
## ##' add the grid line to external ring layer of tree
## ##'
## ##' geom_ringline is designed to add grid line to external ring 
## ##' layer of tree, it only be added after `geom_fruit`.
## ##' @param colour character, the color of ring line, default is "grey50".
## ##' @param size numeric, the size of ring line, default is 0.1.
## ##' @param alpha numeric, the colour transparency of line, default is 1.
## ##' @param lineend character, Line end style (round, butt, square),
## ##' default is "butt".
## ##' @param linejoin character, Line join style (round, mitre, bevel),
## ##' default is "round".
## ##' @param nbreak integer, this is only efficient when axis x is continuous, 
## ##' default is 4. 
## ##' @param addgrid logical, whether add the grid line of y in external 
## ##' ring layer of tree, default is FALSE.
## ##' @author Shuangbin Xu
## ##' @export
## ##' @examples
## ##' library(ggtree)
## ##' library(ggplot2)
## ##' library(ggstar)
## ##' set.seed(1024)
## ##' tr <- rtree(100)
## ##' dd = data.frame(id=tr$tip.label, value=abs(rnorm(100)))
## ##' dt = data.frame(id=tr$tip.label, group=c(rep("A",50),rep("B",50)))
## ##' p <- ggtree(tr, layout="circular")
## ##'
## ##' p1 <- p +
## ##'       geom_fruit(
## ##'           data=dt,
## ##'           geom=geom_star,
## ##'           mapping=aes(y=id, fill=group),
## ##'           size=2.5,
## ##'           starstroke=0
## ##'       )
## ##' p2 <- p1 +
## ##'       geom_fruit(
## ##'           data=dd,
## ##'           geom=geom_bar,
## ##'           mapping=aes(x=value, y=id),
## ##'           orientation="y",
## ##'           stat="identity"
## ##'       ) +
## ##'       geom_ringline()
## geom_ringline <- function(colour="grey50",
##                           size=0.1,
##                           alpha=1,
##                           lineend="butt",
##                           linejoin="round",
##                           nbreak=4,
##                           addgrid=FALSE
##                          ){
##     structure(
##         list(
##             size=size,
##             colour=colour,
##             alpha=alpha,
##             lineend=lineend,
##             linejoin=linejoin,
##             nbreak=nbreak,
##             addgrid=addgrid
##         ),
##         class="fruit_ringline"
##     )
## }

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ggtreeExtra documentation built on April 8, 2021, 6:01 p.m.