# Evan Newell 2015 Edited by Tan Yong Kee
#' Median heatplot generation
#' This returns the median heatplot for each category of markers chosen.
#' If frequency heatplot is selected in the onesense GUI, then both median
#' and frequency heatplots are generated as PDF files in working directory
#' @param LoaderPATH Name of the output file containing fcs files generated
#' from FCStSNE2.R
#' @param Bins Number of bins to sort cells into corresponding heatplot
#' @param doCoords a boolean that allows for frequency heatplot generation
#' @param doFreq a boolean to allow for the frequency heatplot generation.
#' TRUE to run, FALSE to not run.
#' @return PNG files of combined oneSENSE and heatplot.
#' @import webshot
#' @importFrom flowCore exprs read.FCS
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly subplot export layout
#' @importFrom gplots heatmap.2
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette pdf
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom graphics hist locator
#' @importFrom utils browseURL read.csv write.csv
#' @importFrom scatterplot3d scatterplot3d
#' @importFrom shinyFiles parseDirPath shinyDirButton shinyDirChoose
#' @examples
#' webshot::install_phantomjs()
#' #fcsoutpath <- system.file('extdata/fcs_Out',package='oneSENSE')
#' #remove hash symbol to run
#' #OneSmapperFlour(LoaderPATH=fcsoutpath) #remove hash symbol to run
OneSmapperFlour <- function(LoaderPATH = "fcs_Out",
Bins = 250,
doCoords = FALSE,
doFreq = FALSE) {
message("Running OneSmapperFlour")
fs <- read.flowSet(path = LoaderPATH, pattern = ".fcs$")
FcsFileNames <- rownames(keyword(fs, "FILENAME"))
FNumBC <- length(fs)
FFdata <- NULL
for (FFs in 1:FNumBC) {
FFa <- exprs(fs[[FFs]])
# Fixup column names
colnames(FFa) <- fs[[FFs]]@parameters$desc
empties <- which( | colnames(FFa) == " ")
colnames(FFa)[empties] <- fs[[FFs]]@parameters$name[empties]
fs[[FFs]]@parameters$desc <- colnames(FFa)
FFa <- cbind(FFa, rep(FFs, dim(FFa)[1]))
colnames(FFa)[dim(FFa)[2]] <- "InFile"
# Concatenate
FFdata <- rbind(FFdata, FFa)
lgcl <- logicleTransform(w = 0.05, t = 16409, m = 4.5, a = 0)
Xx1DtSNEmat <- NULL
keeptable <- read.csv(paste(dirname(LoaderPATH),
sep = .Platform$file.sep))
for (factor in 2:(dim(keeptable)[2])) {
# edited code
keeprowbool <- sapply(keeptable[, factor], function(x) any(x == "Y"))
keepnames <- keeptable[keeprowbool, 1]
keeprows <- subset(keeptable, keeprowbool)
data <- FFdata[, which(colnames(FFdata) %in% keeprows[, 1])]
data <- cbind(data,
which(colnames(FFdata) %in% colnames(keeptable[-1]))])
data1 <- apply(data, 2, lgcl)
message("Applying logicle transform")
OneDtSNEname <- colnames(keeptable)[factor]
dataX <- data1[, which(colnames(data1) %in% keeprows[, 1])]
tSNEmat1 <- as.matrix(data[, OneDtSNEname])
colnames(tSNEmat1) <- OneDtSNEname
hist(tSNEmat1, 100)
Xx1DtSNEmat <- cbind(Xx1DtSNEmat, tSNEmat1)
# Make heatplot annotation
tSNEbins <- cut(tSNEmat1, breaks = Bins, labels = 1:Bins)
OneSENSEmed <- apply(dataX, 2,
function(x) (tapply(x, tSNEbins, FUN = median)))
OneSENSEmed[] <- 0
pdfFN <- paste(dirname(LoaderPATH),
paste0(OneDtSNEname, "_Freq.pdf"),
sep = .Platform$file.sep)
pdf(file = pdfFN, width = 14, height = 6)
breaks = seq(0, 3, by = 0.005)
my_palette <-
colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(n = length(breaks) - 1)
hmap <- heatmap.2(t(OneSENSEmed), col = my_palette, breaks = breaks,
margins = c(10, 20), Colv = FALSE, dendrogram = "row",
cexCol = 1, cexRow = 1, scale = "none", key = TRUE,
trace = "none", = c("none"), keysize = 1)
hmapclu = t(OneSENSEmed)[hmap$rowInd, hmap$colInd]
hmapclut <- t(hmapclu)
testcol <- seq(from = min(Xx1DtSNEmat),
to = (max(Xx1DtSNEmat) - (max(Xx1DtSNEmat)/Bins)),
by = (max(Xx1DtSNEmat)/Bins))
if (OneDtSNEname == "input") {
p1 <- plot_ly(z = hmapclu, y = rownames(hmapclu), x = testcol,
colors = my_palette,
type = "heatmap") %>% layout(title = paste(OneDtSNEname,
"Median heatplot", sep = " "))
} else {
p2 <- plot_ly(z = hmapclut, x = colnames(hmapclut), y = testcol,
colors = my_palette,
type = "heatmap") %>% layout(title = paste(OneDtSNEname,
"Median heatplot", sep = " "), showlegend = FALSE)
OneSplot <- plot_ly(data.frame(Xx1DtSNEmat),
x = Xx1DtSNEmat[, 1],
y = Xx1DtSNEmat[, 2],
marker = list(size = 5,
color = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)'
type = "scatter",
symbol = "circle-dot")
suppressWarnings(combined <- subplot(OneSplot, p2, p1,
nrows = 2,
shareY = TRUE,
shareX = TRUE))
export(combined, file = paste(dirname(LoaderPATH),
sep = .Platform$file.sep))
sep = .Platform$file.sep))
## *************************************************************************##
## *************************************************************************##
#' Get parameters from FCS files
#' @param rawFCSdir FCS path
#' @return mid
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #remove hash to run
#' dir3 <- system.file('extdata/fcs', package = 'oneSENSE')
#' getParameters(dir3)
getParameters <- function(rawFCSdir) {
fcsFile <- list.files(path = rawFCSdir,
pattern = ".fcs$", full.names = TRUE)
fcs <- suppressWarnings(read.FCS(fcsFile[1]))
pd <- fcs@parameters@data
markers <- paste("<", pd$name, ">:", pd$desc, sep = "")
markers_desc <- pd$desc
gParam = list(markers = markers, markers_desc = markers_desc)
if (length(markers) == 0) {
stop("No markers found in the FCS file!")
## **************************************************************************##
## **************************************************************************##
#' Generate Frequency Heatplot Part 1
#' @param LoaderPATH Path of fcs_Out files
#' @return Flow Frame data for coordinate selection
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir1 <- system.file('extdata/fcs',package='oneSENSE')
#' OneSmapperFreq1(dir1) #remove hash symbol to run
OneSmapperFreq1 <- function(LoaderPATH = "fcs_Out") {
fs <- read.flowSet(path = LoaderPATH, pattern = ".fcs$")
FcsFileNames <- rownames(keyword(fs, "FILENAME"))
FNumBC <- length(fs)
FFdata <- NULL
for (FFs in 1:FNumBC) {
FFa <- exprs(fs[[FFs]])
# Fixup column names
colnames(FFa) <- fs[[FFs]]@parameters$desc
empties <- which( | colnames(FFa) == " ")
colnames(FFa)[empties] <- fs[[FFs]]@parameters$name[empties]
fs[[FFs]]@parameters$desc <- colnames(FFa)
# Add file label
FFa <- cbind(FFa, rep(FFs, dim(FFa)[1]))
colnames(FFa)[dim(FFa)[2]] <- "InFile"
# Concatenate
FFdata <- rbind(FFdata, FFa)
## *************************************************************************##
## *************************************************************************##
#' Get Coordinates of median position
#' @param LoaderPATH Path of fcs_out files
#' @param FFdata Flow frame data
#' @return Assign global variables for access
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #remove hash symbol to run
#' dir4 <- system.file('extdata/extra', package = 'oneSENSE')
#' file5 <- system.file('extdata/myFFdatas.rds', package = 'oneSENSE')
#' FFdata = readRDS(file5)
#' getCoords(dir4, FFdata)
getCoords <- function(LoaderPATH = LoaderPATH, FFdata = FFdata) {
lgcl <- logicleTransform(w = 0.25, t = 16409, m = 4.5, a = 0)
gckeeptable <- read.csv(paste(dirname(LoaderPATH),
sep = .Platform$file.sep))
gckeeprowbool <- apply(gckeeptable[, c(2, 3)],
function(x) any(x == "Y"))
gckeepnames <- gckeeptable[gckeeprowbool, 1]
gckeeprows <- subset(gckeeptable, gckeeprowbool)
gcdata <- FFdata[, which(colnames(FFdata) %in% gckeeprows[, 1])]
gcdata <- cbind(gcdata,
FFdata[, which(
colnames(FFdata) %in% colnames(gckeeptable[-1]))])
data1 <- apply(gcdata, 2, lgcl)
coordsVar <- list(keepnames = gckeepnames, data1 = data1)
## *************************************************************************##
## *************************************************************************##
#' Frequency Heatplot Generation Part 2
#' @param LoaderPATH path of fcs_Out files
#' @param Bins Number of bins
#' @param FFdata Flow Frame data
#' @return returns frequency heatplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir2 <-system.file('extdata/fcs_Out',package='oneSENSE')
#' file5 <- system.file('extdata/myFFdatas.rds', package = 'oneSENSE')
#' FFdata1 <- readRDS(file5)
#' OneSmapperFreq2(dir2, 250, FFdata1) #remove hash symbol to run
OneSmapperFreq2 <- function(LoaderPATH = "fcs", Bins = 250, FFdata) {
lgcl <- logicleTransform(w = 0.05, t = 16409, m = 4.5, a = 0)
Xx1DtSNEmat <- NULL
keeptable <- read.csv(paste(dirname(LoaderPATH),
sep = .Platform$file.sep))
for (factor in 2:(dim(keeptable)[2])) {
keeprowbool <- sapply(keeptable[, factor],
function(x) any(x == "Y"))
keepnames <- keeptable[keeprowbool, 1]
keeprows <- subset(keeptable, keeprowbool)
data <- FFdata[, which(colnames(FFdata) %in% keeprows[, 1])]
data <- cbind(data,
FFdata[, which(colnames(FFdata) %in% colnames(keeptable[-1]))])
data1 <- apply(data, 2, lgcl) #logicle transform
OneDtSNEname <- colnames(keeptable)[factor]
keeprowbool <- sapply(keeptable[, factor],
function(x) any(x == "Y"))
keepnames <- keeptable[keeprowbool, 1]
keeprows <- subset(keeptable, keeprowbool)
dataX <- data1[, which(colnames(data1) %in% keeprows[, 1])]
tSNEmat1 <- as.matrix(data[, OneDtSNEname])
colnames(tSNEmat1) <- OneDtSNEname
hist(tSNEmat1, 100)
Xx1DtSNEmat <- cbind(Xx1DtSNEmat, tSNEmat1)
# Make heatplot annotation
dataGNorm <- dataX
tSNEbins <- cut(tSNEmat1, breaks = Bins, labels = 1:Bins)
OneSENSEpp <- matrix(dataX, nrow = Bins, ncol = dim(dataX)[2])
colnames(OneSENSEpp) <- colnames(dataX)
Coords <- read.csv(paste(dirname(LoaderPATH),
sep = .Platform$file.sep))
for (pname in colnames(dataX)) {
overthresh <- function(group) {
# what is this group
percpos <- (
sum(group > Coords[which(Coords$X == pname),
2])/length(group)) * 100
# print(percpos)
OneSENSEpp[, pname] <- tapply(dataX[, pname], tSNEbins, FUN = overthresh)
OneSENSEpp[] <- 0
pdfFN <- paste(dirname(LoaderPATH),
paste0(OneDtSNEname, "_Freq.pdf"),
sep = .Platform$file.sep)
pdf(file = pdfFN, width = 14, height = 6)
breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 0.05)
my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white",
"red"))(n = length(breaks) - 1)
fhmap <- heatmap.2(t(OneSENSEpp),
col = my_palette,
breaks = breaks,
margins = c(10, 20),
Colv = FALSE,
dendrogram = "row",
cexCol = 1,
cexRow = 1,
scale = "none",
key = TRUE,
trace = "none", = c("none"),
keysize = 1)
fhmapclu = t(OneSENSEpp)[fhmap$rowInd, fhmap$colInd]
fhmapclut <- t(fhmapclu)
ftestcol <- seq(from = min(Xx1DtSNEmat),
to = (max(Xx1DtSNEmat) - (max(Xx1DtSNEmat)/Bins)),
by = (max(Xx1DtSNEmat)/Bins))
if (OneDtSNEname == "input") {
suppressWarnings(d1 <- plot_ly(z = fhmapclu,
y = rownames(fhmapclu),
x = ftestcol,
colors = my_palette,
type = "heatmap") %>%
layout(title = paste(OneDtSNEname,
"Frequency heatplot", sep = " ")))
} else {
suppressWarnings(d2 <- plot_ly(z = fhmapclut,
x = colnames(fhmapclut),
y = ftestcol,
colors = my_palette,
type = "heatmap") %>%
layout(title = paste(OneDtSNEname,
"Frequency heatplot", sep = " ")))
OneSplot <- plot_ly(data.frame(Xx1DtSNEmat),
x = Xx1DtSNEmat[, 1],
y = Xx1DtSNEmat[, 2],
marker = list(size = 5,
color = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)'
type = "scatter",
symbol = "circle-dot")
suppressWarnings(fcombined <- subplot(OneSplot, d2, d1, nrows = 2,
shareY = TRUE, shareX = TRUE))
export(fcombined, file = paste(dirname(LoaderPATH),
sep = .Platform$file.sep))
sep = .Platform$file.sep))
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