fabia: FABIA: Factor Analysis for Bicluster Acquisition

Biclustering by "Factor Analysis for Bicluster Acquisition" (FABIA). FABIA is a model-based technique for biclustering, that is clustering rows and columns simultaneously. Biclusters are found by factor analysis where both the factors and the loading matrix are sparse. FABIA is a multiplicative model that extracts linear dependencies between samples and feature patterns. It captures realistic non-Gaussian data distributions with heavy tails as observed in gene expression measurements. FABIA utilizes well understood model selection techniques like the EM algorithm and variational approaches and is embedded into a Bayesian framework. FABIA ranks biclusters according to their information content and separates spurious biclusters from true biclusters. The code is written in C.

Package details

AuthorSepp Hochreiter <hochreit@bioinf.jku.at>
Bioconductor views Clustering DifferentialExpression Microarray MultipleComparison StatisticalMethod Visualization
MaintainerAndreas Mitterecker <mitterecker@bioinf.jku.at>
LicenseLGPL (>= 2.1)
URL http://www.bioinf.jku.at/software/fabia/fabia.html
Package repositoryView on Bioconductor
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


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fabia documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:09 p.m.