
Defines functions print.splicingEventPlotList print.splicingEventPlot plotSplicingEvent diagramSplicingEvent prepareSVG drawCurve drawRect writeLengthWithinRect drawText drawPath

Documented in diagramSplicingEvent plotSplicingEvent

drawPath <- function(x1, x2, y=20, type=c("line", "curve"), stroke="black") {
    type  <- match.arg(type)
    style <- paste("fill: none", paste("stroke:", stroke),
                   "stroke-width: 1.5px", sep="; ")
    if (type == "line") {
        tag("path", c(class="diagram", style=style,
                      d=sprintf("M %s %s L %s %s", x1, y, x2, y)))
    } else if (type == "curve") {
        curve <- 45
        curveAnchor <- round((x2 - x1) / 3)
        tag("path", c(class="diagram", style=style, d=sprintf(
            "M %s %s C %s %s %s %s %s %s",
            x1, y, x1 + curveAnchor, curve, x2 - curveAnchor, curve, x2, y)))

drawText <- function(text, x, y=8, anchor="start", baseline="auto",
                     withinRect=FALSE) {
    if (withinRect)
        class <- "diagram"
        class <- "diagram outside"

    style <- paste("font-size: 10px", "font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif",
                   "text-anchor: %s", "dominant-baseline: %s", sep="; ")
    tag("text", c(class=class, x=x, y=y, style=sprintf(style, anchor, baseline),

writeLengthWithinRect <- function(textLen, x1, x2, y=20) {
    drawText(textLen, x=mean(c(x1, x2)), withinRect=TRUE, y=y, anchor="middle",

drawRect <- function(x1, x2, text1=NULL, text2=NULL, textLen=NULL, y=10,
                     height=20, fill="#faa000", stroke="#ad7001",
                     showText=TRUE) {
    style <- paste("stroke-width: 1.5px;", "fill: %s", "stroke: %s",
                   sep="; ")
    if (!showText) text1 <- text2 <- textLen <- NULL
    text1   <- if (!is.null(text1))   drawText(text1, x1)
    text2   <- if (!is.null(text2))   drawText(text2, x2, anchor="end")
    textLen <- if (!is.null(textLen)) writeLengthWithinRect(textLen, x1, x2)
        tag("rect", c(class="diagram", x=x1, y=y, width=x2 - x1, height=height,
                      style=sprintf(style, fill, stroke))),
        text1, text2, textLen)

# Prepare connecting lines between exons
drawCurve <- function(x1, x2, y=30, ...) {
    drawPath(x1, x2, y=y, type="curve", ...)

prepareSVG <- function(exon, path, class=NULL, style=NULL, width=NULL) {
    svg <- tag("svg",
               c(height="50px", class=class, style=style, width=width))
    svg <- tagAppendChildren(svg, exon, path)
    svg <- as.character(svg)

#' Prepare SVG diagram of alternative splicing events
#' @param parsed Alternative splicing event
#' @param type Character: alternative splicing event type
#' @param class Character: class of SVG parent tag
#' @param style Character: style of SVG parent tag
#' @param showText Boolean: display coordinates and length (if available)
#' @param showPath Boolean: display alternative splicing junctions
#' @param showAlternative1 Boolean: show alternative exon 1 and respective
#'   splicing junctions and text?
#' @param showAlternative2 Boolean: show alternative exon 2 and respective
#'   splicing junctions and text? (only related with mutually exclusive exons)
#' @param constitutiveWidth Numeric: width of constitutive exon(s)
#' @param alternativeWidth Numeric: width of alternative exon(s)
#' @param intronWidth Numeric: width of intron's representation
#' @param constitutiveFill Character: fill colour of constitutive exons
#' @param constitutiveStroke Character: stroke colour of constitutive exons
#' @param alternative1Fill Character: fill colour of alternative exon 1
#' @param alternative1Stroke Character: stroke colour of alternative exon 1
#' @param alternative2Fill Character: fill colour of alternative exon 2
#' @param alternative2Stroke Character: stroke colour of alternative exon 2
#' @importFrom shiny tag tagAppendChildren tagList
#' @return Diagrams per alternative splicing event in SVG
#' @keywords internal
diagramSplicingEvent <- function(
    parsed, type, class="pull-right", style=NULL,
    showText=TRUE, showPath=TRUE, showAlternative1=TRUE, showAlternative2=TRUE,
    constitutiveWidth=60, alternativeWidth=NULL, intronWidth=NULL,
    constitutiveFill="lightgray", constitutiveStroke="darkgray",
    alternative1Fill="#ffb153", alternative1Stroke="#faa000",
    alternative2Fill="#caa06c", alternative2Stroke="#9d7039") {

    isVASTTOOLS <- isTRUE(any(parsed$source == "vast-tools"))

    isSE   <- type == "SE"
    isMXE  <- type == "MXE"
    isAFE  <- type == "AFE"
    isALE  <- type == "ALE"
    isA3SS <- type == "A3SS"
    isA5SS <- type == "A5SS"
    isRI   <- type == "RI"
    if (!isSE && !isMXE && !isAFE && !isALE && !isA3SS && !isA5SS && !isRI) {
        stop("Unsupported alternative splicing event type")
    } else if (isVASTTOOLS && (isA3SS || isA5SS)) {
        msg <- paste("Alt3 and Alt5 alternative splicing events from",
                     "VAST-TOOLS are currentyly not supported")

    # Prepare element width
    if (is.null(alternativeWidth)) {
        alternativeWidth <- 60
        if (isSE || isMXE) alternativeWidth <- 110
    if (is.null(intronWidth)) {
        intronWidth <- 15
        if (isRI && showAlternative1) intronWidth <- 110

    pos_C1s <- pos_C1e <- pos_A1s <- pos_A1e <- pos_A2s <- pos_A2e <-
        pos_C2s <- pos_C2e <- A1len <- A2len <- NULL

    safeAreaWidth <- 1
    exon <- tagList()
    path <- tagList()
    if (isSE) {
        pos_C1e  <- as.numeric(parsed$constitutive1)
        pos_A1s  <- as.numeric(sapply(parsed$alternative1, "[[", 1))
        pos_A1e  <- as.numeric(sapply(parsed$alternative1, "[[", 2))
        pos_C2s  <- as.numeric(parsed$constitutive2)
        A1len    <- paste(abs(pos_A1e - pos_A1s), "nts")

        C1s <- safeAreaWidth
        C1e <- C1s + constitutiveWidth
        A1s <- C1e + if (showAlternative1) intronWidth else 0
        A1e <- A1s + if (showAlternative1) alternativeWidth else 0
        C2s <- A1e + intronWidth
        C2e <- C2s + constitutiveWidth
        diagramWidth <- C2e + safeAreaWidth

        exon$C1 <- drawRect(C1s, C1e, text2="%1$s", showText=showText,
                            fill=constitutiveFill, stroke=constitutiveStroke)
        exon$A1 <- drawRect(A1s, A1e, text1="%2$s", text2="%3$s",
                            textLen="%4$s", showText=showText,
                            fill=alternative1Fill, stroke=alternative1Stroke)
        exon$C2 <- drawRect(C2s, C2e, text1="%5$s", showText=showText,
                            fill=constitutiveFill, stroke=constitutiveStroke)
        path$C1e_C2s <- drawCurve(C1e, C2s, stroke=constitutiveStroke)
        path$C1e_A1s <- drawCurve(C1e, A1s, stroke=alternative1Stroke)
        path$A1e_C2s <- drawCurve(A1e, C2s, stroke=alternative1Stroke)
        if (!showPath) path <- NULL

        if (!showAlternative1) {
            exon$A1 <- NULL
            path[grep("A1", names(path), fixed=TRUE)] <- NULL

        # Replace with genomic positions per event
        svg      <- prepareSVG(exon, path, class, style, diagramWidth)
        svgFinal <- sprintf(svg, pos_C1e, pos_A1s, pos_A1e, A1len, pos_C2s)
    } else if (isMXE) {
        pos_C1e  <- as.numeric(parsed$constitutive1)
        pos_A1s  <- as.numeric(sapply(parsed$alternative1,  "[[", 1))
        pos_A1e  <- as.numeric(sapply(parsed$alternative1,  "[[", 2))
        pos_A2s  <- as.numeric(sapply(parsed$alternative2,  "[[", 1))
        pos_A2e  <- as.numeric(sapply(parsed$alternative2,  "[[", 2))
        pos_C2s  <- as.numeric(parsed$constitutive2)

        A1len    <- paste(abs(pos_A1e - pos_A1s), "nts")
        A2len    <- paste(abs(pos_A2e - pos_A2s), "nts")

        isA1ref  <- !xor(parsed$strand == "+", pos_A1e <= pos_A2s)
        hideA1   <- (!showAlternative1 && isA1ref) ||
            (!showAlternative2 && !isA1ref)
        hideA2   <- (!showAlternative2 && isA1ref) ||
            (!showAlternative1 && !isA1ref)

        C1s <- safeAreaWidth
        C1e <- C1s + constitutiveWidth
        A1s <- C1e + if (!hideA1) intronWidth else 0
        A1e <- A1s + if (!hideA1) alternativeWidth else 0
        A2s <- A1e + if (!hideA2) intronWidth else 0
        A2e <- A2s + if (!hideA2) alternativeWidth else 0
        C2s <- A2e + intronWidth
        C2e <- C2s + constitutiveWidth
        diagramWidth <- C2e + safeAreaWidth

        exon$C1 <- drawRect(C1s, C1e, text2="%1$s", showText=showText,
                            fill=constitutiveFill, stroke=constitutiveStroke)
        exon$A1 <- drawRect(A1s, A1e, text1="%2$s", text2="%3$s",
                            textLen="%4$s", showText=showText,
                            fill="%9$s", stroke="%10$s")
        exon$A2 <- drawRect(A2s, A2e, text1="%5$s", text2="%6$s",
                            textLen="%7$s", showText=showText,
                            fill="%11$s", stroke="%12$s")
        exon$C2 <- drawRect(C2s, C2e, text1="%8$s", showText=showText,
                            fill=constitutiveFill, stroke=constitutiveStroke)
        path$C1e_A1s <- drawCurve(C1e, A1s, stroke="%10$s")
        path$A1e_C2s <- drawCurve(A1e, C2s, stroke="%10$s")
        path$C1e_A2s <- drawCurve(C1e, A2s, stroke="%12$s")
        path$A2e_C2s <- drawCurve(A2e, C2s, stroke="%12$s")
        if (!showPath) path <- NULL

        if (hideA1) {
            exon$A1 <- NULL
            path[grep("A1", names(path), fixed=TRUE)] <- NULL
        if (hideA2) {
            exon$A2 <- NULL
            path[grep("A2", names(path), fixed=TRUE)] <- NULL

        # Replace with genomic positions per event and correct reference exon
        svg      <- prepareSVG(exon, path, class, style, diagramWidth)
        svgFinal <- sprintf(
            svg, pos_C1e,
            ifelse(isA1ref, pos_A1s, pos_A2s),
            ifelse(isA1ref, pos_A1e, pos_A2e),
            ifelse(isA1ref, A1len, A2len),
            ifelse(isA1ref, pos_A2s, pos_A1s),
            ifelse(isA1ref, pos_A2e, pos_A1e),
            ifelse(isA1ref, A2len, A1len),
            ifelse(isA1ref, alternative1Fill, alternative2Fill),
            ifelse(isA1ref, alternative1Stroke, alternative2Stroke),
            ifelse(isA1ref, alternative2Fill, alternative1Fill),
            ifelse(isA1ref, alternative2Stroke, alternative1Stroke))
    } else if (isAFE || isA5SS) {
        pos_A1e  <- as.numeric(parsed$alternative1)
        pos_A2e  <- as.numeric(parsed$alternative2)
        pos_C2s  <- as.numeric(parsed$constitutive2)

        isA2ref  <- !xor(parsed$strand == "+", pos_A1e >= pos_A2e)
        hideA1   <- (!showAlternative1 && isA2ref) ||
            (!showAlternative2 && !isA2ref)
        hideA2   <- (!showAlternative2 && isA2ref) ||
            (!showAlternative1 && !isA2ref)

        A1s <- safeAreaWidth
        A1e <- A1s + if (!hideA1) alternativeWidth else 0
        A2s <- A1e + if (!hideA1 && isAFE) intronWidth else 0
        A2e <- A2s + if (!hideA2) alternativeWidth else 0
        C2s <- A2e + if (!hideA1 || !hideA2) intronWidth else 0
        C2e <- C2s + constitutiveWidth
        diagramWidth <- C2e + safeAreaWidth

        exon$A1 <- drawRect(A1s, A1e, text2="%1$s", showText=showText,
                            fill="%4$s", stroke="%5$s")
        exon$A2 <- drawRect(A2s, A2e, text2="%2$s", showText=showText,
                            fill="%6$s", stroke="%7$s")
        exon$C2 <- drawRect(C2s, C2e, text1="%3$s", showText=showText,
                            fill=constitutiveFill, stroke=constitutiveStroke)
        path$A1e_C2s <- drawCurve(A1e, C2s, stroke="%5$s")
        path$A2e_C2s <- drawCurve(A2e, C2s, stroke="%7$s")
        if (!showPath) path <- NULL

        if (hideA1) {
            exon$A1 <- NULL
            path[grep("A1", names(path), fixed=TRUE)] <- NULL
        if (hideA2) {
            exon$A2 <- NULL
            path[grep("A2", names(path), fixed=TRUE)] <- NULL

        # Replace with genomic positions per event and correct reference exon
        svg      <- prepareSVG(exon, path, class, style, diagramWidth)
        svgFinal <- sprintf(
            ifelse(isA2ref, pos_A2e, pos_A1e),
            ifelse(isA2ref, pos_A1e, pos_A2e),
            ifelse(isA2ref, alternative1Fill, constitutiveFill),
            ifelse(isA2ref, alternative1Stroke, constitutiveStroke),
            ifelse(isA2ref, constitutiveFill, alternative1Fill),
            ifelse(isA2ref, constitutiveStroke, alternative1Stroke))
    } else if (isALE || isA3SS) {
        pos_C1s  <- as.numeric(parsed$constitutive1)
        pos_A1e  <- as.numeric(parsed$alternative1)
        pos_A2e  <- as.numeric(parsed$alternative2)

        isA1ref  <- !xor(parsed$strand == "+", pos_A1e <= pos_A2e)

        hideA1 <- (!showAlternative1 && isA1ref) ||
            (!showAlternative2 && !isA1ref)
        hideA2 <- (!showAlternative2 && isA1ref) ||
            (!showAlternative1 && !isA1ref)

        C1s <- safeAreaWidth
        C1e <- C1s + constitutiveWidth
        A1s <- C1e + if (!hideA1) intronWidth else 0
        A1e <- A1s + if (!hideA1) alternativeWidth else 0
        A2s <- A1e + if (!hideA2 && isALE) intronWidth else 0
        A2e <- A2s + if (!hideA2) alternativeWidth else 0
        diagramWidth <- A2e + safeAreaWidth

        exon$C1 <- drawRect(C1s, C1e, text2="%1$s", showText=showText,
                            fill=constitutiveFill, stroke=constitutiveStroke)
        exon$A1 <- drawRect(A1s, A1e, text1="%2$s", showText=showText,
                            fill="%4$s", stroke="%5$s")
        exon$A2 <- drawRect(A2s, A2e, text1="%3$s", showText=showText,
                            fill="%6$s", stroke="%7$s")
        path$C1e_A1s <- drawCurve(C1e, A1s, stroke="%5$s")
        path$C1e_A2s <- drawCurve(C1e, A2s, stroke="%7$s")
        if (!showPath) path <- NULL

        if (hideA1) {
            exon$A1 <- NULL
            path[grep("A1", names(path), fixed=TRUE)] <- NULL
        if (hideA2) {
            exon$A2 <- NULL
            path[grep("A2", names(path), fixed=TRUE)] <- NULL

        # Replace with genomic positions per event and correct reference exon
        svg      <- prepareSVG(exon, path, class, style, diagramWidth)
        svgFinal <- sprintf(
            ifelse(isA1ref, pos_A1e, pos_A2e),
            ifelse(isA1ref, pos_A2e, pos_A1e),
            ifelse(isA1ref, alternative1Fill, constitutiveFill),
            ifelse(isA1ref, alternative1Stroke, constitutiveStroke),
            ifelse(isA1ref, constitutiveFill, alternative1Fill),
            ifelse(isA1ref, constitutiveStroke, alternative1Stroke))
    } else if (isRI) {
        pos_C1e  <- as.numeric(sapply(parsed$constitutive1, "[[", 2))
        pos_C2s  <- as.numeric(sapply(parsed$constitutive2, "[[", 1))
        A1len    <- paste(abs(pos_C1e - pos_C2s), "nts")

        C1s <- safeAreaWidth
        C1e <- C1s + constitutiveWidth
        A1s <- C1e
        A1e <- A1s + intronWidth
        C2s <- A1e
        C2e <- C2s + constitutiveWidth
        diagramWidth <- C2e + safeAreaWidth

        exon$C1 <- drawRect(C1s, C1e, text2="%1$s", showText=showText,
                            fill=constitutiveFill, stroke=constitutiveStroke)
        exon$A1 <- drawRect(A1s, A1e, textLen="%2$s", showText=showText,
                            fill=alternative1Fill, stroke=alternative1Stroke,
                            height=12, y=14)
        exon$C2 <- drawRect(C2s, C2e, text1="%3$s", showText=showText,
                            fill=constitutiveFill, stroke=constitutiveStroke)

        path$C1e_C2s <- drawCurve(C1e, C2s, stroke=constitutiveStroke)
        if (!showPath) path <- NULL

        if (!showAlternative1) exon$A1 <- NULL

        # Replace with genomic positions per event
        svg      <- prepareSVG(exon, path, class, style, diagramWidth)
        svgFinal <- sprintf(svg, pos_C1e, A1len, pos_C2s)
    names(svgFinal) <- rownames(parsed)

    addClass <- function(char) {
        # char        <- HTML(char)
        class(char) <- c("splicingEventPlot", class(char))
    svgFinal <- lapply(svgFinal, addClass)

    attr(svgFinal, "positions") <- paste(pos_C1s, pos_C1e, pos_A1s, pos_A1e,
                                         pos_A2s, pos_A2e, pos_C2s, pos_C2e,
                                         A1len, A2len)

#' Plot diagram of alternative splicing events
#' @param ASevent Character: alternative splicing event identifiers
#' @inheritParams parseSplicingEvent
#' @inheritParams diagramSplicingEvent
#' @importFrom shiny tag tagList
#' @return List of SVG (one for each alternative splicing event)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ASevent <- c(
#'     "SE_9_+_6486925_6492303_6492401_6493826_UHRF2",
#'     "SE_11_+_86925_92303_92401_93826_TESTING/MHG2",
#'     "A5SS_15_+_63353472_63353987_63354414_TPM1",
#'     "A3SS_3_-_145796903_145794682_145795711_PLOD2",
#'     "AFE_17_-_15165746_15168471_15164078_PMP22",
#'     "ALE_18_-_5395066_5394792_5393477_EPB41L3",
#'     "MXE_15_+_63335142_63335905_63336030_63336226_63336351_63349184_TPM1")
#' diagram <- plotSplicingEvent(ASevent)
#' diagram[["A3SS_3_-_145796903_145794682_145795711_PLOD2"]]
#' diagram[[6]]
#' \dontrun{diagram}
plotSplicingEvent <- function(
    ASevent, data=NULL, showText=TRUE, showPath=TRUE,
    showAlternative1=TRUE, showAlternative2=TRUE,
    constitutiveWidth=60, alternativeWidth=NULL, intronWidth=NULL,
    constitutiveFill="lightgray", constitutiveStroke="darkgray",
    alternative1Fill="#ffb153", alternative1Stroke="#faa000",
    alternative2Fill="#caa06c", alternative2Stroke="#9d7039",
    class=NULL, style=NULL) {

    parsed <- parseSplicingEvent(ASevent, coords=TRUE, data=data)
    if (!is.null(parsed$type)) {
        parsed <- split(parsed, parsed$type)
    } else {
        type   <- rep("NULL", length(ASevent))
        parsed <- split(ASevent, type)

    svg <- NULL
    positions <- NULL
    showWarning <- FALSE
    for (type in names(parsed)) {
        parsedType <- parsed[[type]]
        diagram <- tryCatch(
                parsedType, type, class=class, style=style,
                showText=showText, showPath=showPath,
                alternativeWidth=alternativeWidth, intronWidth=intronWidth,

        if (is(diagram, "error")) {
            showWarning                <- TRUE

            len <- nrow(parsedType)
            if (is.null(len)) len <- length(parsedType)

            ns  <- rownames(parsedType)
            if (is.null(ns)) ns <- parsedType

            diagram                    <- rep("", len)
            attr(diagram, "positions") <- diagram
            names(diagram)             <- ns
        svg <- c(svg, diagram)
        positions <- c(positions, attr(diagram, "positions"))
    svg <- svg[ASevent] # Order results based on original input
    class(svg) <- c("splicingEventPlotList", class(svg))

    if (showWarning) {
        msg <- paste("Diagrams could not be rendered for one or more",
                     "alternative splicing event types.")
    attr(svg, "positions") <- positions

#' @export
print.splicingEventPlot <- function(x, ..., browse=TRUE) {
    return(print(HTML(x), ..., browse=browse))

#' @importFrom DT dataTableOutput renderDataTable
#' @importFrom shiny fluidPage
#' @export
print.splicingEventPlotList <- function(x, ..., browse=TRUE) {
    server <- function(input, output) {
        prepareData <- reactive(
            data.frame(cbind(names(x), x), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
        output$eventsTable <- renderDataTable(
            prepareData(), rownames=FALSE, class="compat display",
            colnames=c("Alternative splicing event", "Diagram"),
            style="bootstrap", caption="Diagram of alternative splicing events")

    if (length(x) == 1) {
        print(x[[1]], ..., browse=browse)
    } else {

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psichomics documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:44 p.m.