# This function performs genotype-phenotype association analysis according
# to metaCCA algorithm.
metaCcaGp <- function(nr_studies, S_XY, std_info, S_YY, N, analysis_type, SNP_id, S_XX){
# define if the "plus" mode was called
if ( length(nr_studies)==2 && nr_studies[2] == "plus_mode" ){
# metaCCA+
plus_mode = 1
nr_studies = as.numeric(nr_studies[1])
} else
plus_mode = 0
if ( identical( class(nr_studies), "numeric" ) == FALSE ){
stop('The first argument (number of studies analysed) needs to be
numerical. ')
# Identifying analysis type
if ( missing(analysis_type) ){
option = 0
} else {
option = analysis_type
if (option != 1 && option != 2){
stop('Wrong indicator of the analysis type. Please provide >>1<<
for a single-SNP analysis of the SNP of interest,
>>2<< for a multi-SNP analysis.')
# Validate if the number of elements in the input lists correspond to the
# number of studies meta-analysed
if ( length(S_XY) != nr_studies ){
stop('The number of data frames with univariate summary statistics
(S_XY) given as input needs to correspond to the number of studies
analysed (nr_studies).')
if ( length(std_info) != nr_studies ){
stop('The length of std_info vector given as input needs to correspond
to the number of studies analysed (nr_studies).')
if ( length(S_YY) != nr_studies ){
stop('The number of phenotypic correlation matrices (S_YY) given
as input needs to correspond to the number of studies analysed
if ( length(N) != nr_studies ){
stop('The length of N vector with numbers of individuals given as input
needs to correspond to the number of studies analysed
if ( (option == 2) && (length(S_XX) != nr_studies) ){
stop('The number of data frames containing correlations between SNPs
(S_XX) given as input needs to correspond to the number of studies
analysed (nr_studies).')
trait_id_syy = vector("list", nr_studies)
trait_ids_betas = vector("list", nr_studies)
trait_ids_se = vector("list", nr_studies)
SNPid = vector("list", nr_studies)
for (i in 1:nr_studies){
# Phenotypic correlation matrix - trait IDs
trait_id_syy[[i]] = rownames( S_YY[[i]] )
# Summary statistics
# Betas - trait IDs
trait_ids_betas_temp = colnames(S_XY[[i]])[
seq(3,length(S_XY[[i]]),by=2) ]
trait_ids_betas[[i]] = sapply( strsplit(trait_ids_betas_temp, "_") ,
"[[", 1)
# SE - trait IDs
trait_ids_se_temp = colnames(S_XY[[i]])[
seq(4,length(S_XY[[i]]),by=2) ]
trait_ids_se[[i]] = sapply( strsplit(trait_ids_se_temp, "_") ,
"[[", 1)
SNPid[[i]] = rownames(S_XY[[i]])
# Validating if trait IDs of the corresponding regression coefficients
# and standard errors match
if ( identical(trait_ids_betas[[i]], trait_ids_se[[i]]) == FALSE ){
stop('Trait IDs of regression coefficients and standard errors
do not match (study ', i, ').')
# Validating if trait IDs in S_XY match between different studies
if ( length(unique(trait_ids_betas)) != 1 ){
stop('Trait IDs in summary statistics of different studies
do not match.')
# Validating if trait IDs in S_YY match between different studies
if ( length(unique(trait_id_syy)) != 1 ){
stop('Trait IDs in phenotypic correlation structures of different
studies do not match.')
# Validating if trait IDs in S_YY and S_XY match
if ( identical(trait_id_syy[[1]], trait_ids_betas[[1]]) == FALSE ){
stop('Trait IDs in phenotypic correlation structures and summary
statistics do not match.')
allele0 = vector("list", nr_studies)
SXY = vector("list", nr_studies)
se = vector("list", nr_studies)
if ( option == 0 ){
for (i in 1:nr_studies){
# Validating if alleles are in the correct format
# allele_0
out_all0 = valAlleles( levels(S_XY[[i]][,1]) )
if ( out_all0[[1]] != 0 ) {
stop("Column 'allele_0' contains at least one invalid
character: ", out_all0[[2]] , ", study ", i ,".")
# allele_1
out_all1 = valAlleles( levels(S_XY[[i]][,2]) )
if ( out_all1[[1]] != 0 ) {
stop("Column 'allele_1' contains at least one invalid
character: ", out_all1[[2]] , ", study ", i ,".")
allele0[[i]] = S_XY[[i]][,1]
SXY[[i]] = S_XY[[i]][, seq(3, length(S_XY[[i]]),by=2) ]
se[[i]] = S_XY[[i]][, seq(4, length(S_XY[[i]]),by=2) ]
# Validating if SNP IDs match between different studies
if ( length(unique(SNPid)) != 1 ){
stop('SNP IDs in summary statistics of different studies
do not match.')
# Validating if allele_0 match between different studies
if ( length(unique(allele0)) != 1 ){
stop('Alleles 0 in summary statistics of different studies
do not match.')
# Validating if SNP IDs and trait ids are unique
if ( length(unique(SNPid[[1]])) != length(SNPid[[1]]) ){
stop('SNP IDs are not unique! ')
if ( length(unique(trait_ids_betas[[1]])) != length(trait_ids_betas[[1]]) ){
stop('Trait IDs are not unique! ')
# Normalizing regression coefficients (if the univariate analysis has
# been performed on non-standardised data)
S_XY_norm = vector("list", nr_studies)
for (i in 1:nr_studies){
if ( std_info[i] == 0 ){
S_XY_norm[[i]] = normalizeSxy(SXY[[i]], se[[i]], N[i]);
} else if ( std_info[i] == 1 ) {
S_XY_norm[[i]] = SXY[[i]]
} else
stop('Wrong indicator of the univariate analysis type
(study ', i, '). Please provide >>0<< or >>1<<.')
# Pooling covariance matrices of the same type
out_list = poolCov( rep(list(1),nr_studies), S_YY, S_XY_norm, N);
C_YY = out_list[[2]]
C_XY = out_list[[3]]
N_tot = out_list[[4]]
r_1 = vector( length = dim(C_XY)[1] )
p_val = vector( length = dim(C_XY)[1] )
trait_weights_list = list()
# Analysing one SNP at a time (against all given traits)
for ( i_snp in 1:dim(C_XY)[1] ){
t_part = matrix( nrow = 1, ncol = dim(C_XY[i_snp,])[2]+1 )
b_part = matrix( nrow = dim(C_XY[i_snp,])[2], ncol = dim(C_YY)[1]+1 )
full_cov = matrix( nrow = dim(t_part)[1]+dim(b_part)[1], ncol = dim(t_part)[2] )
# Building a full covariance matrix
t_part = as.matrix( cbind( 1, C_XY[i_snp,] ) )
colnames(t_part) = NULL; rownames(t_part) = NULL
b_part = as.matrix( cbind( t(C_XY[i_snp,]), C_YY ) )
colnames(b_part) = NULL; rownames(b_part) = NULL
full_cov = rbind( t_part, b_part )
# Ensuring the PSD property of the full covariance matrix
if ( plus_mode == 0){
out_list_m = shrinkPSD(full_cov, 1)
} else
out_list_m = shrinkPlus(full_cov, 1)
C_XX_out = out_list_m[[1]]
C_YY_out = out_list_m[[2]]
C_XY_out = out_list_m[[3]]
# Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA)
# genotype-phenotype association result
out_list_cca = myCCA(C_XX_out, C_YY_out, C_XY_out, N_tot)
r_1[i_snp] = out_list_cca[[1]]
p_val[i_snp] = -log10(out_list_cca[[2]])
trait_weights_list[[i_snp]] = out_list_cca[[4]]
# Data.frame with the results
result = data.frame( r_1, p_val, row.names = SNPid[[1]] )
colnames(result)[2] = '-log10(p-val)'
# Add trait-wise canonical weights
result$trait_weights = vector( mode = "list", length = nrow(result) )
for(i in 1:nrow(result)){
result$trait_weights[[i]] = trait_weights_list[[i]]
} else if ( option == 1 ) {
if ( missing(SNP_id) ){
stop('Provide an ID of the SNP of interest.')
if ( length(SNP_id)>1 ){
stop('An ID of only one SNP should be given.')
selected_SNPid = SNP_id;
# Summary statistics for a given SNP
for ( i in 1:nr_studies ){
# Match SNP ID
h_id = grep( paste("^", selected_SNPid,"$",sep=""), SNPid[[i]] )
if ( length(h_id) > 1 ) {
stop('There is more than one SNP with ID "', selected_SNPid,
'" in study ',i, '.')
if ( length(h_id) == 0 ) {
stop('There is no SNP with ID "', selected_SNPid,
'" in study ',i, '.')
# Validating if alleles are in the correct format
# allele_0
out_all0 = valAlleles( levels(S_XY[[i]][h_id, 1]) )
if ( out_all0[[1]] != 0 ) {
stop("Column 'allele_0' contains at least one invalid
character: ", out_all0[[2]] , ", study ", i ,".")
# allele_1
out_all1 = valAlleles( levels(S_XY[[i]][h_id, 2]) )
if ( out_all1[[1]] != 0 ) {
stop("Column 'allele_1' contains at least one invalid
character: ", out_all1[[2]] , ", study ", i ,".")
allele0[[i]] = S_XY[[i]][h_id, 1]
SXY[[i]] = S_XY[[i]][h_id, seq(3, length(S_XY[[i]]),by=2) ]
se[[i]] = S_XY[[i]][h_id, seq(4, length(S_XY[[i]]),by=2) ]
# Validating if allele_0 match between different studies
if ( length(unique(allele0)) != 1 ){
stop('Alleles 0 in summary statistics of different studies
do not match.')
# Validating if trait IDs are unique
if ( length(unique(trait_ids_betas[[1]])) != length(trait_ids_betas[[1]]) ){
stop('Trait IDs are not unique! ')
# Normalizing regression coefficients (if the univariate analysis has
# been performed on non-standardised data)
S_XY_norm = list()
for (i in 1:nr_studies){
if ( std_info[i] == 0 ){
S_XY_norm[[i]] = normalizeSxy(SXY[[i]], se[[i]], N[i]);
} else if ( std_info[i] == 1 ) {
S_XY_norm[[i]] = SXY[[i]]
} else
stop('Wrong indicator of the univariate analysis type
(study ', i, '). Please provide >>0<< or >>1<<.')
# Pooling covariance matrices of the same type
out_list = poolCov( rep(list(1),nr_studies), S_YY, S_XY_norm, N)
C_YY = out_list[[2]]
C_XY = out_list[[3]]
N_tot = out_list[[4]]
# Building a full covariance matrix
t_part = as.matrix( cbind( 1, C_XY ) )
colnames(t_part) = NULL; rownames(t_part) = NULL
b_part = as.matrix( cbind( t(C_XY), C_YY ) )
colnames(b_part) = NULL; rownames(b_part) = NULL
full_cov = rbind( t_part, b_part )
# Ensuring the PSD property of the full covariance matrix
if ( plus_mode == 0 ){
out_list_m = shrinkPSD(full_cov, 1)
} else
out_list_m = shrinkPlus(full_cov, 1)
C_XX_out = out_list_m[[1]]
C_YY_out = out_list_m[[2]]
C_XY_out = out_list_m[[3]]
# Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA)
# genotype-phenotype association result
out_list_cca = myCCA(C_XX_out, C_YY_out, C_XY_out, N_tot)
r_1 = out_list_cca[[1]]
p_val = -log10(out_list_cca[[2]])
# Data.frame with the results
result = data.frame( r_1, p_val, row.names = selected_SNPid )
colnames(result)[2] = '-log10(p-val)'
# Add trait-wise canonical weights
result$trait_weights[[1]] = out_list_cca[[4]]
} else if ( option == 2 ) {
if ( missing(SNP_id) ){
stop('Provide IDs of SNPs to be analysed jointly.')
if ( length(SNP_id)<2 ){
stop('IDs of at least two SNPs should be given in case of multi-SNP
if( missing(S_XX) ){
stop('Data frames containing correlations between SNPs need
to be given.')
selected_SNPid = SNP_id
if ( length(unique(selected_SNPid)) != length(selected_SNPid) ){
stop('IDs of SNPs to be analysed jointly are not unique. ')
# SNP IDs in S_XX
S_XX_all = vector("list", nr_studies)
SNPid_inSxx = vector("list", nr_studies)
for ( i in 1:nr_studies ){
S_XX_all[[i]] = as.matrix( S_XX[[i]] )
SNPid_inSxx[[i]] = rownames( S_XX_all[[i]] )
# Validating if SNP IDs in S_XY match between different studies
if ( length(unique(SNPid)) != 1 ){
stop('SNP IDs in summary statistics of different studies
do not match.')
# Summary statistics and genotypic correlation structures corresponding
# to given SNPs
SXX = vector("list", nr_studies)
for ( i in 1:nr_studies ){
# match SNP ids
h_id_xy = vector( length = length(selected_SNPid) )
h_id_xx = vector( length = length(selected_SNPid) )
for ( h in 1:length(selected_SNPid) ) {
temp_xy = grep( paste("^", selected_SNPid[h], "$", sep=""),
SNPid[[i]] )
temp_xx = grep( paste("^", selected_SNPid[h], "$", sep=""),
SNPid_inSxx[[i]] )
if ( length(temp_xy) == 0 ){
stop('SNP "', selected_SNPid[h], '" not found in the summary
statistics of study ', i, ' .' )
} else
h_id_xy[h] = temp_xy
if ( length(temp_xx) == 0 ){
stop('SNP "', selected_SNPid[h], '" not found in the S_XX
of study ', i, ' .' )
} else
h_id_xx[h] = temp_xx
# Validating if alleles are in the correct format
# allele_0
out_all0 = valAlleles( levels(S_XY[[i]][h_id_xy, 1]) )
if ( out_all0[[1]] != 0 ) {
stop("Column 'allele_0' contains at least one invalid character: ",
out_all0[[2]] , ", study ", i ,".")
# allele_1
out_all1 = valAlleles( levels(S_XY[[i]][h_id_xy, 2]) )
if ( out_all1[[1]] != 0 ) {
stop("Column 'allele_1' contains at least one invalid character: ",
out_all1[[2]] , ", study ", i ,".")
SXY[[i]] = S_XY[[i]][h_id_xy, seq(3, length(S_XY[[i]]),by=2) ]
se[[i]] = S_XY[[i]][h_id_xy, seq(4, length(S_XY[[i]]),by=2) ]
allele0[[i]] = S_XY[[i]][h_id_xy, 1]
SXX[[i]] = S_XX_all[[i]][h_id_xx, h_id_xx]
# Validating if allele_0 match between different studies
if ( length(unique(allele0)) != 1 ){
stop('Alleles 0 in summary statistics of different studies
do not match.')
# Validating if trait IDs are unique
if ( length(unique(trait_ids_betas[[1]])) != length(trait_ids_betas[[1]]) ){
stop('Trait IDs are not unique! ')
# Normalizing regression coefficients (if the univariate analysis has
# been performed on non-standardised data)
S_XY_norm = list()
for (i in 1:nr_studies){
if ( std_info[i] == 0 ){
S_XY_norm[[i]] = normalizeSxy(SXY[[i]], se[[i]], N[i]);
} else if ( std_info[i] == 1 ) {
S_XY_norm[[i]] = SXY[[i]]
} else
stop('Wrong indicator of the univariate analysis type
(study ', i, '). Please provide >>0<< or >>1<<.')
# Pooling covariance matrices of the same type
out_list = poolCov( SXX, S_YY, S_XY_norm, N )
C_XX = out_list[[1]]
C_YY = out_list[[2]]
C_XY = out_list[[3]]
N_tot = out_list[[4]]
# Building a full covariance matrix
t_part = as.matrix( cbind( C_XX, C_XY ) )
colnames(t_part) = NULL; rownames(t_part) = NULL
b_part = as.matrix( cbind( t(C_XY), C_YY ) )
colnames(b_part) = NULL; rownames(b_part) = NULL
full_cov = rbind( t_part, b_part )
# Ensuring the PSD property of the full covariance matrix
if ( plus_mode == 0){
out_list_m = shrinkPSD(full_cov, length(selected_SNPid))
} else
out_list_m = shrinkPlus(full_cov, length(selected_SNPid))
C_XX_out = out_list_m[[1]]
C_YY_out = out_list_m[[2]]
C_XY_out = out_list_m[[3]]
# Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA)
# genotype-phenotype association result
out_list_cca = myCCA( C_XX_out, C_YY_out, C_XY_out, N_tot )
r_1 = out_list_cca[[1]][1]
p_val = -log10( out_list_cca[[2]][1] )
# Data.frame with the results
result = data.frame( r_1, p_val, row.names = list(selected_SNPid) )
colnames(result)[2] = '-log10(p-val)'
# Add trait-wise canonical weights
result$trait_weights[[1]] = out_list_cca[[4]]
# Add SNP-wise canonical weights
result$snp_weights[[1]] = out_list_cca[[3]]
return( result )
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