# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# extract posterior probability of HMM states, copy number, or
# genotype classes, for ONE chromosome
# Since this is only for ONE chromosome, trans.begin is a vector
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
extract.postP <- function(Theta1, pos, LRR, BAF, pBs, cnv.only,
normalGtp, trans.begin, distThreshold){
touse = c("CNA", "Ds", "R.m", "contamination", "geno.error", "pBs.alpha")
wmiss = which(! touse %in% names(Theta1))
if(length(wmiss) > 0){
stop("Missing components ", touse[wmiss] , " in Theta1\n")
CNA = Theta1[["CNA"]]
Ds = Theta1[["Ds"]]
R.m = Theta1[["R.m"]]
contamination = Theta1[["contamination"]]
geno.error = Theta1[["geno.error"]]
pBs.alpha = Theta1[["pBs.alpha"]]
touse = c("pi.r","mu.r","sd.r","pi.b","mu.b","sd.b","trans.m","trans.begin")
touse = c(touse, "pi.rcn", "mu.rcn", "sd.rcn", "transB")
wmiss = which(! touse %in% names(Theta1))
if(length(wmiss) > 0){
stop("Missing components ", touse[wmiss] , " in Theta1\n")
transB = Theta1[["transB"]]
pi.r = Theta1[["pi.r"]]
mu.r = Theta1[["mu.r"]]
sd.r = Theta1[["sd.r"]]
pi.rcn = Theta1[["pi.rcn"]]
mu.rcn = Theta1[["mu.rcn"]]
sd.rcn = Theta1[["sd.rcn"]]
pi.b = Theta1[["pi.b"]]
mu.b = Theta1[["mu.b"]]
sd.b = Theta1[["sd.b"]]
trans.m = Theta1[["trans.m"]]
if(class(Theta1) != "para.genoCN"){
warning("Theta1 is not output of function em.update\n")
# ------------------------------------------------
## remove those SNPs with missing values
# ------------------------------------------------
L0 = length(pos)
wNA = which( | |
pBs[which(] = 0.5
pBs[which(cnv.only)] = 0.5
cnv.only = rep(FALSE, L0)
if(length(wNA) > 0){
pos = pos[-wNA]
pBs = pBs[-wNA]
cnv.only = cnv.only[-wNA]
normalGtp = normalGtp[-wNA]
# ------------------------------------------------
## check normalGtp, genotype in normal tissue
# ------------------------------------------------
contamination = FALSE
normalGtp = rep(-1,length(pBs))
normalGtp = rep(-1,length(pBs))
stop("normalGtp should be a NULL or a numeric vector\n")
if(length(normalGtp) != length(pBs)){
stop("length of normalGtp does not match length of pBs\n")
normalGtp[which(] = -1
if(any(! unique(normalGtp) %in% c(-1,0,1,2))){
stop("invalid value in normalGtp\n")
# ------------------------------------------------
## check pBs, population B allele frequency
# ------------------------------------------------
if(any(pBs >1 | pBs < 0)){
stop("pBs must be between 0 and 1\n")
pBs[which(pBs < pBs.alpha)] = pBs.alpha
pBs[which(pBs > 1 - pBs.alpha)] = 1 - pBs.alpha
# ------------------------------------------------
# check parameters
# ------------------------------------------------
if(any(sd.r <= 0)){
stop("sd.r must be greater than 0\n")
# ------------------------------------------------
## emission probabilities
# ------------------------------------------------
L = length(LRR)
N = nrow(mu.b)
M = ncol(mu.b)
dims = c(L,N,M)
eLRR = matrix(1, nrow=L, ncol=N)
eBAF = matrix(1, nrow=L, ncol=N)
em = matrix(0, nrow=L, ncol=N)
Z = .C("emiss", as.double(LRR), as.double(BAF), as.double(pBs),
as.integer(normalGtp), as.double(geno.error),
as.double(pi.r), as.double(mu.r), as.double(sd.r),
as.double(pi.rcn), as.double(mu.rcn), as.double(sd.rcn),
as.double(R.m), as.double(pi.b), as.double(t(mu.b)),
as.double(t(sd.b)), as.integer(dims), as.integer(!cnv.only),
as.integer(CNA), as.integer(contamination),
eLRR=as.double(t(eLRR)), eBAF=as.double(t(eBAF)),
em=as.double(t(em)), PACKAGE="genoCN")
stop("some emission probabilities are missing\n")
if(any(Z$em == Inf)){
stop("some emission probabilities are positive infinite\n")
em = matrix(Z$em, byrow=TRUE, nrow=L, ncol=N)
eLRR = matrix(Z$eLRR, byrow=TRUE, nrow=L, ncol=N)
eBAF = matrix(Z$eBAF, byrow=TRUE, nrow=L, ncol=N)
# ------------------------------------------------
## forward-backward, posteriors for HMM states
# ------------------------------------------------
f = b = pPN = matrix(0, nrow=L, ncol=N)
## forward probability matrix
f = forward(pos, em, trans.m, trans.begin, Ds, distThreshold, transB)
## bakward probability matrix
b = backward(pos, em, trans.m, Ds, distThreshold, transB)
## posterior probability matrix
pPN = postP(f, b)
# ------------------------------------------------
## ws: the weight for each normal mixture
# ------------------------------------------------
ws = get.weights(pBs, CNA, contamination, normalGtp, geno.error)
# ------------------------------------------------
## posteriors for each genotype components within
## each HMM state
# ------------------------------------------------
H = c(3, 4, 1, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4)
idxStart = c(1,4,8,9,13,22,26,29,33)
H = c(3, 4, 1, 4, 4, 5)
idxStart = c(1,4,8,9,13,17)
Omiga = (1:L)[which(BAF>0 & BAF<1 & (!cnv.only))]
x = 1
if(CNA){ MM = 36 } else{ MM = 21 }
postP36N = matrix(0, L, MM)
wt0 = which(BAF==0.0 & (!cnv.only))
wt1 = which(BAF==1.0 & (!cnv.only))
wt0NA = wt0[which(normalGtp[wt0] == -1)]
wt0AA = wt0[which(normalGtp[wt0] == 0)]
wt0AB = wt0[which(normalGtp[wt0] == 1)]
wt1NA = wt1[which(normalGtp[wt1] == -1)]
wt1BB = wt1[which(normalGtp[wt1] == 2)]
wt1AB = wt1[which(normalGtp[wt1] == 1)]
for(z in 1:N){
Hz = H[z]
bNz = matrix(0, nrow=L, ncol=Hz)
idx = idxStart[z]
if((z %in% c(2,4,6,8)) && contamination){
pn0 = pnorm((0-mu.b[z,2])/sd.b[z,2])
pn1 = pnorm((1-mu.b[z,3])/sd.b[z,3], lower.tail=FALSE)
if(length(wt0NA) > 0){
r0 = 0.5*ws[wt0NA,idx]
r0 = r0/(r0 + pn0*ws[wt0NA,idx+1])
bNz[wt0NA,1] = r0*pPN[wt0NA,z]
bNz[wt0NA,2] = (1-r0)*pPN[wt0NA,z]
if(length(wt0AA) > 0){
bNz[wt0AA,1] = pPN[wt0AA,z]
if(length(wt0AB) > 0){
bNz[wt0AB,2] = pPN[wt0AB,z]
if(length(wt1NA) > 0){
r1 = 0.5*ws[wt1NA,idx+3]
r1 = r1/(r1 + pn1*ws[wt1NA,idx+2])
bNz[wt1NA,4] = r1*pPN[wt1NA,z]
bNz[wt1NA,3] = (1-r1)*pPN[wt1NA,z]
if(length(wt1BB) > 0){
bNz[wt1BB,4] = pPN[wt1BB,z]
if(length(wt1AB) > 0){
bNz[wt1AB,3] = pPN[wt1AB,z]
bNz[wt0,1] = pPN[wt0,z]
bNz[wt1,Hz] = pPN[wt1,z]
for(hh in 1:Hz){
## for state 2/4/6/8, the 2nd/3rd components are not used
## if contamination is FALSE.
## In that case the corresponding weights are 0
## so it does not hurt to do two extra summation
## but need to make sure the sds are all positive
tmp = (1-pi.b[z])*ws[Omiga,idx+hh-1]
tmp = tmp*dnorm(BAF[Omiga],mu.b[z,hh],sd.b[z,hh])
bNz[Omiga,hh] = tmp*pPN[Omiga,z]/eBAF[Omiga,z]
x = idx
y = x + Hz - 1
postP36N[,x:y] = bNz
## now genearate results for all the SNPs
## including those with missing values
pP = matrix(nrow=L0, ncol=N)
postP36 = matrix(nrow=L0, ncol=MM)
pP[-wNA,] = pPN
postP36[-wNA,] = postP36N
pP = pPN
postP36 = postP36N
# ------------------------------------------------
## posteriors of HMM states
# ------------------------------------------------
state.max = rep(NA, L0)
state.max[-wNA] = apply(pP[-wNA,], 1, which.max)
state.max = apply(pP, 1, which.max)
state.maxpP = apply(pP, 1, max)
state.df = data.frame(state=state.max, maxpP=state.maxpP)
# ------------------------------------------------
## posteriors of copy number
# ------------------------------------------------
CN.pP = matrix(0, L0, 5)
CN.pP[,1] = pP[,3] # copy number: 0
CN.pP[,2] = pP[,4] # copy number: 1
CN.pP[,3] = rowSums(pP[,1:2]) # copy number: 2
CN.pP[,4] = rowSums(pP[,5:6]) # copy number: 3
CN.pP[,5] = rowSums(pP[,7:9]) # copy number: 4
CN.pP[,4] = pP[,5] # copy number: 3
CN.pP[,5] = pP[,6] # copy number: 4
colnames(CN.pP) = c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4")
## most likely copy number
CN.max = rep(NA, L0)
CN.max[-wNA] = apply(CN.pP[-wNA,],1,which.max) - 1
CN.max = apply(CN.pP,1,which.max) - 1
## largest copy number post probability
CN.maxpP = apply(CN.pP,1,max)
CN.df = data.frame(CN=CN.max, maxpP=CN.maxpP)
# ------------------------------------------------
## posteriors of genotype classes
# ------------------------------------------------
Gtp.pP = matrix(0, L0, 15)
Gtp.pP[,1] = rowSums(postP36[,c(1,4,5)]) # "AA"
Gtp.pP[,2] = postP36[,2] # "AB"
Gtp.pP[,3] = rowSums(postP36[,c(3,6,7)]) # "BB"
Gtp.pP[,4] = postP36[,8] # "Null"
Gtp.pP[,5] = postP36[,9] + postP36[,10] # "A"
Gtp.pP[,6] = postP36[,11] + postP36[,12] # "B"
Gtp.pP[,7] = rowSums(postP36[,c(13,22,23)]) # "AAA"
Gtp.pP[,8] = postP36[,14] # "AAB"
Gtp.pP[,9] = postP36[,15] # "ABB"
Gtp.pP[,10]= rowSums(postP36[,c(16,24,25)]) # "BBB"
Gtp.pP[,11]= rowSums(postP36[,c(26,29,30,33)]) # "AAAA"
Gtp.pP[,12]= postP36[,34] # "AAAB"
Gtp.pP[,13]= postP36[,27] # "AABB"
Gtp.pP[,14]= postP36[,35] # "ABBB"
Gtp.pP[,15]= rowSums(postP36[,c(28,31,32,36)]) # "BBBB"
Gtp.pP[,1] = rowSums(postP36[,c(1,4)]) # "AA"
Gtp.pP[,2] = postP36[,2] # "AB"
Gtp.pP[,3] = rowSums(postP36[,c(3,7)]) # "BB"
Gtp.pP[,4] = postP36[,8] # "Null"
Gtp.pP[,5] = postP36[,9] # "A"
Gtp.pP[,6] = postP36[,12] # "B"
Gtp.pP[,7:15] = postP36[,13:21] # "AAA" -- "BBBB"
colnames(Gtp.pP) = c("AA", "AB", "BB", "Null", "A", "B",
"AAA", "AAB", "ABB", "BBB", "AAAA", "AAAB", "AABB", "ABBB", "BBBB")
## the most likely genotype
Gtp.max = rep(NA, L0)
if(length(wNA) > 0){
Gtp.max[-wNA] = apply(Gtp.pP[-wNA,],1,which.max)
Gtp.max = apply(Gtp.pP,1,which.max)
## largest genotype post probability
Gtp.maxpP = apply(Gtp.pP,1,max)
Gtp.char = colnames(Gtp.pP)[Gtp.max]
w2drop = which(Gtp.maxpP < 0.01)
Gtp.char[w2drop] = NA
Gtp.maxpP[w2drop] = NA
genotype.df = data.frame(genotype=Gtp.char, maxpP=Gtp.maxpP)
postPL = list(state=pP, state.max=state.df, component=postP36, cn=CN.pP,
cn.max=CN.df, genotype=Gtp.pP, geno.max=genotype.df)
class(postPL) = "postP.genoCN"
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