:\n")
            cat("\nCurrent Species name:\n")
            cat("\nTo change Species see: help('availableUniprotSpecies')\n")

## getters
setMethod("taxId", "UniProt.ws",
          function(x){x@taxId }

setMethod("db", "UniProt.ws",

## taxIdUniprots is not intended to be exported.
setMethod("taxIdUniprots", "UniProt.ws",
          function(x){x@taxIdUniprots }

## setters

.makePkgName <- function(taxId){
  ## now we want pkgs that match species name
  species <- lookupUniprotSpeciesFromTaxId(taxId)
  ## reformat to match use in names
  paste(c("UniProt.ws",unlist(strsplit(species, split=" ")),"db"),

.makeDbPkgName <- function(taxId){  ## now we want pkgs that match species name
  species <- lookupUniprotSpeciesFromTaxId(taxId)
  paste(c("UniProt.ws",unlist(strsplit(species, split=" ")),
                       "sqlite"), collapse=".")
## ## helper for taxId replace Method.
## .getMatchingDbPkg <- function(taxId){
##   ## get pkgs and deps
##   pkgs <- data.frame(installed.packages())[,c("Package","Depends")]
##   ## prefilter/remove pkgs that don't depend on UniProt.ws
##   pkgs <- pkgs[grep(pattern="UniProt.ws",x=pkgs$Depends),]
##   ## Now make expected PkgName and pkgDbName
##   pkgName <- .makePkgName(taxId)
##   pkgDbName <- .makeDbPkgName(taxId)
##   ## and if that package is in our list then we have it, if not, we don't...
##   if(any(pkgName %in% pkgs$Package)){
##     return(pkgDbName)
##   }else{
##     return(character(0))
##   }
## }

## Helper to retrieve Uniprot IDs and cache them
.getUniprots <- function(taxId=9606) {
    url <- 'https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=organism:'
    idUrl <- paste0(url, taxId, "&format=tab&columns=id")
    ## Now return that data

## This method also has to be responsible for checking if there are any dbs
## available.  If there are, then we also need to set the value for db.
setReplaceMethod("taxId", "UniProt.ws",
    function(x, value)
      value <- as.numeric(value)
      ## make sure that there is a record for the suggested taxId
      res <- lookupUniprotSpeciesFromTaxId(value)
      if(is.character(res) && length(res)==1){
        x@taxId <- value
        ## Here: do some checking and set x@db (if possible)
        ## otherwise set x@db = character(0)
##         x@db <- .getMatchingDbPkg(value)
        ## Now get the list of acceptable uniprot IDs for this
        ## organism and cache them in a slot.
        x@taxIdUniprots <- .getUniprots(x@taxId)
      }else(stop("Please verify that this is a legitimate taxId"))

setMethod("species", "UniProt.ws",

Try the UniProt.ws package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

UniProt.ws documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:58 p.m.