## Encircle code originally from:
### draw_key_hack
## ##' @importFrom grid grobTree
## ##' @importFrom grid rectGrob
## ##' @importFrom grid gpar
## draw_key_hack <- function(data, params, size) {
## print('draw_key_hack') ##DEBUG
## data$fill <- scales::alpha(data$fill, data$alpha)
## data$alpha <- 1
## grobTree(
## if (!$fill)) rectGrob(gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = data$fill)),
## draw_key_path(data, params)
## )
## }
## #' GeomHilight
## #' @rdname ggtree-ggproto
## #' @format NULL
## #' @usage NULL
## #' @importFrom ggplot2 Geom
## #' @export
## GeomHilight <- ggproto("GeomHilight", Geom,
## # Required fields in the 'data' data.frame for draw_group().
## # Additional fields from the layer param field can be used and will be added to the data column.
## # eg. required_aes = c("x", "y", "branch.length", "clade_root_node") will add "clade_root_node"
## # to the 'data' data.frame passed to draw_{panel, group}()
## required_aes = c("x", "y", "clade_root_node"),
## # set default aesthetic parameters appended to 'data' data.frame
## default_aes = aes(colour = "black",
## fill = "steelblue",
## alpha = 0.5,
## expand = 0.05,
## spread = 0.1,
## linetype = 1,
## size = 1,
## s_shape = 0.5, ## corresponds to default shape in xspline of -0.5
## s_open = FALSE),
## draw_key = draw_key_hack, ## ???
## # # Find set of nodes that define the clade.
## # setup_params = function(data, params) {
## # print('setup_params()') ## DEBUG
## # if (is.null(params$node)){
## # # Assume clade subset is given by user via data = data[subset]
## # return(params)
## # }
## #
## # # Find set of child nodes from clade_node.
## # clade_node <- 15
## #
## # #params$clade_root_node <- clade_node
## # params
## # },
## draw_group = function(data, panel_scales, coord) {
## # Determine if tree is circular or radial as uses Polar coordinates.
## #"CoordCartesian" %in% class(coord)
## #"CoordPolar" %in% class(coord)
## # Get clade root node and clade node ids.
## clade_root_node <- data[1,]$clade_root_node
## # Check if clade parent node exists in data.
## if( !(clade_root_node %in% data$node) ){
## cat('ERROR: clade node id (',clade_root_node,') not found in tree data.\n')
## return(NULL)
## }
## clade_ids = ggtree:::getSubtree.df(data, clade_root_node)
## # Remove non-clade rows.
## data <- data[data$node %in% clade_ids,]
## ## Get layout
## ##
## ## layout <- data[1,]$layout
## ##
## ## If layout is ("rectangular", "slanted", "fan", "circular", "radial") then find set of points that define
## ## the retangular region around the clade.
## ## if( layout %in% c('rectangular', 'slanted', 'fan', 'circular', 'radial') ){
## #
## # # get number of clade nodes.
## # n <- nrow(data)
## #
## # # Find min and max (x,y) coordinates to find rectangle covering the clade.
## # X <- data$x
## # #Y <- data$y
## #
## # min_x <- min(X)
## # max_x <- max(X)
## # #min_y <- min(Y)
## # #max_y <- max(Y)
## #
## #
## # # Start with single row
## # #data <- data[1,]
## # #data <- data[rep(seq_len(nrow(data)), 4), ]
## # #data$x <- c(max_x, min_x, min_x, max_x)
## # #data$y <- c(min_y, max_y, min_y, max_y)
## #
## # points_right <- data
## # # Update points with bounded box (min and max of X )
## # data$x <- min_x
## # points_right$x <- max_x
## # print('points_right')
## # print(points_right)
## #
## # # Combine left and right extreme points
## # data <- rbind(data, points_right)
## #
## # print('Box data') #DEBUG
## # print(data) #DEBUG
## #
## # }
## # Create glob
## glob <- get_glob_encircle(data, panel_scales, coord)
## return(glob)
## }
## )
get_glob_encircle <- function(data, panel_scales, coord){
coords <- coord$transform(data, panel_scales)
first_row <- coords[1, , drop = FALSE]
rownames(first_row) <- NULL ## prevent warning later
m <- lapply(coords[,c("x","y")],mean,na.rm=TRUE)
ch <- grDevices::chull(coords[c("x","y")])
mkcoords <- function(x,y) {
data.frame(x,y,first_row[!names(first_row) %in% c("x","y")])
coords <- coords[ch,]
## FIXME: using grid:: a lot. importFrom instead?
## convert from lengths to physical units, for computing *directions*
cc <- function(x,dir="x")
## convert back to native (e.g. native + snpc offset)
cc_inv <- function(x,dir="x")
cc_comb <- function(x1,x2,dir="x")
## find normalized vector: d1 and d2 have $x, $y elements
normFun <- function(d1,d2) {
dx <- cc(d1$x-d2$x)
dy <- cc(d1$y-d2$y)
r <- sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)
if (nrow(coords)==1) {
## only one point: make a diamond by spreading points vertically
## and horizontally
coords <- with(coords,
} else if (nrow(coords)==2) {
## only two points: make a diamond by spreading points perpendicularly
rot <- matrix(c(0,1,-1,0),2)
dd <- c(rot %*% unlist(normFun(coords[1,],coords[2,])))*
coords <- with(coords, {
## figure out rotated values, then convert *back* to native units
## already in scaled units, so ignore?
x <- c(x[1],
m$x+dd[1], ## cc_comb(m$x,dd[1]),
m$x-dd[1]) ## cc_comb(m$x,-dd[1]))
y <- c(y[1],
m$y+dd[2], ## cc_comb(m$y,dd[2],"y"),
m$y-dd[2]) ## cc_comb(m$y,-dd[2],"y"))
disp <- normFun(coords,m)
## browser()
gp <- grid::get.gpar()
pars1 <- c("colour","linetype","alpha","fill","size")
pars2 <- c("col","lty","alpha","fill","lwd")
gp[pars2] <- first_row[pars1]
## coords$x,
## coords$y,
shape = coords$s_shape-1, ## kluge!
open = first_row$s_open,
gp = gp)
## #' layer of hilight clade with xspline
## #'
## #' @title geom_hilight_encircle
## #' @param data data frame to calculate xspline (default = NULL)
## #' @param node selected node to hilight (required)
## #' @param mapping aesthetic mapping (default = NULL)
## #' @param fill colour fill (default = steelblue)
## #' @param alpha alpha (transparency) (default = 0.5)
## #' @param extend expands the xspline clade region only (default = 0)
## #' @param ... addtional parameters, including:
## #' 'spread' spread of shape? (default = 0.1),
## #' 'linetype' Line type of xspline (default = 1),
## #' 'size' Size of xspline line (default = 1),
## #' 's_shape' Corresponds to shape of xspline (default = 0.5),
## #' 's_open' Boolean switch determines if xspline shape is open or closed. (default = FALSE)
## #' @return ggplot2
## #' @export
## #' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_
## geom_hilight_encircle <- function(data = NULL,
## node,
## mapping = NULL,
## fill = 'steelblue',
## alpha = 0.5,
## extend = 0, # expand whole hilight region.
## ...) {
## position = "identity"
## na.rm = TRUE
## show.legend = NA
## inherit.aes = FALSE
## check.aes = FALSE
## # Select fields(columns) from the ggtree "data" data.frame to be passed to the GeomHilight ggproto object.
## default_aes <- aes_( x=~x, y=~y, node=~node, parent=~parent, branch = ~branch)
## if (is.null(mapping)) {
## mapping <- default_aes
## } else {
## mapping <- modifyList(default_aes, mapping)
## }
## # create xspline geom for non-uniform trees, e.g. unrooted layout
## l <- layer(
## geom = GeomHilight,
## stat = "identity",
## mapping = mapping,
## data = data,
## position = position,
## show.legend = show.legend,
## inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
## check.aes = check.aes,
## params = list(clade_root_node = node,
## fill = fill,
## alpha = alpha,
## expand = extend,
## na.rm = na.rm,
## ...) # Parameters to geom
## )
## return(l)
## }
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