#' @title Further plotting parameters for the cytomapper package
#' @name plotting-param
#' @description
#' The \code{\link{plotCells}} and \code{\link{plotPixels}} functions share a
#' number of parameter that can be set to change the visual representation of
#' plotted images.
#' @param missing_colour a single character specifying a valid colour. Cells
#' that are not contained in the SingleCellExperiment object will be coloured
#' based on \code{missing_colour}. In the \code{\link{plotPixels}} function,
#' \code{missing_colour} defines the outline of the cells if \code{outline_by}
#' is not set.
#' @param background_colour (only \code{\link{plotCells}}) a single character
#' specifying a valid colour that is set as the background of the image.
#' @param scale_bar a list specifying features of the scale bar. One or multiple
#' of the following entries are supported:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{length}: numeric length in pixels (default 20\% of the largest
#' image width).
#' \item \code{label}: single character specifying the scale bar label.
#' \item \code{cex}: numeric value indicating the size of the scale bar label.
#' \item \code{lwidth}: numeric value indicating the line width of the scale bar
#' in pixels. By default, the line width is adjusted relative to the maximum
#' height of the images.
#' \item \code{colour}: single character specifying the colour of scale bar and
#' label (default "white").
#' \item \code{position}: position of scale bar. Supported values: "topleft",
#' "topright", "bottomleft", "bottomright" (default "bottomright").
#' \item \code{margin}: vector of two numeric entries specifying the x and y
#' margin between image boundary and the scale bar (default c(10,10)).
#' \item \code{frame}: either "all" to display scale bar on all images or a
#' single number specifying the image for which the scale bar should be
#' displayed (default "all").
#' }
#' Plotting of the scale bar is suppressed if set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param image_title a list specifying features of the image titles. One or
#' multiple of the following entries are supported:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{text}: character vector of image titles. Same length as the
#' \code{CytoImageList} object.
#' \item \code{position}: single character specifying the position of the
#' title. Supported entries: "top", "bottom", "topleft", "bottomleft",
#' "topright", "bottomright" (default "top").
#' \item \code{colour}: single character specifying the colour of image title
#' (default "white").
#' \item \code{margin}: vector of two numeric entries specifying the x and y
#' margin between image boundary and the image title (default c(10,10)).
#' \item \code{font}: numeric entry specifying the font of the image title
#' (default 1, see \code{\link{par}} for details)
#' \item \code{cex}: numeric value indicating the size of the image title.
#' }
#' Plotting of the image title is suppressed if set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param save_plot a list specifying how to save the plot. One or multiple
#' of the following entries are supported:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{filename}: single character specifying a valid file name.
#' The file extension specifies the format in which the file is saved.
#' Supported formats are: jpeg, tiff and png. If \code{display = "single"},
#' each image will be written in an individual file. The file names obtain
#' a "_x" ending where x indicates the position of the image in the
#' \code{CytoImageList} object or "legend".
#' \item \code{scale}: by default the height and width of the saved image is
#' defined by the maximum image size times the number of rows and number of
#' columns. This resolution is often not sufficient to clearly display the
#' text. The \code{scale} parameter can be set to increase the resolution of
#' the image while keeping the text size constant (default 1 but can be
#' increased for optimal results).
#' }
#' @param return_plot logical indicating whether to return the plot (see
#' \code{\link[grDevices]{recordPlot}} for more infos).
#' @param return_images logical indicating whether to return the coloured images
#' in form of a \code{\linkS4class{SimpleList}} object. Each entry to this
#' list is a three-colour \code{\linkS4class{Image}} object. However, the
#' image title and scale bar are not retained.
#' @param legend a list specifying features of the legend. One or multiple
#' of the following entries are supported:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{colour_by.title.font}: numeric entry specifying the font of the
#' legend title for features specified by \code{colour_by}.
#' \item \code{colour_by.title.cex}: numeric entry specifying the size of the
#' legend title for features specified by \code{colour_by}.
#' \item \code{colour_by.labels.cex}: numeric entry specifying the size of the
#' legend labels for features specified by \code{colour_by}.
#' \item \code{colour_by.legend.cex}: (only discrete features) numeric entry
#' specifying the size of the legend for features specified by
#' \code{colour_by}.
#' \item \code{outline_by.title.font}: numeric entry specifying the font of the
#' legend title for features specified by \code{outline_by}.
#' \item \code{outline_by.title.cex}: numeric entry specifying the size of the
#' legend title for features specified by \code{outline_by}.
#' \item \code{outline_by.labels.cex}: numeric entry specifying the size of the
#' legend labels for features specified by \code{outline_by}.
#' \item \code{outline_by.legend.cex}: (only discrete features) numeric entry
#' specifying the size of the legend for features specified by
#' \code{outline_by}.
#' \item \code{margin}: numeric value indicating the margin (in pixels) between
#' the legends and the outer boundary (default 2)
#' }
#' Plotting of the legend is suppressed if set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param margin numeric value indicating the gap (in pixels) between
#' individual images (default 0).
#' @param display one of two possible values: "all" or "single". When set to
#' "all", all images are displayed at once in a grid-like fashion. When
#' set to "single", individual images are plotted in single graphics devices.
#' The second option is useful when saving individual images in pdf format or
#' when displaying in Rmarkdown files.
#' @param scale logical indicating whether to scale each feature individually to
#' its minimum/maximum across the SingleCellExperiment object (see
#' \code{\link{plotCells}}) or across all displayed images (see
#' \code{\link{plotCells}}). If set to \code{FALSE} each value is displayed
#' relative to the maximum of all selected features.
#' @param interpolate a logical indicating whether to apply
#' linear interpolation to the image when drawing (see
#' \code{\link[graphics]{rasterImage}}) (default TRUE).
#' @return a list if \code{return_images} and/or \code{return_plot} is TRUE.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{plot}: a single plot object (\code{display = "all"}) or a list
#' of plot objects (\code{display = "single"})
#' \item \code{images}: a \code{\linkS4class{SimpleList}} object containing
#' three-colour \code{\linkS4class{Image}} objects.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotCells}} and \code{\link{plotPixels}}
#' for the main plotting functions
#' @examples
#' data("pancreasImages")
#' data("pancreasMasks")
#' data("pancreasSCE")
#' # Setting missing colour
#' plotCells(pancreasMasks, missing_colour = "blue")
#' # Setting background colour
#' plotCells(pancreasMasks, background_colour = "blue")
#' # Setting the scale bar
#' plotCells(pancreasMasks, scale_bar = list(length = 10,
#' cex = 2,
#' lwidth = 10,
#' colour = "red",
#' position = "bottomleft",
#' margin = c(5,5),
#' frame = 3))
#' # Setting the image title
#' plotCells(pancreasMasks,
#' image_title = list(text = c("image1", "image2", "image3"),
#' position = "topleft",
#' colour = "blue",
#' margin = c(0,5),
#' font = 2,
#' cex = 2))
#' # Return plot
#' cur_out <- plotPixels(pancreasImages, return_plot = TRUE)
#' cur_out$plot
#' # Return images
#' cur_out <- plotPixels(pancreasImages, return_images = TRUE)
#' cur_out$images
#' # Setting the legend
#' plotCells(pancreasMasks, object = pancreasSCE,
#' img_id = "ImageNb", cell_id = "CellNb",
#' colour_by = c("CD99", "CDH"),
#' outline_by = "CellType",
#' legend = list(colour_by.title.font = 0.5,
#' colour_by.title.cex = 0.5,
#' colour_by.labels.cex = 0.5,
#' outline_by.legend.cex = 0.5,
#' margin = 0))
#' # Setting the margin between images
#' plotPixels(pancreasImages, margin = 3)
#' # Displaying individual images
#' plotPixels(pancreasImages, display = "single")
#' # Supress scaling
#' plotPixels(pancreasImages, colour_by = c("CD99", "PIN"),
#' scale = TRUE)
#' plotPixels(pancreasImages, colour_by = c("CD99", "PIN"),
#' scale = FALSE)
#' # Suppress interpolation
#' plotPixels(pancreasImages, colour_by = c("CD99", "PIN"),
#' interpolate = TRUE)
#' plotPixels(pancreasImages, colour_by = c("CD99", "PIN"),
#' interpolate = FALSE)
#' @author Nils Eling (\email{})
#' @author Nicolas Damond (\email{})
# Plotting parameters checks
.plottingParam <- function(dotArgs, image){
# Check supported names
cur_entries <- names(dotArgs)
supported <- c("scale_bar", "image_title", "missing_colour",
"background_colour", "save_plot", "return_plot",
"return_images", "legend", "margin", "display",
"scale", "interpolate")
not_supported <- cur_entries[!(cur_entries %in% supported)]
if(length(not_supported) > 0L){
stop("Entries ", paste0("'", not_supported, "'",
collapse = ", "), " are not supported")
# scale_bar
if(!("scale_bar" %in% names(dotArgs))){
scalebar <- list(length = NULL,
label = NULL,
cex = NULL,
lwidth = NULL,
colour = "white",
position = "bottomright",
margin = c(10,10),
frame = "all")
dotArgs$scale_bar <- scalebar
} else {
dotArgs$scale_bar <- .valid.scalebar(dotArgs$scale_bar)
# image_title
if(!("image_title" %in% names(dotArgs))){
imagetitle <- list(text = NULL,
position = "top",
colour = "white",
margin = c(10,10),
font = 2,
cex = NULL)
dotArgs$image_title <- imagetitle
} else {
dotArgs$image_title <- .valid.imagetitle(dotArgs$image_title, image)
# legend
if(!("legend" %in% names(dotArgs))){
legendparam <- list(colour_by.title.font = 1,
colour_by.title.cex = NULL,
colour_by.labels.cex = NULL,
colour_by.legend.cex = NULL,
outline_by.title.font = 1,
outline_by.title.cex = NULL,
outline_by.labels.cex = NULL,
outline_by.legend.cex = NULL,
margin = 2)
dotArgs$legend <- legendparam
} else {
dotArgs$legend <- .valid.legendparam(dotArgs$legend)
# save_plot
if(!("save_plot" %in% names(dotArgs))){
dotArgs$save_plot <- NULL
} else {
dotArgs$save_plot <- .valid.saveplot(dotArgs$save_plot)
# return_plot
if(!("return_plot" %in% names(dotArgs))){
dotArgs$return_plot <- FALSE
} else {
stop("Invalid 'return_plot' entry.")
dotArgs$return_plot <- dotArgs$return_plot
# return_images
if(!("return_images" %in% names(dotArgs))){
dotArgs$return_images <- FALSE
} else {
stop("Invalid 'return_images' entry.")
dotArgs$return_images <- dotArgs$return_images
# return_images
if(!("margin" %in% names(dotArgs))){
dotArgs$margin <- 0L
} else {
if(!is.numeric(dotArgs$margin) ||
length(dotArgs$margin) != 1L ||
dotArgs$margin < 0L){
stop("Invalid 'margin' entry.")
dotArgs$margin <- dotArgs$margin
# return_images
if(!("display" %in% names(dotArgs))){
dotArgs$display <- "all"
} else {
if(!is.character(dotArgs$display) ||
!(dotArgs$display %in% c("all", "single"))){
stop("Invalid 'display' entry.")
dotArgs$display <- dotArgs$display
# scale
if(!("scale" %in% names(dotArgs))){
dotArgs$scale <- TRUE
} else {
stop("Invalid 'scale' entry.")
dotArgs$scale <- dotArgs$scale
# scale
if(!("interpolate" %in% names(dotArgs))){
dotArgs$interpolate <- TRUE
} else {
stop("Invalid 'interpolate' entry.")
dotArgs$interpolate <- dotArgs$interpolate
# missing_colour
cur_missing <- dotArgs$missing_colour
dotArgs$missing_colour <- .valid.missingcolour(cur_missing)
# missing_colour
cur_background <- dotArgs$background_colour
dotArgs$background_colour <- .valid.backgroundcolour(cur_background)
# Validity of scale_bar input
.valid.scalebar <- function(scalebar){
error.scalebar <- "Invalid entry to the 'scale_bar' list object"
if(is.null(names(scalebar)) ||
!all(names(scalebar) %in% c("length", "label", "cex",
"lwidth", "colour",
"position", "margin", "frame"))){
if("position" %in% names(scalebar)){
if(!(scalebar$position %in% c("topleft", "topright",
"bottomleft", "bottomright"))){
stop(paste0(error.scalebar, ": \n",
"position not correctly specified"))
} else {
scalebar$position <- "bottomright"
if("margin" %in% names(scalebar)){
if(length(scalebar$margin) != 2L ||
stop(paste0(error.scalebar, ": \n",
"'margin' should contain two numeric ",
"elements corresponding to x and y margin"))
} else {
scalebar$margin <- c(10,10)
if("length" %in% names(scalebar)){
if(length(scalebar$length) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.scalebar, ": \n",
"'length' should be numeric and of length 1"))
} else {
scalebar$length <- NULL
if("cex" %in% names(scalebar)){
if(!is.numeric(scalebar$cex) || length(scalebar$cex) != 1L){
stop(paste0(error.scalebar, ": \n",
"'cex' should be a single number"))
} else {
scalebar$cex <- NULL
if("lwidth" %in% names(scalebar)){
if(!is.numeric(scalebar$lwidth) || length(scalebar$lwidth) != 1L){
stop(paste0(error.scalebar, ": \n",
"'lwidth' should be a single number"))
} else {
scalebar$lwidth <- NULL
if("label" %in% names(scalebar)){
if(length(scalebar$label) != 1L){
stop(paste0(error.scalebar, ": \n",
"'label' should be a single entry"))
} else {
scalebar$label <- NULL
if("colour" %in% names(scalebar)){
if(length(scalebar$colour) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.scalebar, ": \n",
"'colour' should be a single character entry"))
} else {
scalebar$colour <- "white"
if("frame" %in% names(scalebar)){
if(length(scalebar$frame) != 1L ||
(!is.numeric(scalebar$frame) &&
scalebar$frame != "all")){
stop(paste0(error.scalebar, ": \n",
"'frame' should be a single integer or set to 'all'"))
} else {
scalebar$frame <- "all"
# Validity of image_title input
.valid.imagetitle <- function(imagetitle, image){
error.imagetitle <- "Invalid entry to the 'image_title' list object"
if(is.null(names(imagetitle)) ||
!all(names(imagetitle) %in% c("text", "position", "cex",
"colour", "margin", "font"))){
if("text" %in% names(imagetitle)){
if(length(imagetitle$text) != length(image)){
stop(paste0(error.imagetitle, ": \n",
"Please specify one title per image."))
} else {
imagetitle$text <- NULL
if("position" %in% names(imagetitle)){
if(!(imagetitle$position %in%
c("top", "bottom", "topleft", "bottomleft",
"topright", "bottomright"))){
stop(paste0(error.imagetitle, ": \n",
"position not correctly specified"))
} else {
imagetitle$position <- "top"
if("font" %in% names(imagetitle)){
if(!is.numeric(imagetitle$font) ||
length(imagetitle$font) != 1L){
stop(paste0(error.imagetitle, ": \n",
"'font' should be a single number"))
} else {
imagetitle$font <- 2
if("cex" %in% names(imagetitle)){
if(!is.numeric(imagetitle$cex) ||
length(imagetitle$cex) != 1L){
stop(paste0(error.imagetitle, ": \n",
"'cex' should be a single number"))
} else {
imagetitle$cex <- NULL
if("margin" %in% names(imagetitle)){
if(!is.numeric(imagetitle$margin) ||
length(imagetitle$margin) != 2L){
stop(paste0(error.imagetitle, ": \n",
"'margin' should contain two numeric ",
"elements corresponding to x and y margin"))
} else {
imagetitle$margin <- c(10,10)
if("colour" %in% names(imagetitle)){
if(length(imagetitle$colour) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.imagetitle, ": \n",
"'colour' should be a single character entry"))
} else {
imagetitle$colour <- "white"
# Validity of legend input
.valid.legendparam <- function(legendparam){
error.legendparam <- "Invalid entry to the 'legend' list object"
if(is.null(names(legendparam)) ||
!all(names(legendparam) %in% c("colour_by.title.font",
if("colour_by.title.font" %in% names(legendparam)){
cur_param <- legendparam$colour_by.title.font
if(length(cur_param) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.legendparam, ": \n",
"'colour_by.title.font' should be a single number"))
} else {
legendparam$colour_by.title.font <- 1
if("colour_by.title.cex" %in% names(legendparam)){
cur_param <- legendparam$colour_by.title.cex
if(length(cur_param) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.legendparam, ": \n",
"'colour_by.title.cex' should be a single number"))
} else {
legendparam$colour_by.title.cex <- NULL
if("colour_by.labels.cex" %in% names(legendparam)){
cur_param <- legendparam$colour_by.labels.cex
if(length(cur_param) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.legendparam, ": \n",
"'colour_by.labels.cex' should be a single number"))
} else {
legendparam$colour_by.labels.cex <- NULL
if("colour_by.legend.cex" %in% names(legendparam)){
cur_param <- legendparam$colour_by.legend.cex
if(length(cur_param) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.legendparam, ": \n",
"'colour_by.legend.cex' should be a single number"))
} else {
legendparam$colour_by.legend.cex <- NULL
if("outline_by.title.font" %in% names(legendparam)){
cur_param <- legendparam$outline_by.title.font
if(length(cur_param) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.legendparam, ": \n",
"'outline_by.title.font' should be a single number"))
} else {
legendparam$outline_by.title.font <- 1
if("outline_by.title.cex" %in% names(legendparam)){
cur_param <- legendparam$outline_by.title.cex
if(length(cur_param) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.legendparam, ": \n",
"'outline_by.title.cex' should be a single number"))
} else {
legendparam$outline_by.title.cex <- NULL
if("outline_by.labels.cex" %in% names(legendparam)){
cur_param <- legendparam$outline_by.labels.cex
if(length(cur_param) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.legendparam, ": \n",
"'outline_by.labels.cex' should be a single number"))
} else {
legendparam$outline_by.labels.cex <- NULL
if("outline_by.legend.cex" %in% names(legendparam)){
cur_param <- legendparam$outline_by.legend.cex
if(length(cur_param) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.legendparam, ": \n",
"'outline_by.legend.cex' should be a single number"))
} else {
legendparam$outline_by.legend.cex <- NULL
if("margin" %in% names(legendparam)){
cur_param <- legendparam$margin
if(length(cur_param) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.legendparam, ": \n",
"'margin' should be a single number"))
} else {
legendparam$margin <- 2
# Validity of missing_colour input
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
.valid.missingcolour <- function(missingcolour){
if (!is.null(missingcolour)) {
if (length(missingcolour) > 1) {
stop("'missing_colour' not a valid colour.")
res <- try(col2rgb(missingcolour), silent=TRUE)
if(class(res)[1] == "try-error"){
stop("'missing_colour' not a valid colour.")
} else {
missingcolour <- "gray"
# Validity of background_colour input
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
.valid.backgroundcolour <- function(backgroundcolour){
if (length(backgroundcolour) > 1) {
stop("'background_colour' not a valid colour.")
res <- try(col2rgb(backgroundcolour), silent=TRUE)
if(class(res)[1] == "try-error"){
stop("'background_colour' not a valid colour.")
} else {
backgroundcolour <- "#000000"
# Validity of save_plot input
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
.valid.saveplot <- function(saveplot){
error.saveplot <- "Invalid entry to the 'save_plot' list object"
if(is.null(names(saveplot)) ||
!all(names(saveplot) %in% c("filename", "scale"))){
if("filename" %in% names(saveplot)){
if(length(saveplot$filename) != 1L ||
stop(paste0(error.saveplot, ": \n",
"Invalid entry of 'filename'"))
cur_ext <- file_ext(saveplot$filename)
if(cur_ext == ""){
stop(paste0(error.saveplot, ": \n",
"Please provide a file extension ",
"indicating the format to save the image."))
if(!(cur_ext %in% c("tiff", "png", "jpeg"))){
stop(paste0(error.saveplot, ": \n",
"'filename' only supports 'tiff', ",
"'png' and 'jpeg' file types."))
} else {
stop(paste0(error.saveplot, ": \n",
"'filename' not provided."))
if("scale" %in% names(saveplot)){
if(length(saveplot$scale) != 1L || !is.numeric(saveplot$scale)){
stop(paste0(error.saveplot, ": \n",
"Invalid entry of 'scale'"))
} else {
saveplot$scale <- 1
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