
Defines functions FeatureSetTable

Documented in FeatureSetTable

#' Feature set table
#' A table where each row is itself a feature set and can be clicked to transmit a multiple feature selection to another panel.
#' @section Slot overview:
#' The following slots control the feature sets in use:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Collection}, string specifying the type of feature set collection to show.
#' Defaults to the first set.
#' \item \code{CreateCollections}, a named character vector where each entry is named after a feature set collection.
#' Each entry should be a string containing R commands to define a data.frame named \code{tab}, where each row is a feature set and the row names are the names of those sets.
#' \item \code{RetrieveSet}, a named character vector where each entry is named after a feature set collection.
#' Each entry should be a string containing R commands to define a character vector named \code{selected} containing the identity of all rows of the SummarizedExperiment in the set of interest.
#' (These commands can assume that a \code{.set_id} variable is present containing the name of the chosen feature set,
#' as well as the \code{se} variable containing the input SummarizedExperiment object.)
#' }
#' The following slots control the selections:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Selected}, a string containing the name of the currently selected gene set.
#' Defaults to \code{""}, i.e., no selection.
#' \item \code{Search}, a string containing the regular expression for the global search.
#' Defaults to \code{""}, i.e., no search.
#' \item \code{SearchColumns}, a character vector where each entry contains the search string for each column.
#' Defaults to an empty character vector, i.e., no search.
#' }
#' In addition, this class inherits all slots from its parent \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' @section Constructor:
#' \code{FeatureSetTable(...)} creates an instance of a FeatureSetTable class,
#' where any slot and its value can be passed to \code{...} as a named argument.
#' Initial values for \code{CreateCollections} and \code{RetrieveSet} are taken from the fields of the same name in the output of \code{\link{getFeatureSetCommands}}.
#' If these fields are also \code{NULL}, we fall back to the output of \code{\link{createGeneSetCommands}} with default parameters.
#' These parameters are considered to be global constants and cannot be changed inside the running \code{iSEE} application.
#' Similarly, it is not possible for multiple FeatureSetTables in the same application to have different values for these slots;
#' within the app, all values are set to those of the first encountered FeatureSetTable to ensure consistency.
#' @section Supported methods:
#' In the following code snippets, \code{x} is an instance of a \linkS4class{FeatureSetTable} class.
#' Refer to the documentation for each method for more details on the remaining arguments.
#' For setting up data values:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{.cacheCommonInfo}(x)} adds a \code{"FeatureSetTable"} entry containing \code{available.sets}, a named list of DataFrames containing information about the individual gene sets for each collection.
#' This will also call the equivalent \linkS4class{Panel} method.
#' \item \code{\link{.refineParameters}(x, se)} replaces \code{NA} values in \code{Collection} with the first valid collection.
#' It also replaces \code{NA} values for \code{Selected} with the first valid set in the chosen collection.
#' This will also call the equivalent \linkS4class{Panel} method.
#' }
#' For defining the interface:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{.defineDataInterface}(x, se, select_info)} returns a list of interface elements for manipulating all slots described above.
#' \item \code{\link{.panelColor}(x)} will return the specified default color for this panel class.
#' \item \code{\link{.fullName}(x)} will return \code{"Gene set table"}.
#' \item \code{\link{.hideInterface}(x)} will return \code{TRUE} for UI elements related to multiple selections,
#' otherwise calling the method for \linkS4class{Panel}.
#' \item \code{\link{.defineOutput}(x)} will return a HTML element containing a \code{\link{datatable}} widget.
#' }
#' For monitoring reactive expressions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{.createObservers}(x, se, input, session, pObjects, rObjects)} sets up observers for all new slots described above, as well as in the parent classes via the \linkS4class{Panel} method.
#' }
#' For creating the table:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{.generateOutput}(x, envir)} will create a data.frame of gene set descriptions in \code{envir}, based on the contents of \code{x[["CreateCollections"]]}.
#' It will also return the commands required to do so and the name of the variable corresponding to said data.frame.
#' \item \code{\link{.renderOutput}(x, se, ..., output, pObjects, rObjects)}
#' will add a \code{\link{datatable}} widget to the output,
#' which is used to render the aforementioned data.frame.
#' }
#' For controlling the multiple selections:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{.multiSelectionDimension}(x)} returns \code{"row"}.
#' \item \code{\link{.multiSelectionCommands}(x, index)} returns a string specifying the commands to be used to extract the identities of the genes in the currently selected set, based on the contents of \code{x[["RetrieveSet"]]}.
#' \code{index} is ignored.
#' \item \code{\link{.multiSelectionActive}(x)} returns the name of the currently selected gene set,
#' unless no selection is made, in which case \code{NULL} is returned.
#' \item \code{\link{.multiSelectionClear}(x)} returns \code{x} but with the \code{Selected} slot replaced by an empty string.
#' \item \code{\link{.multiSelectionAvailable}(x, contents)} returns \code{contents$available},
#' which is set to the number of features in \code{se}.
#' }
#' For documentation:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{.definePanelTour}(x)} returns an data.frame containing the steps of a panel-specific tour.
#' }
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @examples
#' library(scRNAseq)
#' sce <- LunSpikeInData(location=FALSE)
#' library(scater)
#' sce <- logNormCounts(sce)
#' library(scran)
#' rowData(sce) <- cbind(rowData(sce), modelGeneVarWithSpikes(sce, "ERCC"))
#' cmds <- createGeneSetCommands(collections="GO",
#'     organism="org.Mm.eg.db", identifier="ENSEMBL")
#' setFeatureSetCommands(cmds)
#' gst <- FeatureSetTable(PanelId=1L)
#' rdp <- RowDataPlot(RowSelectionSource="FeatureSetTable1",
#'     SelectionEffect="Color",
#'     XAxis="Row data", XAxisRowData="mean", YAxis="total")
#' rdt <- RowDataTable(RowSelectionSource="FeatureSetTable1")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'     iSEE(sce, initial=list(gst, rdp, rdt))
#' }
#' @name FeatureSetTable-class
#' @aliases FeatureSetTable FeatureSetTable-class
#' initialize,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .fullName,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .panelColor,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .cacheCommonInfo,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .refineParameters,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .defineDataInterface,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .hideInterface,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .defineOutput,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .generateOutput,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .createObservers,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .renderOutput,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .multiSelectionDimension,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .multiSelectionActive,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .multiSelectionCommands,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .multiSelectionAvailable,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .multiSelectionClear,FeatureSetTable-method
#' .definePanelTour,FeatureSetTable-method

#' @export
setClass("FeatureSetTable", contains="Panel",

#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleString
setValidity2("FeatureSetTable", function(object) {
    msg <- character(0)

    msg <- .singleStringError(msg, object, c("Collection", "Selected", "Search"))

    cre.cmds <- object[["CreateCollections"]]
    ret.cmds <- object[["RetrieveSet"]]
    nms <- names(cre.cmds)
    if (is.null(nms) || anyDuplicated(nms)) {
        msg <- c(msg, "names of 'CreateCollections' must be non-NULL and unique")
    if (!identical(nms, names(ret.cmds))) {
        msg <- c(msg, "names of 'CreateCollections' and 'RetrieveSet' must be identical")

    if (length(msg)) {

#' @export
setMethod("initialize", "FeatureSetTable", 
    function(.Object, Collection=NA_character_, Selected="", Search="", SearchColumns=character(0), ...) 
    args <- list(..., Collection=Collection, Selected=Selected, Search=Search, SearchColumns=SearchColumns)

    stuff <- getFeatureSetCommands()
    if (is.null(stuff)) {
        stuff <- createGeneSetCommands()

    args$CreateCollections <- stuff$CreateCollections
    args$RetrieveSet <- stuff$RetrieveSet

    do.call(callNextMethod, c(list(.Object), args))

#' @export
#' @importFrom methods new
FeatureSetTable <- function(...) {
    new("FeatureSetTable", ...)

#' @export
setMethod(".cacheCommonInfo", "FeatureSetTable", function(x, se) {
    if (!is.null(.getCachedCommonInfo(se, "FeatureSetTable"))) {

    se <- callNextMethod()

    # NOTE: these fields are assumed to be globals, so it's okay to use their
    # values when caching the common values.  The plan is to use
    # .refineParameters to force all FeatureSetTables to use the commands of
    # the first encountered FeatureSetTable.
    cre.cmds <- x[["CreateCollections"]]
    ret.cmds <- x[["RetrieveSet"]]

    created <- lapply(cre.cmds, function(code) {
        env <- new.env()
        eval(parse(text=code), envir=env)

    .setCachedCommonInfo(se, "FeatureSetTable", 

#' @export
setMethod(".refineParameters", "FeatureSetTable", function(x, se) {
    x[["CreateCollections"]] <- .getCachedCommonInfo(se, "FeatureSetTable")$create.collections.cmds
    x[["RetrieveSet"]] <- .getCachedCommonInfo(se, "FeatureSetTable")$retrieve.set.cmds

    x <- callNextMethod()
    if (is.null(x)) {

    all.sets <- .getCachedCommonInfo(se, "FeatureSetTable")$available.sets
    if (length(all.sets)==0) {
        warning(sprintf("no feature sets specified for '%s'", class(x)[1]))

    if (is.na(coll <- x[["Collection"]]) || !(coll %in% names(all.sets))) {
        x[["Collection"]] <- names(all.sets)[1]

    chosen <- x[["Selected"]]
    setnames <- rownames(all.sets[[x[["Collection"]]]])
    if (is.na(chosen) || (chosen!="" && !chosen %in% setnames)) {
        x[["Selected"]] <- setnames[1]


#' @export
setMethod(".fullName", "FeatureSetTable", function(x) "Feature set table")

#' @export
setMethod(".panelColor", "FeatureSetTable", function(x) "#BB00FF")

#' @export
#' @importFrom DT dataTableOutput
setMethod(".defineOutput", "FeatureSetTable", function(x) {
    panel_name <- .getEncodedName(x)

#' @export
#' @importFrom shiny selectInput
setMethod(".defineDataInterface", "FeatureSetTable", function(x, se, select_info) {
    panel_name <- .getEncodedName(x)
    all.sets <- .getCachedCommonInfo(se, "FeatureSetTable")$available.sets
        selectInput(paste0(panel_name, "_Collection"),

#' @export
setMethod(".hideInterface", "FeatureSetTable", function(x, field) {
    if (field %in% "SelectionBoxOpen") {
    } else {

#' @export
setMethod(".generateOutput", "FeatureSetTable", function(x, se, ..., all_memory, all_contents) {
    all.sets <- .getCachedCommonInfo(se, "FeatureSetTable")$available.sets
    current <- x[["Collection"]]

        contents=list(table=all.sets[[current]], available=nrow(se)),

#' @export
#' @importFrom shiny observeEvent
setMethod(".createObservers", "FeatureSetTable", function(x, se, input, session, pObjects, rObjects) {

    panel_name <- .getEncodedName(x)

        input=input, pObjects=pObjects, rObjects=rObjects)

    # Observer for the DataTable row selection. Note that this needs the
    # ignoreNULL=FALSE in order to acknowledge 'unselection'; however, it
    # _also_ needs ignoreInit=TRUE to avoid wiping out any initial value of
    # 'Selected' due to an empty input at app start.
    select_field <- paste0(panel_name, "_rows_selected")
    observeEvent(input[[select_field]], {
        chosen <- input[[select_field]]

        if (length(chosen)==0L) {
            chosen <- ""
        } else {
            chosen <- rownames(pObjects$contents[[panel_name]]$table)[chosen]

        previous <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][["Selected"]]
        if (chosen==previous) {
        pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][["Selected"]] <- chosen
        .requestActiveSelectionUpdate(panel_name, session=session, pObjects=pObjects,
            rObjects=rObjects, update_output=FALSE)

    }, ignoreNULL=FALSE, ignoreInit=TRUE)

    # Observer for the search field:
    search_field <- paste0(panel_name, "_search")
    observeEvent(input[[search_field]], {
        search <- input[[search_field]]
        if (identical(search, pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][["Search"]])) {
        pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][["Search"]] <- search

    # Observer for the column search fields:
    colsearch_field <- paste0(panel_name, "_search_columns")
    observeEvent(input[[colsearch_field]], {
        search <- input[[colsearch_field]]
        if (identical(search, pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][["SearchColumns"]])) {
        pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][["SearchColumns"]] <- search

#' @export
#' @importFrom DT renderDataTable datatable selectRows dataTableProxy
setMethod(".renderOutput", "FeatureSetTable", function(x, se, ..., output, pObjects, rObjects) {

    panel_name <- .getEncodedName(x)
    output[[panel_name]] <- renderDataTable({
        .trackUpdate(panel_name, rObjects)
        param_choices <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]]

        # See comments in ?iSEE:::.create_table_output.

        t.out <- .retrieveOutput(panel_name, se, pObjects, rObjects)
        full_tab <- t.out$contents$table

        chosen <- param_choices[["Selected"]]
        search <- param_choices[["Search"]]
        search_col <- param_choices[["SearchColumns"]]
        search_col <- lapply(search_col, FUN=function(x) { list(search=x) })

        # If the existing row in memory doesn't exist in the current table, we
        # don't initialize it with any selection.
        idx <- which(rownames(full_tab)==chosen)[1]
        if (!is.na(idx)) {
            selection <- list(mode="single", selected=idx)
        } else {
            selection <- "single"

        # Clearing the current row selection in 'input', otherwise some madness
        # happens with the observer seeming to respond to the datatable()
        # re-rendering but applying the old value of 'input[[*_rows_selected]]'
        # to the new 'full_tab' - not good.
        selectRows(dataTableProxy(panel_name, deferUntilFlush=FALSE), NULL)

            full_tab, filter="top", rownames=TRUE,
                search=list(search=search, smart=FALSE, regex=TRUE, caseInsensitive=FALSE),
                searchCols=c(list(NULL), search_col), # row names are the first column!

#' @export
setMethod(".multiSelectionDimension", "FeatureSetTable", function(x) "row")

#' @export
setMethod(".multiSelectionCommands", "FeatureSetTable", function(x, index) {
        sprintf(".set_id <- %s;", deparse(x[["Selected"]])),

#' @export
setMethod(".multiSelectionActive", "FeatureSetTable", function(x) {
    if (nzchar(x[["Selected"]])) {
    } else {

#' @export
setMethod(".multiSelectionClear", "FeatureSetTable", function(x) {
    x[["Selected"]] <- ""

#' @export
setMethod(".multiSelectionAvailable", "FeatureSetTable", function(x, contents) {

#' @export
setMethod(".definePanelTour", "FeatureSetTable", function(x) {
    collated <- rbind(
        c(paste0("#", .getEncodedName(x)), sprintf("The <font color=\"%s\">Feature set table</font> panel contains information about sets of features, most typically gene sets. Here, each row corresponds to a feature set, i.e., multiple rows of our original <code>SummarizedExperiment</code> object.", .getPanelColor(x))),
        c(paste0("#", .getEncodedName(x), "_DataBoxOpen"), "The <i>Data parameters</i> box shows the available parameters that can be tweaked in this table.<br/><br/><strong>Action:</strong> click on this box to open up available options."),
        c(paste0("#", .getEncodedName(x), "_Collection + .selectize-control"), "The main option is the collection of sets to show in the table. For gene sets, this defaults to KEGG and GO collections, though one can of course put anything in there."),
        c(paste0("#", .getEncodedName(x)), "The most interesting part about this panel is that clicking on any row of this table will transmit a multiple row selection to another panel! This is useful for exploring the results of gene set enrichment analyses where a gene set of interest can be selected to quickly highlight the position of the member genes in another plot.")

    data.frame(element=collated[,1], intro=collated[,2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

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