
## Functions related to create EnsDbs by downloading and installing MySQL
## databases from Ensembl.

#' @description Get core database names from the specified folder.
#' @param ftp_folder The ftp url to the per-species mysql folders.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
listCoreDbsInFolder <- function(ftp_folder) {
    if (missing(ftp_folder))
        stop("Argument 'ftp_folder' missing!")
    folders <- unlist(strsplit(getURL(ftp_folder,
                                      dirlistonly = TRUE), split = "\n"))
    res <- t(sapply(folders, function(z) {
        tmp <- unlist(strsplit(z, split = "_"))
        return(c(folder = z,
                 organism = paste0(tmp[1:2], collapse = "_"),
                 type = tmp[3],
                 version = paste0(tmp[4:length(tmp)], collapse = "_")))
    return(res[which(res[, "type"] == "core"), ])

#' @description Creates an EnsDb for the specified species by first downloading
#'     the corresponding MySQL database from Ensembl, installing it and
#'     subsequently creating the EnsDb database from it.
#' @param ftp_folder The ftp url to the per-species mysql folders. If not
#'     provided it will use the default Ensembl ftp:
#'     \code{<ens_version>/mysql/}.
#' @param ens_version The Ensembl version (version of the Ensembl Perl API).
#' @param species The name of the species (e.g. "homo_sapiens").
#' @param user The user name for the MySQL/MariaDB database (write access).
#' @param host The host on which the MySQL/MariaDB database is running.
#' @param pass The password for the MySQL/MariaDB database.
#' @param port The port of the MySQL/MariaDB database.
#' @param local_tmp Local directory that will be used to temporarily store the
#'     downloaded MySQL/MariaDB database files.
#' @param dropDb Whether the Ensembl core database should be deleted once the
#'     EnsDb has been created.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' ## For Ensemblgenomes:
#' ftp_folder <- ""
#' @noRd
createEnsDbForSpecies <- function(ftp_folder,
                                  ens_version = 86, species, user, host, pass,
                                  port = 3306, local_tmp = tempdir(),
                                  sub_dir = "",
                                  dropDb = TRUE) {
    ## if ftp_folder is missing use the default one:
    base_url = ""
    ## (1) Get all directories from Ensembl
    if (missing(ftp_folder))
        ftp_folder <- paste0(base_url, "/release-", ens_version, "/mysql/")
    res <- listCoreDbsInFolder(ftp_folder)

    folders <- unlist(strsplit(getURL(ftp_folder,
                                      dirlistonly = TRUE), split = "\n"))
    res <- t(sapply(folders, function(z) {
        tmp <- unlist(strsplit(z, split = "_"))
        return(c(folder = z,
                 organism = paste0(tmp[1:2], collapse = "_"),
                 type = tmp[3],
                 version = paste0(tmp[4:length(tmp)], collapse = "_")))
    res <- res[which(res[, "type"] == "core"), ]
    if (nrow(res) == 0)
        stop("No directories found!")
    if (missing(species))
        species <- res[, "organism"]
    rownames(res) <- res[, "organism"]
    ##     Check if we've got the species available
    got_specs <- species %in% rownames(res)
    if (!all(got_specs))
        warning("No core database for species ",
                paste0(species[!got_specs], collapse = ", "), " found.")
    species <- species[got_specs]
    res <- res[species, , drop = FALSE]
    if (length(species) == 0)
        stop("No database for any provided species found!")
    ## (2) Process each species
    message("Going to process ", nrow(res), " species.")
    for (i in 1:nrow(res)) {
        message("Processing species: ", res[i, "organism"], " (", i, " of ",
                nrow(res), ")")
        processOneSpecies(ftp_folder = paste0(ftp_folder, res[i, "folder"]),
                          ens_version = ens_version,
                          species = species[i], user = user, host = host,
                          pass = pass, port = port, local_tmp = local_tmp,
                          dropDb = dropDb)
        message("Done with species: ", res[i, "organism"], ", ",
                nrow(res) - i, " left.")

#' @description This function performs the actual tasks of downloading the
#'     database files, installing them, deleting the download, creating the
#'     EnsDb and deleting the database.
#' @details While the location of the downloaded temporary MySQL database file
#'     can be specified, the final SQLite file as well as all intermediate files
#'     will be placed in the current working directory.
#' @param ftp_folder The folder on Ensembl's ftp server containing the mysql
#'     database files. Has to be the full path to these files.
#' @param ens_version The Ensembl version (version of the Ensembl Perl API).
#' @param species The name of the species (e.g. "homo_sapiens").
#' @param user The user name for the MySQL/MariaDB database (write access).
#' @param host The host on which the MySQL/MariaDB database is running.
#' @param pass The password for the MySQL/MariaDB database.
#' @param port The port of the MySQL/MariaDB database.
#' @param local_tmp Local directory that will be used to temporarily store the
#'     downloaded MySQL/MariaDB database files.
#' @param dropDb Whether the Ensembl core database should be deleted once the
#'     EnsDb has been created.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
processOneSpecies <- function(ftp_folder, ens_version = 86, species, user,
                              host = "localhost",
                              pass, port = 3306, local_tmp = tempdir(),
                              dropDb = TRUE) {
    if (missing(ftp_folder))
        stop("'ftp_folder' has to be specified!")
    if (missing(user))
        stop("'user' has to be specified!")
    if (missing(species))
        stop("'species' has to be specified!")
    ## (1) Download database files.
    res <- downloadFilesFromFtpFolder(url = ftp_folder, dest = local_tmp)
    ## (2) Install database.
    db_name <- basename(ftp_folder)
    res <- installEnsemblDb(dir = local_tmp, host = host, dbname = db_name,
                            user = user, pass = pass, port = port)
    ## (3) Delete the downloads.
    fls <- dir(local_tmp, full.names = TRUE)
    res <- sapply(fls, unlink)
    ## (4) Create the EnsDb (requires the correct Ensembl API)
    ##     They are created in the local directory.
    fetchTablesFromEnsembl(version = ens_version, species = species,
                           user = user, host = host, pass = pass, port = port)
    DBFile <- makeEnsemblSQLiteFromTables()
    ## (5) Delete the database.
    if (dropDb) {
        con <- dbConnect(MariaDB(), host = host, user = user, pass = pass,
                         port = port, dbname = "mysql")
        dbSendStatement(con, paste("drop database ", db_name))

#' @description Download all files from an ftp directory to a local directory.
#' @param url A character string specifying the url of the directory.
#' @param dest A character string specifying the local directory.
#' @return A character string with the path of the local directory.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' ftp_dir <- ""
#' local_dir <- downloadFilesFromFtpFolder(ftp_dir)
downloadFilesFromFtpFolder <- function(url, dest = tempdir()) {
    fls <- getURL(paste0(url, "/"), dirlistonly = TRUE)
    fls <- unlist(strsplit(fls, split = "\n"))
    message("Downloading ", length(fls), " files ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
    for (i in 1:length(fls)) {
        download.file(url = paste0(url, "/", fls[i]),
                      destfile = paste0(dest, "/", fls[i]), quiet = TRUE)

#' @description Install an Ensembl MySQL database downloaded from the Ensembl
#'     ftp server (e.g. using \link{downloadFilesFromFtpFolder}).
#' @note The local directory is expected to correspond to the name of the
#'     database, i.e. \code{basename(dir)} will be used as the database name if
#'     argument \code{dbname} is missing.
#' @param dir The path to the local directory where the database files are.
#' @param host The host running the MySQL database.
#' @param dbname The name of the database. If not provided the name of the
#'     provided directory will be used instead.
#' @param user The user name for the MySQL database (rw access).
#' @param pass The password for the MySQL database.
#' @param port The port of the MySQL database.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' user <- "user"
#' pass <- "pass"
#' dbname <- "homo_sapiens_core_88_38"
#' ## set to directory returned by the downloadFilesFromFtpFolder
#' dir <- local_dir
#' installEnsemblDb(dir = dir, dbname = dbname, user = user, pass = pass)
installEnsemblDb <- function(dir, host = "localhost", dbname, user, pass,
                              port = 3306) {
    if (missing(dir))
        stop("Argument 'dir' missing!")
    if (missing(dbname))
        dbname <- basename(dir)
    if (missing(user))
        stop("Argument 'user' missing!")
    ## Eventually unzip the files...
    tmp <- system(paste0("gunzip ", dir, "/*.gz"))
    ## Create the database
    con <- dbConnect(MariaDB(), host = host, user = user, pass = pass, port = port,
                     dbname = "mysql")
    dbSendStatement(con, paste0("create database ", dbname))
    ## Now create the tables and stuff.
    tmp <- system(paste0("mysql -h ", host, " -u ", user, " --password=", pass,
                         " -P ", port, " ", dbname, " < ", dir, "/", dbname,
    ## Importing the data.
    cmd <- paste0("mysqlimport -h ", host, " -u ", user,
                  " --password=", pass, " -P ", port,
                  " ", dbname, " -L ", dir, "/*.txt")
    tmp <- system(cmd)

#' @description Creates EnsDb packages from all sqlite database files found in
#' the directory specified with parameter \code{dir}.
#' @param dir The path to the directory where the SQLite files can be found.
#' @param author The author of the package.
#' @param maintainer The maintainer of the package.
#' @param version The version of the package.
#' @noRd
createPackagesFromSQLite <- function(dir = ".", author, maintainer, version) {
    if (missing(author) | missing(maintainer) | missing(version))
        stop("Parameter 'author', 'maintainer' and 'version' are required!")
    edbs <- dir(dir, full.names = TRUE, pattern = ".sqlite")
    if (length(edbs) == 0)
        stop("Found no SQLite database files in the specified directory!")
    message("Processing ", length(edbs), " packages.")
    for (i in 1:length(edbs)) {
        message("Processing ", basename(edbs[i]), " (", i, " of ",
                length(edbs), ")", appendLF = FALSE)
        makeEnsembldbPackage(ensdb = edbs[i], version = version,
                             author = author, maintainer = maintainer)

## ftpf <- paste0("",
##                "anas_platyrhynchos_core_86_1")
## local_dir <- tempdir()
## downloadFilesFromFtpFolder(ftpf, dest = local_dir)
## installEnsemblDb(dir = local_dir, host = "localhost", user = "jo",
##                  pass = "jo123", dbname = "anas_platyrhynchos_core_86_1")
## fls <- dir(local_dir, full.names = TRUE)
## res <- sapply(fls, unlink)

## fetchTablesFromEnsembl(86, species = "anas_platyrhynchos", user = "jo",
##                        host = "localhost", pass = "jo123", port = 3306)
## DBFile <- makeEnsemblSQLiteFromTables()
## unlink("*.txt")

## system.time(fetchTablesFromEnsembl(86, species = "anas_platyrhynchos"))

## ftpf <- paste0("",
##                "homo_sapiens_core_86_38")
## local_dir <- tempdir()
## processOneSpecies(ftp_folder = ftpf, version = 86,
##                   species = "homo_sapiens", user = "jo",
##                   host = "localhost",
##                   pass = "jo123", port = 3306, local_tmp = local_dir,
##                   dropDb = FALSE)

## Add an issue:
## + Fix problem of non-defined sequence type "chromosome" in anas platyrhynchos
##   database. -> update to the perl script.
## + Compare Hsapiens EnsDb created with new script and the "original" one.

Try the ensembldb package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ensembldb documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:57 p.m.