#' @title Generate sub-network mapping from a list of candidate genes
#' @description
#' This function generates sub-network mapping from a list of candidate genes
#' @details
#' P-value correction methods include the Bonferroni correction
#' ("bonferroni") or Benjamini & Hochberg ("BH"). Community detection methods
#' include using edge betweeness score ("ebc") or using leading eigenvector
#' method ("lec)
#' @param geneList character vector containing a list of candidate genes
#' @param networkGraph igraph network graph object. This igraph object contains
#' curated network information
#' @param directed boolean value indicating whether the input network is
#' directed or undirected (default = FALSE)
#' @param pValueAdj string for p-value correction method c("BH", "Bonferroni")
#' as described in the details section (default = "BH")
#' @param pValueCutoff numeric value of p-value cutoff for linker nodes
#' (default = 0.05)
#' @param communityMethod string for community detection method c("ebc","lec")
#' as described in the details section (default = "ebc")
#' @param keepIsolatedNodes A boolean value indicating whether to keep isolated
#' nodes in the netboxr result (default = FALSE)
#' @return a list of returned netboxr results
#' * netboxGraph: igraph object of NetBox algorithm identified network nodes
#' and connections
#' * netboxCommunity: igraph object of network community assignment
#' * netboxOutput: data frame of NetBox algorithm identified network nodes
#' and connections
#' * nodeType: data frame of node types ("candidate" or "linker")
#' in the NetBox algorithm indentified network.
#' * moduleMembership: data frame of module (community) membership.
#' * neighborData: data frame of information of nodes directly connected to
#' candidate gene nodes.
#' @md
#' @author Eric Minwei Liu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' data(netbox2010)
#' sifNetwork<-netbox2010$network
#' graphReduced <- networkSimplify(sifNetwork,directed = FALSE)
#' geneList<-as.character(netbox2010$geneList)
#' results<-geneConnector(geneList=geneList,networkGraph=graphReduced,
#' pValueAdj='BH',pValueCutoff=0.05,
#' communityMethod='lec',keepIsolatedNodes=FALSE)
#' names(results)
#' plot(results$netboxGraph, layout = layout_with_fr)
#' write.table(results$netboxOutput,
#' file = "network.sif", sep = " ",
#' quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE
#' )
#' write.table(results$neighborData,
#' file = "neighborList.txt", sep = " ",
#' quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE
#' )
#' write.table(results$moduleMembership,
#' file = "memb.ebc.txt", sep = " ",
#' quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE
#' )
#' #
#' write.table(results$nodeType,
#' file = "nodeType.txt", sep = " ", quote = FALSE,
#' col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE
#' )
#' #
#' @concept netboxr
#' @export
#' @import igraph
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import parallel
#' @import data.table
#' @import gplots
#' @import plyr
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom stats phyper
#' @importFrom clusterProfiler enrichGO
#' @importFrom clusterProfiler bitr
#' @importFrom DT datatable
geneConnector <- function(geneList, networkGraph, directed = FALSE,
pValueAdj = "BH", pValueCutoff = 0.05,
communityMethod = "ebc", keepIsolatedNodes = FALSE) {
graphReduced <- networkGraph
# Get the genes from the input that overlap with the vertexs in the network
geneOverlap <- NULL
geneOverlap$name <- intersect(geneList, V(graphReduced)$name)
geneOverlap$idx <- match(geneOverlap$name, V(graphReduced)$name)
geneOverlap$type <- rep("candidate", length(geneOverlap$name))
"%s / %s candidate nodes match the name in the network of %s
nodes \n",
length(geneOverlap$name), length(geneList), length(V(graphReduced)$name)
neighborList <- NULL
neighborList$numOfgraphReducedGene <- length(V(graphReduced))
neighborList$numOfgeneOverlap <- length(geneOverlap$idx)
neighborTotal <- NULL
neighborTemp <- NULL
for (k in seq_len(numOfgeneOverlap)) {
neighborTemp <- neighbors(graphReduced, v = geneOverlap$idx[k], mode = "all")
neighborTotal <- union(neighborTotal, neighborTemp)
neighborList$reducedGraphId <- setdiff(neighborTotal, geneOverlap$idx)
neighborList$name <- NULL
neighborList$localDegree <- NULL
neighborList$pValueRaw <- NULL
neighborList$oddsRatio <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(numOfreducedGraphID)) {
neighborList$name[i] <- get.vertex.attribute(graphReduced,
name = "name",
index = neighborList$reducedGraphId[i]
neighborList$globalDegree <- degree(graphReduced, v = neighborList$reducedGraphId, mode = "all")
for (j in seq_len(numOfreducedGraphID)) {
globalNeighborId <- neighbors(graphReduced, v = neighborList$reducedGraphId[j], mode = 1)
localNeighborId <- intersect(geneOverlap$id, globalNeighborId)
neighborList$localDegree[j] <- length(localNeighborId)
# a: number of nodes A node links to the gene list in the graph
# b: number of nodes A node links in the graph globally
# c: total number of nodes in graph minus total number of nodes that A node links globally
# d: total number of nodes in the gene list in the graph
a <- neighborList$localDegree[j]
b <- neighborList$globalDegree[j]
c <- (neighborList$numOfgraphReducedGene - neighborList$globalDegree[j])
d <- neighborList$numOfgeneOverlap
# hypergeometric distribution for p-value calculation neighborList$pValueRaw[j]<-(1-phyper((a-1),b,c,d))
neighborList$pValueRaw[j] <- phyper((a - 1), b, c, d, lower.tail = FALSE)
# Add 0.5 to each cell to avoid zero value cell problem
correctionTerm <- 0.5
n11 <- neighborList$localDegree[j] + correctionTerm
n10 <- neighborList$globalDegree[j] - neighborList$localDegree[j] + correctionTerm
n01 <- neighborList$numOfgeneOverlap - neighborList$localDegree[j] + correctionTerm
n00 <- neighborList$numOfgraphReducedGene - neighborList$globalDegree[j] - n01 + correctionTerm
neighborList$oddsRatio[j] <- (log(n11) + log(n00) - log(n10) - log(n01))
neighborListFrame <- data.frame(neighborList$reducedGraphId, neighborList$name, neighborList$localDegree,
neighborList$globalDegree, neighborList$pValueRaw, neighborList$oddsRatio,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
colnames(neighborListFrame) <- c("idx", "name", "localDegree", "globalDegree", "pValueRaw", "oddsRatio")
neighborListFrame <- neighborListFrame[order(neighborListFrame$pValueRaw), ]
localDegreeCutoff <- 2
neighborListFrame <- neighborListFrame[neighborListFrame$localDegree >= localDegreeCutoff, ]
message(sprintf("Only test neighbor nodes with local degree equals or exceeds %s\n", localDegreeCutoff))
message(sprintf("Multiple hypothesis corrections for %s neighbor nodes in the network\n", nrow(neighborListFrame)))
neighborListFrame$pValueFDR <- p.adjust(neighborListFrame$pValueRaw, method = pValueAdj)
linkerListFrame <- neighborListFrame[neighborListFrame$pValueFDR < pValueCutoff, ]
"For p-value %s cut-off, %s nodes were included as linker nodes\n",
pValueCutoff, dim(linkerListFrame)[1]
linkerListFrame$type <- rep("linker", dim(linkerListFrame)[1])
# include linker nodes into the list of initial candidate nodes
selectedGene <- NULL
selectedGene$idx <- union(geneOverlap$idx, linkerListFrame$idx)
selectedGene$type <- c(geneOverlap$type, linkerListFrame$type)
selectedGene$name <- c(geneOverlap$name, as.character(linkerListFrame$name))
selectedNodeType <- data.frame(selectedGene$name, selectedGene$type, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(selectedNodeType) <- c("name", "type")
"Connecting %s candidate nodes and %s linker nodes\n",
length(geneOverlap$name), dim(linkerListFrame)[1]
# sub-network of linker nodes and candidate nodes
graphTemp <- induced.subgraph(graphReduced, selectedGene$idx)
# add vertex attributes
graphTemp <- set_vertex_attr(graphTemp, name = "nodeType", index = V(graphTemp), value = "candidate")
graphTemp <- set_vertex_attr(graphTemp,
name = "nodeType", index = as.character(linkerListFrame$name),
value = "linker"
# remove isolated vertex
isolatedNodes <- names(which(degree(graphTemp) < 1))
if (keepIsolatedNodes) {
graphOutput <- graphTemp
message(sprintf("Keep %s isolated candidate nodes from the input\n", length(isolatedNodes)))
} else {
graphOutput <- delete.vertices(graphTemp, which(degree(graphTemp) < 1))
message(sprintf("Remove %s isolated candidate nodes from the input\n", length(isolatedNodes)))
numOfNodes <- length(V(graphOutput))
numOfEdges <- length(E(graphOutput))
message(sprintf("Final network contains %s nodes and %s interactions\n", numOfNodes, numOfEdges))
# Assign community membership for the sub-network
if (communityMethod == "ebc") {
message(sprintf("Detecting modules using \"edge betweeness\" method\n"))
community <-
moduleMembership <- membership(community)
if (communityMethod == "lec") {
message(sprintf("Detecting modules using \"leading eigenvector\" method\n"))
community <-, options = list(maxiter = 1e+06))
moduleMembership <- membership(community)
moduleMembership <- moduleMembership[names(moduleMembership)]
moduleMembershipFrame <- data.frame(names(moduleMembership), moduleMembership, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(moduleMembershipFrame) <- c("geneSymbol", "membership")
moduleMembershipFrame <- moduleMembershipFrame[order(moduleMembershipFrame$membership), ]
netbox <- NULL
netbox$edgelist <- get.edgelist(graphOutput)
edgeLabelList <- get.edge.attribute(graphOutput)$V2
# Added for Pathway Commons datasets
if (is.null(edgeLabelList)) {
edgeLabelList <- get.edge.attribute(graphOutput)$INTERACTION_TYPE
mergedEdgeLabels <- lapply(edgeLabelList, function(x) {
content <- unlist(unique(strsplit(x, ";")))
contentMerged <- paste(content, collapse = ";")
numOfcontent <- length(content)
data.frame(numOfcontent, contentMerged, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
mergedEdgeLabels <-, mergedEdgeLabels)
netboxOutput <- data.frame(netbox$edgelist[, 1], mergedEdgeLabels$contentMerged, netbox$edgelist[, 2],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
colnames(netboxOutput) <- c("geneA", "interaction", "geneB")
if (keepIsolatedNodes) {
netboxOutputExtra <- data.frame(isolatedNodes, rep("INTERACT", length(isolatedNodes)), isolatedNodes,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
colnames(netboxOutputExtra) <- c("geneA", "interaction", "geneB")
netboxOutput <- rbind(netboxOutput, netboxOutputExtra)
result <- list(
netboxGraph = graphOutput,
netboxCommunity = community,
netboxOutput = netboxOutput,
nodeType = selectedNodeType,
moduleMembership = moduleMembershipFrame,
neighborData = neighborListFrame
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