
Defines functions rle_func optimise_df reg.fcn.nw optimise_bw loocv.nw loess_regression_opt loess_regression fit_nonlinear

Documented in fit_nonlinear

#' Fit a non-linear trend (currently optimized for LOESS)
#' @inheritParams proBatch
#' @param df_feature_batch data frame containing response variable e.g. 
#' samples in order and explanatory variable e.g. measurement for a 
#' specific feature (peptide) in a specific batch
#' @param feature_id the name of the feature, required for warnings
#' @param batch_id  the name of the batch, required for warnings
#' @param fit_func function to use for the fit, e.g. \code{loess_regression}
#' @param optimize_span logical, whether to specify span or optimize it 
#' (specific entirely for LOESS regression)
#' @param no_fit_imputed (logical) whether to fit the imputed (requant) values
#' @param min_measurements the absolute threshold to filter 
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to the fitting function
#' @return vector of fitted response values
#' @examples 
#' test_peptide = example_proteome$peptide_group_label[1] 
#' selected_peptide = example_proteome$peptide_group_label == test_peptide
#' df_selected = example_proteome[selected_peptide,]
#' selected_batch = example_sample_annotation$MS_batch == 'Batch_1'
#' batch_selected_df = example_sample_annotation[selected_batch,]
#' df_for_test = merge(df_selected, batch_selected_df, by = 'FullRunName')
#' fit_values = fit_nonlinear(df_for_test)
#' #for the case where are two many missing values, no curve is fit
#' selected_batch = example_sample_annotation$MS_batch == 'Batch_2'
#' batch_selected_df = example_sample_annotation[selected_batch,]
#' df_for_test = merge(df_selected, batch_selected_df, by = 'FullRunName')
#' fit_values = fit_nonlinear(df_for_test)
#' missing_values = df_for_test[['m_score']] == 2
#' all(fit_values[!is.na(fit_values)] == df_for_test[['Intensity']][!missing_values])
#' @export
fit_nonlinear <- function(df_feature_batch, 
                          measure_col = 'Intensity', order_col = 'order',
                          feature_id = NULL, batch_id = NULL,
                          fit_func = 'loess_regression',
                          optimize_span = FALSE, 
                          no_fit_imputed = TRUE, qual_col = 'm_score', 
                          qual_value = 2,
                          min_measurements = 8, ...){
  x_all = df_feature_batch[[order_col]]
  y_all = df_feature_batch[[measure_col]]
    if(!is.null(qual_col) && (qual_col %in% names(df_feature_batch))){
      warning('imputed value column is in the data, fitting curve only to 
              measured, non-imputed values')
      imputed_values <- df_feature_batch[[qual_col]] == qual_value
      df_feature_batch[[measure_col]][imputed_values] = NA
      missing_values <- imputed_values
    } else {
      stop('imputed values are specified not to be used for curve fitting, 
           however, no flag for imputed values is specified')
  } else {
    if(!is.null(qual_col) && (qual_col %in% names(df_feature_batch))){
        warning('imputed value (requant) column is in the data, are you sure you
                want to fit non-linear curve to these values, too?')
    missing_values <- is.na(y_all)
  y = y_all[!missing_values]
  x_to_fit = x_all[!missing_values]
    max_consec_meas = rle_func(df_feature_batch)
    if(max_consec_meas >= min_measurements){
      #fitting the curve
      #TODO: re-write in the functional programming paradigm (e.g. arguments - 
      #       function, x_all, y, x_to_fit)
      if(fit_func == 'loess_regression'){
          fit_res = loess_regression(x_to_fit, y, x_all, y_all,
                                     feature_id = feature_id, 
                                     batch_id = batch_id, ...)
        } else {
          fit_res = loess_regression_opt(x_to_fit, y, x_all, y_all,
                                         feature_id = feature_id, 
                                         batch_id = batch_id, ...)
      } else{
        stop("Only loess regression fitting is available for current version")
      warning(sprintf("Curve fitting didn't have enough points to fit for the 
                       feature %s in the batch %s, leaving the original value", 
                      feature_id, batch_id))
      fit_res = rep(NA, length(y_all))

loess_regression <- function(x_to_fit, y, x_all, y_all,  
                             feature_id = NULL, batch_id = NULL, ...){
  out <- tryCatch({
    fit = loess(y ~ x_to_fit, surface = 'direct', ...)
    pred <- predict(fit, newdata = x_all)
    warning=function(cond) {
      message(sprintf("Feature %s in batch %s could not be fit with LOESS:", 
                      feature_id, batch_id))
      rep(NA, length(y_all))

loess_regression_opt <- function(x_to_fit, y, x_all, y_all,
                                 feature_id = NULL, batch_id = NULL, ...) {
  out <- tryCatch({
    bw = optimise_bw(x_to_fit, y, ...)
    degr_freedom = optimise_df(x_to_fit, bw)
    fit = loess(y ~ x_all, enp.target = degr_freedom, surface = 'direct', ...)
    pred = predict(fit, newdata = x_to_fit)
  warning=function(cond) {
    message(sprintf("Feature %s in batch %s could not be fit with optimised LOESS:", 
                    feature_id, batch_id))

loocv.nw <- function(x, y, bw = 1.5, kernel = "normal"){
  ## Help function to calculate leave-one-out regression values
  loo.reg.value.bw <- function(i, x, y, bw, kernel = kernel){
    return(ksmooth(x[-i], y[-i],
                   x.points = x[i],
                   kernel = kernel, bandwidth = bw)$y)
  ## Calculate LOO regression values using the help function above
  n <- max(length(x), length(y))
  loo.values.bw <- vapply(seq_len(n), FUN = loo.reg.value.bw, 
                          FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
                          x, y, bw, kernel)
  ## Calculate and return MSE
  return(mean((y - loo.values.bw)^2))

optimise_bw <- function(x, y, kernel = 'normal',
                        bws = c(0.01, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 5, 10)){
  cv.nw_mult = vapply(bws, FUN = function(bw) loocv.nw(x, y, bw, kernel), 
                      FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
  bw_best = bws[which.min(cv.nw_mult)]

reg.fcn.nw <- function(reg.x, reg.y, x, bw = 1.5)
  ksmooth(reg.x, reg.y, x.points = x, kernel = "normal", bandwidth = bw)$y

optimise_df <- function(x, bw){
  #find the best bandwidth
  n <- length(x)
  Id <- diag(n)
  S.nw <- matrix(0, n, n)
  for (j in seq_len(n))
      S.nw[, j] <- reg.fcn.nw(x, Id[,j],x, bw = bw)
    df.nw <- sum(diag(S.nw))

rle_func <- function(df) { 
  rle_res = rle(is.na(df$Intensity[order(df$order)]))
  max_measured = max(rle_res$lengths[!rle_res$values])

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proBatch documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:55 p.m.