
## Create TxDb object for the latest Gencode (v31) version in hg19
gtf_file <- paste0(
gencode_gtf <- import(gtf_file)

## Keep only the main chrs
gencode_gtf <- keepSeqlevels(
    paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y", "M")),
    pruning.mode = "coarse"

# Doesn't work because of the different seqlevels
# txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(
#     gtf_file,
#     organism = 'Homo sapiens',
#     chrominfo = Seqinfo(genome="hg19")
# )
metadata <- GenomicFeatures:::.prepareGFFMetadata(
    file = gtf_file,
    dataSource = NA, organism = "Homo sapiens",
    taxonomyId = NA, miRBaseBuild = NA, metadata = NULL
gr <- GenomicFeatures:::.tidy_seqinfo(
    gr = gencode_gtf,
    chrominfo = Seqinfo(genome = "hg19")
txdb <- makeTxDbFromGRanges(gr, metadata = metadata)

## Extract the genes
## Group by gene (instead of by transcript) such that the TSS displayed
## corresponds to the start of a gene
## Otherwise it could be like
## where chr20:10286777-10288069:+' is closest to a TSS from a lncRNA transcript
## of SNAP25 instead of the coding gene TSS
genes <- bumphunter::annotateTranscripts(txdb,
    by = "gene",
    mappingInfo = list("column" = "ENTREZID", "keytype" = "ENSEMBL", "multiVals" = "first"),
    simplifyGeneID = TRUE

## Now build the genomic state object
GenomicState.Hsapiens.gencode.GRCh37.v31 <- makeGenomicState(txdb)
gs <- GenomicState.Hsapiens.gencode.GRCh37.v31$fullGenome

## Add the symbols
gene_gr <- genes(txdb)
gene_gr$symbol <- mapIds(,
    gsub("\\..*", "", gene_gr$gene_id),
# 25178 37015
stopifnot(max(unlist(gs$gene)) == length(gene_gr))
gs$symbol <- extractList(gene_gr$symbol, gs$gene)

## gs is now available through:
## GenomicState::GenomicStateHub(version = '31', genome = 'hg19', filetype = 'GenomicState')[[1]]

## genes is now available through:
## GenomicState::GenomicStateHub(version = '31', genome = 'hg19', filetype = 'AnnotatedGenes')[[1]]

## Save for later use inside the package
# usethis::use_data(genes, gs, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)

## Save phenotype tables
pd <- list(
    Sep = pdSep,
    Deg = pdDeg,
    Cell = pdCell,
    Sort = pdSort
usethis::use_data(pd, internal = FALSE)

## Original code
# load("/dcl01/lieber/ajaffe/Amanda/sorted_nuclear_RNA/Quake_singleCell/GenomicState.Hsapiens.ensembl.GRCh37.p12.rda")
## Original file location from 2014
## /users/ajaffe/GenomicStates/GenomicState.Hsapiens.ensembl.GRCh37.p12.rda
## Likely made using a txdb object that used biomaRt to access Ensembl
# gs = GenomicState.Hsapiens.ensembl.GRCh37.p12$fullGenome
# genes = bumphunter::annotateTranscripts(
# txdb = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene::TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
# usethis::use_data(genes, gs, internal = FALSE)

## Coverage data used in the examples
four_panels_example_cov <- brainflowprobes_cov("chr20:10286777-10288069:+")
usethis::use_data(four_panels_example_cov, internal = FALSE)

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brainflowprobes documentation built on Dec. 21, 2020, 2:01 a.m.