
Defines functions vennSelect probes2table limma2annaffy hyperGoutput hyperG2annaffy vennSelectFC foldFilt foldFiltBM probes2tableBM limma2biomaRt vennSelectBM annBM

Documented in annBM foldFilt foldFiltBM hyperG2annaffy hyperGoutput limma2annaffy limma2biomaRt probes2table probes2tableBM vennSelect vennSelectBM vennSelectFC

annBM <- function(...) .Defunct("getBM","biomaRt")
vennSelectBM <- function(...) .Defunct("makeVenn")
limma2biomaRt <- function(...) .Defunct("limma2biomart is defunct, see Refactoring Affycoretools vignette\n")
probes2tableBM <- function(...) .Defunct("getBM","biomaRt")
foldFiltBM <- function(...) .Defunct("getBM", "biomaRt")
foldFilt <- function(...) .Defunct("HTMLReport","ReportingTools")
vennSelectFC <- function(...) .Defunct("makeVenn")
hyperG2annaffy <- function(...) .Defunct("makeGoTable")
hyperGoutput <- function(...) .Defunct("makeGoTable")
limma2annaffy <- function(...) .Defunct("limma2annaffy is defunct, see Refactoring Affycoretools vignette\n")
probes2table <- function(...) .Defunct("probes2table is defunct, see Refactoring Affycoretools vignette\n")
vennSelect <- function(...) .Defunct("makeVenn")

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affycoretools documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6 p.m.