chromPlot <- function(annot1, annot2, annot3, annot4, stat, stat2,
scale.title="Counts", statTyp="p", scex=1, spty=20, statCol, statCol2,
statName="Statistic", statName2="Statistic2", bands, bandsDesc, gaps,
gapsDesc, segment, segmentDesc, segment2=NULL, segment2Desc=NULL, chr,
bin=1e6, yAxis=TRUE, figCols=NULL, colBand="lightgray", colAnnot1="brown",
colAnnot2="gold", colAnnot3="darkgreen", colAnnot4="blue",
colSegments=c("darkgreen","orange", "blue", "darkslategray2", "cyan",
"blueviolet", "goldenrod3", "darkseagreen4","red", "green", "salmon",
"darkolivegreen", "maroon", "purple"), colSegments2=colSegments[-1L],
colStat="blue", colStat2="orange", title=NULL, plotRndchr=FALSE,
maxSegs=200, noHist=FALSE, segLwd=3, sortSegs=TRUE,
chrSide=c(-1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1), cex=0.75, legChrom, org=NULL,
strand=NULL, stack=TRUE, statThreshold=NULL, statThreshold2=NULL,
statSumm="none") {
## chromPlot
## Chromosome summary plot
## ---------- ------- ----
## Description:
## -----------
## Karyotype diagram with genomic elements in the complete genome.
## Usage:
## -----
## chromPlot(annot1, annot2, annot3, annot4, stat, statTyp, scex = 1,
## statCol, bands, bandsDesc, gaps, gapsDesc, segment, segmentDesc, chr,
##bin = 1e6, yAxis = T, figCols = 11, colBand = "##9e9f93",
##colAnnot1 = "brown4", colAnnot2 = "gold1", colAnnot3 = "darkgreen",
##colAnnot4 = "blue", colSegments = "darkblue", colStat = "blue",
##title = "Chromosome Plot", plotRndchr=FALSE, legChrom)
## Arguments:
## ---------
## annot1 genome annotations
## annot2 genome annotations, subset of annot1
## annot3 genome annotations, subset of annot2
## annot4 genome annotations, subset of annot3
## stat genome annotations associated to quantitative values
## stat2 second track of genome annotations associated to quantitative
## values
## statCol name column in stat with the values to plot
## statCol2 name column in stat2 with the values to plot
## statTyp type of plot for stat ("p", "l", "hst", "seg", NULL)
## statName description for stat (default="Statistic")
## statName2 description for stat2 (default="Statistic")
## bands genome annotations to be plotted on chromosomal body
## (e.g G bands)
## bandsDesc description for bands
## gaps chromosome alignment gaps (only centromers and telomers used)
## gapsDesc description for gaps
## segment genomic segments. Can contain a 'Group'column with categories
## segmentDesc description for segment
## segment2 second track of genomic segments. Can contain a 'Group'
## column with categories
## segment2Desc description for segment2
## chr vector of chromosome names to plotted (optional)
## bin bin size for histograms in base pairs
## yAxis should I draw the y-axis (logical)
## figCols maximum number of chromosomes in a row
## colBand color for chromosome bands
## colAnnot1 color for histograms for annot1
## colAnnot2 color for histograms for annot2
## colAnnot3 color for histograms for annot3
## colAnnot4 color for histograms for annot4
## colSegments color for chromosome segment (ignored if segment are
## grouped (see details)
## colSegments2 Color for chromosome segment2 (ignored if segment2 are
## grouped (see details)
## colStat color for stat
## colStat2 color for stat2
## title plot title
## plotRndchr include random scaffolds
## maxSegs maximum number of segments. If the segment or segment2
## tracks contain more segments than this value, a histogram of
## segments is drawn instead
## noHist If TRUE, segments are never drawn as histograms, even they
## are more than maxSegs or if the largest segment is smaller
## than the bin size.
## segLwd Line width for segments
## sortSegs Sort overlapping segments by size
## chrSide Chromosome side where to draw annot1,annot2, annot3,
## annot4, Segments, segments2, stat, stat2,
## respectively. 1=right, -1=left.
## cex cex for plot (see ?par for details)
## legChrom legend chromosome (character string). Place legend after this
## chromosome
## scex cex for stat track
## spty a character specifying the type of plot region to be used in
## stat
## org organism name, e.g. mmusculus, hsapiens
## strand Strand "+" or "-" for local view using GenomeGraphs
## stack stack overlapping segments in segment and segment2 in clusters
## statThreshold only plot segments in stat with values above this threshold
## statThreshold2 only plot segments in stat2 with values above this threshold
## statSumm Type of statistical function for apply to the data ("mean",
## "median","sum", "none"), if the value is 'none', chromPlot
## will not apply some statistical function.
## Details:
## -------
## chromPlot package creates an idiogram with all chromosomes including
## the sex chromosomes. The package is able to plot genomic data on both
## sides of chromosome as histograms or vertical segments. Histograms represent
## the number of genomic elements in each bin of size 'bin'.The parameters
##'annot1','annot2', 'annot3', 'annot4', 'segment', 'segment2'', 'stat',
##'stat2', 'band', 'gaps' should be data.frames with at leas these columns:
##'Chrom', 'Start', 'End'. The 'gaps' and 'bands' arguments are used to plot the
## chromosomal ideogram. Arguments and 'band' should also have a 'Group' column
## with categories for classifying each annotation element. Arguments 'stat' and
## 'stat2' should have a statCol and stat2Col column respectively with
## continuous values.
## If plotted on the same chromosomal side, tracks will be plotted on top of
## each other, in the order they are in the function's syntax. This can be used
## for plotting stacked barplots if, for instance, annot1, annot2, annot3, and
## annot4 are supersets of each other. This, however, is not enforced or
## checked. An alternative way to create stacked histogram is
## providing a single track to segment or segment2 with a Group categorical
## variable. If a Group2 column is present, it is used for doble-categorization
## (only supported for plotting as segments, not histograms).
## The user can modify the side tracks are plotted on by modifying chrSide.
## The 'segment' and 'segment2' tracks are plotted as vertical bars by default.
## However, the their elements exceed in number given to maxSegs or if the
## maximum segment size is smaller than bin, they are plotted as histograms.
##This behaviour can be modified by setting noHist = TRUE.
## For more details and usage examples see the vignette.
## Value:
## -----
## A text string with a figure caption (invisible if not assigned to an
## Declaration of constants
imgscl <- cex
upper <- 0.1
marAxis <- 0.1
margin <- 0.1
segColors <- NULL
minGeneCount <- 0
maxGeneCount <- 1
plot_range <- c(margin, maxGeneCount)
flagBands <- 0
pos <- 0
Chrom <- "Chrom"
Start <- "Start"
End <- "End"
PointPosition <- "Mid"
Position <- c(PointPosition, Start)
segmentCols <- c(Chrom, Start, End)
statCols <- c(Chrom, Start)
CategoryName <- "Group"
Category2Name <- "Group2"
Name <- "Name"
ID <- "ID"
Colors <- "Colors"
aligncolors <- colors()[c(8, 12, 26, 31, 33, 68, 125, 90, 258, 640,
598, 652, 562, 259, 619, 153, 79, 200, 526, 128,
104, 116, 382, 383, 635, 646)]
colChrom <- "lightgray"
## check missing parameters
annot1 <- NULL
annot2 <- NULL
annot3 <- NULL
annot4 <- NULL
stat <- NULL
if(missing(statCol)) {
if(!is.null(stat)) {
stop("You must provide statCol if stat is not null.")
} else {
statCol <- NULL
stat2 <- NULL
if(missing(statCol2)) {
if(!is.null(stat2)) {
stop("You must provide statCol2 if stat2 is not null.")
} else {
statCol2 <- NULL
bands <- NULL
if(missing(bandsDesc) ){
bandsDesc <- deparse(substitute(bands))
else bandsDesc <- NULL
chr <- NULL
gaps <- NULL
if(missing(gapsDesc) ){
gapsDesc <- deparse(substitute(gaps))
else gapsDesc <- NULL
segment <- NULL
if(missing(segmentDesc)) {
segmentDesc <- "Segments"
if(missing(segment2Desc)) {
segment2Desc <- "Segments 2"
legChrom <- NULL
org <- NULL
statThreshold <- NULL
statThreshold2 <- NULL
bandsDesc<-"you forgot to provide a description of the chromosome bands file"
# Define objects
chr.length <- NULL
colScaleStat <- NULL
colScaleStat2 <- NULL
centroms <- NULL
dataBarplot2 <- NULL
annot1Hist <- NULL
annot2Hist <- NULL
annot3Hist <- NULL
annot4Hist <- NULL
chrbands <- NULL
chrsegs <- NULL
chrsegs2 <- NULL
trackStat <- NULL
trackStat2 <- NULL
realMaxStat <- NULL
realMaxStat2 <- NULL
annot1_plot_range <- NULL
# Sanity checks
if(is.null(annot1) & is.null(bands) & is.null(gaps) & is.null(org)) {
stop("Enter at least one of the following parameteres for plotting:",
" bands, gaps, org, annot1.")
if(is.null(org)) {
if(is.null(annot1) & !is.null(annot2)) {
stop("An object must be provided to annot1 if annot2 is provided.")
if(is.null(annot2) & !is.null(annot3)) {
stop("An object must be provided to annot2 if annot3 is provided.")
if(is.null(annot3) & !is.null(annot4)) {
stop("An object must be provided to annot3 if annot4 is provided.")
if(!is.null(stat) & is.null(statCol)) {
stop("The column name with statistics values in the stat object must",
" be specified in the statCol argument.")
if(!is.null(stat2) & is.null(statCol2)) {
stop("The column name with statistics values in the stat2 object must",
" be specified in the statCol2 argument.")
# checkStructure function searches Chrom, Start and End column from data, and
# it removes NA and random scaffolds chromosomes.
gaps <- checkStructure(gaps, rmrnd=!plotRndchr,
bands <- checkStructure(bands, rmrnd=!plotRndchr,
optional.columns=c(CategoryName, Colors))
annot1 <- checkStructure(annot1, rmrnd=!plotRndchr,
annot2 <- checkStructure(annot2, rmrnd=!plotRndchr,
annot3 <- checkStructure(annot3, rmrnd=!plotRndchr,
annot4 <- checkStructure(annot4, rmrnd=!plotRndchr,
stat <- checkStructure(stat, rmrnd=!plotRndchr,
optional.columns=c(ID, Colors))
stat2 <- checkStructure(stat2, rmrnd=!plotRndchr,
optional.columns=c(ID, Colors))
segment <- checkStructure(segment, rmrnd=!plotRndchr,
Category2Name, Colors))
segment2 <- checkStructure(segment2, rmrnd=!plotRndchr,
Category2Name, Colors))
centroms <- subset(gaps, Name%in%"centromere")
stop("Choose org or annot arguments to plot annotation data")
} else{
annot1 <- getObj(org)
if(is.null(annot1)) {
cat("Downloading gene annotations from Ensembl for organism: ",
org, "\n")
annot1 <- getAnnotBiomaRt(org, annotBiomaRt=TRUE)
saveObj(annot1, org)
if(!is.null(bands)) {
chrbands <- build.track(bands, bycol=Chrom, poscol=Position,
start.col=Start, end.col=End,
category.col=CategoryName, no.histogram=TRUE)
# Set chromosome lengths
if(!is.null(bands)) {
chr.length <- as.list(tapply(bands[ ,End], bands[ ,Chrom], max))
} else if(!is.null(gaps)) {
chr.length <- as.list(tapply(gaps[ ,End], gaps[ ,Chrom], max))
} else if(!is.null(annot1)) {
chr.length <- as.list(tapply(annot1[, End], annot1[ ,Chrom], max))
} else {
stop("I cannot find any track to set the chromosomes lengths.")
# Set subset of chromosomes
chr.length <- sort.chrom(chr.length)
if(!is.null(chr)) {
if( any ( !chr %in% names(chr.length)))
stop("Some chromsomes in 'chr' cannot be drawn.")
chr.length <- chr.length[names(chr.length) %in% chr]
nchrom <- length(chr.length)
# Se numer of figure rows
if(is.null(figCols )) {
figCols <- ceiling(nchrom/2)
maxlen <- max (unlist(chr.length))
lastChrom <- names (chr.length)[nchrom]
smallestChr <- which.min(unlist(chr.length))
smallestChr2 <- order(unlist(chr.length))[2]
figRows <- ceiling (nchrom/figCols)
# Set chromosome to place legends
if(is.null(legChrom)) {
legChrom <- names (chr.length)[max(smallestChr-1L, 1L)]
} else if(!{
if(!legChrom %in% names (chr.length))
stop("The chromosome provided in legChrom is not present:", legChrom)
leg2Chrom <- names(chr.length)[smallestChr]
legChromBand <- names(chr.length)[max(smallestChr-2L, 1L)]
# Create data tracks
annot1Hist <- build.track(annot1, bycol=Chrom, poscol=Position,
start.col=Start, end.col=End, binsize=bin,
no.histogram = FALSE, max.segments=maxSegs,
plot.range=plot_range, chroms=chr)
annot1_plot_range <- attr(annot1Hist, "count_range")
annot2Hist <- build.track(annot2, bycol=Chrom, poscol=Position,
end.col=End, binsize=bin, max.segments=maxSegs,
no.histogram=FALSE, plot.range=plot_range,
orig.range=annot1_plot_range, chroms=chr)
annot3Hist <- build.track(annot3, bycol=Chrom, poscol=Position,
end.col=End, binsize=bin, max.segments=maxSegs,
no.histogram=FALSE, plot.range=plot_range,
orig.range=annot1_plot_range, chroms=chr)
annot4Hist <- build.track(annot4, bycol=Chrom, poscol=Position,
end.col=End, binsize=bin, max.segments=maxSegs,
no.histogram=FALSE, plot.range=plot_range,
orig.range=annot1_plot_range, chroms=chr)
chrsegs <- build.track(segment, bycol=Chrom, poscol=Position,
start.col=Start, end.col=End, binsize=bin,
max.segments=maxSegs, category.col=CategoryName,
category.col2=Category2Name, no.histogram=noHist,
plot.range=plot_range, chroms=chr)
chrsegs2 <- build.track(segment2, bycol=Chrom, poscol=Position,
start.col=Start, end.col=End, binsize=bin,
max.segments=maxSegs, category.col=CategoryName,
category.col2=Category2Name, no.histogram=noHist,
plot.range=plot_range, chroms=chr)
if(!is.null (stat)) {
stat <- stat[stat$Chrom %in% names(chr.length),]
trackStat <- build.stat(stat=stat, statcol=statCol, bycol=Chrom,
poscol=Position, start.col=Start,
maxgenecount=maxGeneCount, stat.typ=statTyp,
scex=scex, spty=spty, binsize=bin,
margin=margin, statthreshold=statThreshold,
col.stat=colStat, statSumm=statSumm,
colors.col=Colors, chroms=chr)
maxstat <- attr(trackStat, "maxstat")
realMinStat <- attr(trackStat, "Realminstat")
realMaxStat <- attr(trackStat, "Realmaxstat")
minstat <- attr(trackStat, "minstat")
colScaleStat <- attr(trackStat, "colScaleStat")
if(!is.null (stat2)) {
stat2 <- stat2[stat2$Chrom %in% names (chr.length),]
trackStat2 <- build.stat(stat2, statcol=statCol2, bycol=Chrom,
poscol=Position, start.col=Start,
end.col=End, id.col=ID,
maxgenecount=maxGeneCount, stat.typ=statTyp,
scex=scex, spty=spty, binsize=bin,
margin=margin, statthreshold=statThreshold,
col.stat=colStat2, statSumm= statSumm,
colors.col=Colors, chroms=chr)
maxstat2 <- attr(trackStat2, "maxstat")
realMinStat2 <- attr(trackStat2, "Realminstat")
realMaxStat2 <- attr(trackStat2, "Realmaxstat")
minstat2 <- attr(trackStat2, "minstat")
colScaleStat2 <- attr(trackStat2, "colScaleStat")
# Start plotting
par(xpd=FALSE, mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0), cex=imgscl, mfrow=c(figRows, figCols),
oma=c(4, 6*imgscl*.8, 4, 2), xpd=NA)
# add 'upper' margin on top and bottom
plot.window (ylim=c( maxlen*(1+upper), -maxlen * upper),
xlim=c(-maxGeneCount, maxGeneCount))
xylims <- par("usr")
chromwd <- usr2pt ( margin, axisunit="x", lpi=96) + 2
segLwd <- segLwd*((11+5)/(figCols+5))
trckMar <- chrplotMar ( margin, chrSide, tracks=list(annot1Hist,
annot2Hist, annot3Hist, annot4Hist, chrsegs, chrsegs2, trackStat,
trackStat2), segLwd, lpi=96, stacked=stack)
tickLoc <- floor (seq(maxGeneCount, margin, length=3))
tickLab <- -floor(tickLoc-margin)
i <- 0
gnotPlotted <- TRUE
segnotPlotted <- TRUE
seg2notPlotted <- TRUE
snotPlotted <- TRUE
for(chrom in names(chr.length)){
cat ("Chrom", chrom, ":", chr.length[[chrom]], "bp\n")
plot (c(pos, pos), c(pos, chr.length[[chrom]]), lwd=chromwd, type="l",
axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c( maxlen*(1+upper),-maxlen * upper),
xlim=c( -maxGeneCount, maxGeneCount), col=colChrom)
# Print Chrom name
text(0, -maxlen*.1, chrom, cex=cex*1.5)
## plot bands
plot.track(chrbands, chrom, pos, side=1, lwd=chromwd, sort_segs=FALSE,
col_segs=aligncolors, ylims=c(0, chr.length[[chrom]]),
overlap.ok=TRUE, stack=FALSE, legchr=legChromBand, cex=cex,
title="Chromosome banding")
## plot annot1
plot.track(annot1Hist, chrom, margin, side=chrSide[1],
lwd=segLwd, sort_segs=sortSegs, col_segs=colAnnot1,
ylims=c(0, chr.length[[chrom]]), bin=bin,
## plot annot2
plot.track (annot2Hist, chrom, trckMar[2], side=chrSide[2],
lwd=segLwd, sort_segs=sortSegs, col_segs=colAnnot2,
ylims=c(0, chr.length[[chrom]]), bin=bin)
## plot annot3
plot.track(annot3Hist, chrom, trckMar[3], side=chrSide[3],
lwd=segLwd, sort_segs=sortSegs, col_segs=colAnnot3, bin=bin)
## plot annot4
plot.track(annot4Hist, chrom, trckMar[4], side=chrSide[4],
lwd=segLwd, sort_segs=sortSegs, col_segs=colAnnot4,
ylims=c(0, chr.length[[chrom]]), bin=bin)
## plot stats
plot.track(trackStat, chrom, trckMar[7], side=chrSide[7],
lwd=segLwd, sort_segs=sortSegs, col_segs=colStat,
##plot stat2
plot.track(trackStat2, chrom, trckMar[8], side=chrSide[8],
lwd=segLwd, sort_segs=sortSegs, col_segs=colStat2,
## segments
plot.track (chrsegs, chrom, trckMar[5], side=chrSide[5],
lwd=segLwd, sort_segs=sortSegs, col_segs=colSegments,
ylims=c(0, chr.length[[chrom]]), stack=stack, cex=cex,
legchr=legChrom, title=segmentDesc)
## segments2
plot.track(chrsegs2, chrom, trckMar[6], side=chrSide[6],
lwd=segLwd, sort_segs=sortSegs, col_segs=colSegments2,
ylims=c(0, chr.length[[chrom]]), stack=stack,
legchr=leg2Chrom, cex=cex, title=segment2Desc)
#plot centroms
if(chrom %in% centroms$Chrom) {
points(pos, centroms[centroms[,Chrom] %in% chrom, Start],
pch=19,bg="black", cex=chromwd*.3 )
} else {
warning("Chromosome ", chrom, " missing from gaps file.")
## Y-axis
if((i%%figCols) == 0 & yAxis) {
tickLoc <- axTicks (2)
tickLab <- sprintf("%.0f", tickLoc/1e6)
axis(2, at=tickLoc, labels=tickLab, las=2, cex.axis=cex)
mtext("Mb", 2, line=2, las=2, cex=cex)
#plot annot count scale
if(!is.null(annot1)) {
if(gnotPlotted & (i == smallestChr-2 )) {
draw.scale(y=0.80*chr.length[[chrom]] + 0.20 * xylims[3],
minval=margin, maxval=maxGeneCount, minlab=annot1_plot_range[1],
maxlab=annot1_plot_range[2], lwd=4, col=colAnnot1, cex=cex,
gnotPlotted <- FALSE
## Stat Scale
if(snotPlotted & (i == smallestChr-1) & !is.null(stat))
if(!is.null(attr(trackStat, "is_int")) & attr(trackStat, "sdstat")>0) {
draw.scale(y= 0.80 * chr.length[[chrom]] + 0.20 * xylims[3],
lwd=4, col=colScaleStat, minval=margin, maxval=maxGeneCount,
minlab=realMinStat, maxlab=realMaxStat, title=statName, cex=cex,
snotPlotted <- FALSE
## Stat Scale2
if(!is.null(stat2) ) snotPlotted <- TRUE
if(snotPlotted & (chrom == lastChrom) & !is.null(stat2))
if(attr(trackStat2, "sdstat")>0) {
draw.scale(y= 0.65 * chr.length[[chrom]] + 0.35 * xylims[3],
lwd=4, col=colScaleStat2, minval=margin, maxval=maxGeneCount,
minlab=realMinStat2, maxlab=realMaxStat2, title=statName2,
snotPlotted <- FALSE
if(!is.null(segment) & (i == smallestChr2 - 1 | chrom == lastChrom) & segnotPlotted) {
# Histogram, plot scale
if(!attr(chrsegs, "is_int")){
draw.scale(y = 0.80 * chr.length[[chrom]] + 0.20 * xylims[3],
minval=margin, maxval=maxGeneCount,
minlab=attr(chrsegs, "count_range")[1],
maxlab=attr(chrsegs, "count_range")[2],
lwd=segLwd, col=colSegments, title=segmentDesc, cex=cex)
segnotPlotted <-FALSE
if(!is.null(segment2) & (i == smallestChr2 - 1 | chrom == lastChrom) & seg2notPlotted) {
# Histogram, plot scale
if(!attr(chrsegs2, "is_int")){
draw.scale(y = 0.60 * chr.length[[chrom]] + 0.40 * xylims[3],
minval=margin, maxval=maxGeneCount,
minlab=attr(chrsegs2, "count_range")[1],
maxlab=attr(chrsegs2, "count_range")[2],
lwd=segLwd, col=colSegments2, title=segment2Desc, cex=cex)
seg2notPlotted <-FALSE
i = i + 1
} #End loop
# Plot a title
mtext(title, cex=cex*.9, outer=TRUE, line=1)
} ## chromPlot
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