
Defines functions calcScores calculateRanks scorePairs mzdiff

Documented in calcScores scorePairs

#' @title Calculate m/z Differences
#' @description
#' Helper function for \code{calcScores} & \code{evaluateParams}. Calculates
#' the absolute or relative (ppm) m/z differences between grouped features.
#' @param mzx numeric vector. m/z values from dataset X.
#' @param mzy  numeric vector. m/z values from dataset Y.
#' @param usePPM logical. Option to calculate relative differences (ppm).
#' @return A vector of positive numeric relative or absolute m/z differences.
#' @noRd
mzdiff <- function(mzx, mzy, usePPM){
    diffs <- mzx - mzy

        mins <- ifelse(diffs < 0, mzx, mzy)
        diffs <- 1e6*abs(diffs)/ mins


#' @title Calculate Pairwise Alignment Scores
#' @description Helper function for \code{\link{calcScores}} &
#' \code{\link{evaluateParams}}. Calculates a pairwise similarity score between
#' grouped features using differences in m/z, rt, and Q.
#' @param A Numeric weight for penalizing m/z differences.
#' @param B Numeric weight for penalizing differences between fitted & observed
#' retention times.
#' @param C Numeric weight for differences in Q (abundance quantiles).
#' @param mzdiff Numeric differences between feature m/z values
#' @param rtdiff Differences between model-projected retention time value &
#'              observed retention time
#' @param qdiff Difference between feature quantile Q values
#' @param rtrange  Range of dataset Y retention times
#' @param adductdiff Numeric divisors of computed score when non-empty adduct
#'                  labels do not match
#' @details
#' The score between two grouped features x & y is calculated as:
#' \deqn{S = -exp(-A |mzx - mzy| - B |rty - rtproj|/rtrange - C |Qx - Qy|)}
#' where \code{mzx} & \code{Qx} correspond to the m/z and abundance quantile
#' values of feature x; \code{mzy}, \code{rty}, and \code{Qy} correspond to the
#' m/z, retention time, and quantile values of feature y; \code{rtproj}
#' is the model-projected retention time of feature x onto the Y dataset
#' chromatogram and \code{rtrange} is the retention time range of the Y dataset
#' chromatogram. \code{A}, \code{B}, \code{C} are non-negative constant weight
#' parameters for penalizing m/z, rt, and Q  differences. Values between 0 (no
#' confidence alignment) and 1 (high confidence alignment).
#' @return  Numeric similarity score between 0 & 1
scorePairs <- function(A, B, C, mzdiff, rtdiff, qdiff, rtrange, adductdiff){

    nlogScore <- A * abs(mzdiff) + B * abs(rtdiff) / rtrange + C * abs(qdiff)

    score <- base::exp(-nlogScore) / adductdiff


#' Rank and Arrange Alignments by Score
#' @description  Rank feature pair alignments within each group in the
#' \code{combinedTable} by their score. This is limited to rows specified
#' within the main \code{\link{calcScores}} function.
#' @param cTable \code{combinedTable} of metabCombiner object
#' @param rows integer rows to apply the operations in \code{combinedTable}
#' @return \code{combinedTable} with updated \code{rankX} & \code{rankY}
#' columns arranged by group and (descending) score order
#' @noRd
calculateRanks <- function(cTable, rows){
    ##bug fix for duplicated column names
    cT <- cTable[, c("mzx", "mzy", "rtx", "rty", "score", "rankX", "rankY")]

    cT[rows,] <- cT[rows,] %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$mzx, .data$rtx) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(rankX = dplyr::dense_rank(desc(.data$score))) %>%
        dplyr::ungroup() %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$mzy, .data$rty) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(rankY = dplyr::dense_rank(desc(.data$score))) %>%

    cTable[c("rankX", "rankY")] = cT[c("rankX", "rankY")]
    cTable <- cTable[with(cTable,order(`group`, desc(`score`))),]


#' @title Compute Feature Similarity Scores
#' @description Calculates a pairwise similarity (between 0 & 1) between all
#' grouped features in \code{metabCombiner} object. The similarity score
#' calculation is described in \code{\link{scorePairs}}.
#' @param object  metabCombiner object.
#' @param A Numeric weight for penalizing m/z differences.
#' @param B Numeric weight for penalizing differences between fitted & observed
#' retention times
#' @param C Numeric weight for differences in Q (abundance quantiles).
#' @param fit Character. Choice of fitted rt model, "gam" or "loess."
#' @param usePPM logical. Option to use relative (as opposed to absolute) m/z
#'              differences in score computations.
#' @param useAdduct logical. Option to penalize mismatches in (non-empty,
#'                  non-bracketed) adduct column annotations.
#' @param adduct numeric. If useAdduct is TRUE, divides score of mismatched,
#'               non-empty and non-bracked adduct column labels by this value.
#' @param groups integer. Vector of feature groups to score. If set to NULL
#'              (default), will compute scores for all feature groups.
#' @param brackets_ignore If useAdduct = TRUE, bracketed adduct character
#' strings of these types will be ignored according to this argument
#' @return \code{metabCombiner} object with updated \code{combinedTable}.
#' rtProj column will contain fitted retention times determined from previously
#' computed model; score will contain computed pairwise similarity scores of
#' feature pairs; rankX & rankY are the integer ranks of scores for x & y
#' features in descending order.
#' @details
#' This function updates the \code{rtProj}, \code{score}, \code{rankX}, and
#' \code{rankY} columns in the \code{combinedTable} report. First, using the
#' RT mapping model computed in the previous step(s), \code{rtx} values are
#' projected onto \code{rty}. Then similarity scores are calculated based on
#' m/z, rt (fitted vs observed), and Q differences, with multiplicative weight
#' penalties \code{A}, \code{B}, and \code{C}.
#' If the datasets contain representative set of shared identities (idx = idy),
#' \code{\link{evaluateParams}} provides some guidance on appropriate \code{A},
#'  \code{B}, and \code{C} values to use. In testing, the best values for
#'  \code{A} should lie between 50 and 120, according to mass accuracy;
#'  \code{B} should lie between 5 and 15 depending on fitting accuracy (higher
#'  if datasets processed under roughly identical conditions) ; \code{C} should
#'   vary between 0 and 1, depending on sample similarity. See examples below.
#' If using ppm (\code{usePPM} = TRUE), do not use the above guidelines for
#' \code{A} values. The suggested range is between 0.01 and 0.05, though this
#' hasn't been thoroughly tested yet. Also, if using adduct information
#' (\code{useAdduct} = TRUE), the score is divided by the numeric \code{adduct}
#' argument if non-empty and non-bracketed adduct values do not match. Be sure
#' that adduct annotations are accurate before using this functionality.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{evaluateParams}}, \code{\link{scorePairs}}
#' @examples
#' data(plasma30)
#' data(plasma20)
#' p30 <- metabData(plasma30, samples = "CHEAR")
#' p20 <- metabData(plasma20, samples = "Red", rtmax = 17.25)
#' p.comb <- metabCombiner(xdata = p30, ydata = p20, binGap = 0.0075)
#' p.comb <- selectAnchors(p.comb, tolmz = 0.003, tolQ = 0.3, windy = 0.02)
#' p.comb <- fit_gam(p.comb, k = 20, iterFilter = 1)
#' #example: moderate m/z deviation, accurate rt fit, high sample similarity
#' p.comb <- calcScores(p.comb, A = 90, B = 14, C = 0.8, useAdduct = FALSE,
#'          groups = NULL, fit = "gam", usePPM = FALSE)
#' cTable = combinedTable(p.comb)  #to view results
#' #example 2: high m/z deviation, moderate rt fit, low sample similarity
#' p.comb <- calcScores(p.comb, A = 50, B = 8, C = 0.2)
#' #example 3: low m/z deviation, poor rt fit, moderate sample similarity
#' p.comb <- calcScores(p.comb, A = 120, B = 5, C = 0.5)
#' #example 4: using ppm for mass deviation; note different A value
#' p.comb <- calcScores(p.comb, A = 0.05, B = 14, C = 0.5, usePPM = TRUE)
#' #example 5: limiting to specific m/z groups 1-1000
#' p.comb <- calcScores(p.comb, A = 90, B = 14, C = 0.5, groups = seq(1,1000))
#' #example 6: using adduct information
#' p.comb <- calcScores(p.comb, A = 90, B = 14, C = 0.5, useAdduct = TRUE,
#'                      adduct = 1.25)
#' @export
calcScores <- function(object, A, B, C, fit = c("gam", "loess"), groups = NULL,
                        useAdduct = FALSE, adduct = 1.25, usePPM = FALSE,
                        brackets_ignore = c("(", "[", "{"))
    combinerCheck(isMetabCombiner(object), "metabCombiner")
    cTable <- combinedTable(object)
    fit <- match.arg(fit)
    model <- getModel(object, fit = fit)
        groups <- unique(cTable[["group"]])

    check_score_pars(cTable, A, B, C, fit, model, groups, adduct = adduct)

    if(length(A) > 1 | length(B) > 1 | length(C) > 1){
        warning("only the first element used for arguments 'A', 'B', 'C'")
        A <- A[1];   B <- B[1];   C <- C[1]

    rtrange <- max(cTable[["rty"]]) - min(cTable[["rty"]])
    rows <-  which(cTable[["group"]] %in% groups)
    cTable$rtProj[rows] <- stats::predict(model, newdata = cTable[rows,])

        if(!is.numeric(adduct) | adduct < 1){
            stop("'adduct' argument must be a numeric value ",
                    "greater than or equal to 1")
        adductdiff <- compare_strings(cTable$adductx[rows],cTable$adducty[rows],
                                    1, adduct, brackets_ignore, type = "mm")
        adductdiff = 1

    massdiff <-  mzdiff(cTable$mzx[rows], cTable$mzy[rows], usePPM)
    rtdiff <- abs(cTable$rty[rows] - cTable$rtProj[rows])
    qdiff <- abs(cTable$Qx[rows] - cTable$Qy[rows])

    cTable$score[rows] <- scorePairs(A = A, B = B, C = C, mzdiff = massdiff,
                                    rtdiff = rtdiff, qdiff = qdiff,
                                    rtrange = rtrange, adductdiff = adductdiff)

    cTable[c("rtProj", "score")] <- round(cTable[c("rtProj", "score")], 4)
    object <- update_mc(object, combinedTable = calculateRanks(cTable, rows),
                    coefficients = list(`A` = A, `B` = B, `C` = C))

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metabCombiner documentation built on Dec. 10, 2020, 2 a.m.