Man pages for mdgsa
Multi Dimensional Gene Set Analysis.

annotFilterChecks and filters an annotation list.
annotList2matConvert an annotation list into an annotation matrix.
annotMat2listConvert an annotation matrix into an annotation list.
getGOnamesGet Gene Ontology names
getKEGGnamesGet KEGG names
getOntologyGet GO term Ontology
goLeavesKeep just leaf nodes from the Gene Ontology DAG.
indexTransformTransform ranking index distribution.
mdGsaMulti-Dimensional Gene Set Analysis.
mdPatMulti-Dimensional Gene Set Analysis Pattern Classification.
plotMdGsaPlot Multi-Dimensional Gene Set
propagateGOPropagate Gene Ontology annotation.
pval2indexTransform p-values in into a ranking index.
revListRevert an annotation list.
splitOntologiesSplit an annotation list of GO terms by ontologies.
transferIndexTransfer a ranking index from regulatory elements, such as...
uvGsaUni-Variate Gene Set Analysis.
uvPatUni-Variate Gene Set Analysis Pattern Classification.
uvSignifFilter significant terms in the univariate gene set analysis.
mdgsa documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:05 p.m.