Man pages for methyAnalysis
DNA methylation data analysis and visualization

annotateDMRInfoAnnotate the DMR (Differentially Methylated Region)
annotateGRangesAnnotate a GRanges object
asBigMatrix-methodsconvert the data matrix in the assayData of a GenoSet as...
buildAnnotationTracksBuild annotation tracks for visualizing using Gviz package
checkChrNamecheck chromosome names
createTranscriptTrackCreate a transcript annotation track
detectDMR.slideWinDetect DMR (Differentially Methylated Region) using slide...
estimateCMR.methylationEstimate the averaged methylation levels within a chromosome...
estimateMethySeqEstimate the methylation level (Beta-value) of Methyl-Seq...
exampleMethyGenoSetExample MethyGenoSet dataset
export.DMRInfoOutput the DMR (Differentially Methylated Region) data...
export.methyGenoSetExport a MethyGenoSet object to be visualized using external...
filterBisulfiteVariantfiltering the variant calls of Bisulfite converted sequencing...
getContinuousRegionGet continuous chromosome region by merging nearby or...
getCoverageget the coverage based on a given GRanges object
heatmapByChromosomeheatmap with chromosome location as x axis
identifyCpGIdentify the CpG-site locations from a genome library
identifySigDMRIdentify significantly DMR (Differentially Methylated Region)
MethyGenoSet-classClass MethyGenoSet: contain and describe Illumina Infinium...
MethyLumiM2GenoSetCoerce objects of MethyLumiM-class to MethyGenoSet
plotHeatmapByGeneplot methylation heatmap by genes
plotMethylationHeatmapByGeneplot methylation heatmap by genes
plotTracksWithDataTrackInfoplot Tracks with additional DataTrack information added to...
smoothMethyDataSmooth the methylation data
updateMethyGenoSetUpdate old version MethyGenoSet objects
methyAnalysis documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:09 p.m.