Man pages for exomeCopy
Copy number variant detection from exome sequencing read depth

compileCopyCountSegmentsCompile segments across samples
copyCountSegmentsSegments of identical copy count from exomeCopy
countBamInGRangesCount reads from BAM file in genomic ranges
exomeCopyFit the exomeCopy or exomeCopyVar model to the observed...
ExomeCopy-classClass "ExomeCopy"
exomeCopy-packageCopy number variant detection from exome sequencing read...
exomecountsSample counts from 16 exome sequencing samples from 1000...
generateBackgroundGenerate median background read depth
getGCcontentGet the GC content of target ranges from a reference FASTA...
negLogLikeGeneralized negative log likelihood and Viterbi algorithms
plotCompiledCNVPlot compiled CNV segments for one sequence/chromosome
plot.exomeCopyObjectPlot function for exomeCopy
subdivideGRangesSubdivide ranges of a GRanges object into nearly equal width...
exomeCopy documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:45 p.m.