
Defines functions pwrEWAS

Documented in pwrEWAS

#' @title pwrEWAS - A computationally efficient tool for comprehensive power estimation in EWAS
#' @description pwrEWAS is a computationally efficient tool to estimate power in EWAS as a function of sample and effect size for two-group comparisons of DNAm (e.g., case vs control, exposed vs non-exposed, etc.). Detailed description of in-/outputs, instructions and an example, as well as interpretations of the example results are provided in the vignette: vignette("pwrEWAS")
#' @param minTotSampleSize Minimum total sample size.
#' @param maxTotSampleSize Maximum total sample size.
#' @param SampleSizeSteps Sample size increments.
#' @param NcntPer Percentage sample group 1 (control group) (NcntPer = 0.5 indicates a balanced design).
#' @param targetDelta Target maximum difference in mean DNAm. (Either 'targetDelta' or 'deltaSD' should be specified)
#' @param deltaSD Standard deviation of simulated differences. (Either 'targetDelta' or 'deltaSD' should be specified)
#' @param J Number of CpGs tested/simulated (default: 100000).
#' @param targetDmCpGs Target number of DM CpGs.
#' @param tissueType Select a tissue type from the list of most commonly used tissue types: "Adult (PBMC)" (default), "Saliva", "Sperm", "Lymphoma", "Placenta", "Liver", "Colon", "Blood adult", "Blood 5 year olds", "Blood newborns", "Cord-blood (whole blood)" or "Cord-blood (PBMC)".
#' @param detectionLimit Smallest detectable difference in DNAm (default: 0.01).
#' @param DMmethod Method of Differential Methylation analysis: "limma" (default), "t-test (unequal var)", "t-test (equal var)", "Wilcox rank sum", "CPGassoc".
#' @param FDRcritVal FDRcritVal (default: 0.05).
#' @param core Number of threads for multi-threading (default: 1).
#' @param sims Number of simulated data sets (default: 50).
#' @return pwrEWAS will return an object with the following four attributes: meanPower, powerArray, deltaArray, and metric, where metric contains marTypeI, classicalPower, FDR, and FDC
#' @keywords DNAm microarray power
#' @export
#' @examples
#' outDelta <- pwrEWAS(minTotSampleSize = 10,
#'     maxTotSampleSize = 20,
#'     SampleSizeSteps = 10,
#'     NcntPer = 0.5,
#'     targetDelta = c(0.2, 0.5),
#'     J = 1000,
#'     targetDmCpGs = 10,
#'     tissueType = "Adult (PBMC)",
#'     detectionLimit = 0.01,
#'     DMmethod = "limma",
#'     FDRcritVal = 0.05,
#'     core = 2,
#'     sims = 30)
#' outSD <- pwrEWAS(minTotSampleSize = 10,
#'     maxTotSampleSize = 20,
#'     SampleSizeSteps = 10,
#'     NcntPer = 0.5,
#'     deltaSD = c(0.02, 0.03),
#'     J = 1000,
#'     targetDmCpGs = 10,
#'     tissueType = "Adult (PBMC)",
#'     detectionLimit = 0.01,
#'     DMmethod = "limma",
#'     FDRcritVal = 0.05,
#'     core = 2,
#'     sims = 30)
pwrEWAS <- function(minTotSampleSize, # min total sample size
    maxTotSampleSize, # max total sample size
    SampleSizeSteps, # steps for increasing total sample size
    NcntPer, # percentage of control sample
    targetDelta = NULL, # vector of 99 percentile of the target max DM
    deltaSD = NULL, # vector of sd(delta)
    J = 100000, # number of simulated CpGs
    targetDmCpGs, # target number for truely differentially methylated CpG
    tissueType = c("Adult (PBMC)",
        "Blood adult",
        "Blood 5 year olds",
        "Blood newborns",
        "Cord-blood (whole blood)",
        "Cord-blood (PBMC)"), # tissue type that is used as reference to sample from
    detectionLimit = 0.01, # lower bound for differential methylated CpG's to be considered TRULY differential methylated
    DMmethod = c("limma", "t-test (unequal var)", "t-test (equal var)", "Wilcox rank sum", "CPGassoc"), # method to detect differential methylation
    FDRcritVal = 0.05,
    core = 1, # number of cores to multi thread
    sims = 50
    tissueType <- match.arg(tissueType)
    DMmethod <- match.arg(DMmethod)
    if(!is.null(targetDelta) & !is.null(deltaSD)) stop("Please specify only one: 'targetDelta' or 'deltaSD'")
    #load data
    methPara <- pwrEWAS.data:::loadDataset(tissueType)
    # methPara <-  ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub()[["EH3078"]]
    CpGonArray <- length(methPara$mu)
    output <- NULL
    totSampleSizes <- seq(minTotSampleSize, maxTotSampleSize, SampleSizeSteps)
    # initalize multi thread clusters
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(core) # multi core
    # doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) # multi core
    # combining function for foreach loops
    combine_tau <- function(listA, listB){
        if(is.null(listA)) return(listB)
        if(!methods::is(listA[["power"]], "array") & !methods::is(listA[["power"]], "matrix")) listA[["power"]] <- matrix(listA[["power"]])
        if(!methods::is(listB[["power"]], "array") & !methods::is(listB[["power"]], "matrix")) listB[["power"]] <- matrix(listB[["power"]])
        if(!methods::is(listA[["metric"]]$marTypeI, "array") & !methods::is(listA[["metric"]]$marTypeI, "matrix")) listA[["metric"]]$marTypeI <- matrix(listA[["metric"]]$marTypeI)
        if(!methods::is(listB[["metric"]]$marTypeI, "array") & !methods::is(listB[["metric"]]$marTypeI, "matrix")) listB[["metric"]]$marTypeI <- matrix(listB[["metric"]]$marTypeI)
        if(!methods::is(listA[["metric"]]$classicalPower, "array") & !methods::is(listA[["metric"]]$classicalPower, "matrix")) listA[["metric"]]$classicalPower <- matrix(listA[["metric"]]$classicalPower)
        if(!methods::is(listB[["metric"]]$classicalPower, "array") & !methods::is(listB[["metric"]]$classicalPower, "matrix")) listB[["metric"]]$classicalPower <- matrix(listB[["metric"]]$classicalPower)
        if(!methods::is(listA[["metric"]]$FDR, "array") & !methods::is(listA[["metric"]]$FDR, "matrix")) listA[["metric"]]$FDR <- matrix(listA[["metric"]]$FDR)
        if(!methods::is(listB[["metric"]]$FDR, "array") & !methods::is(listB[["metric"]]$FDR, "matrix")) listB[["metric"]]$FDR <- matrix(listB[["metric"]]$FDR)
        if(!methods::is(listA[["metric"]]$FDC, "array") & !methods::is(listA[["metric"]]$FDC, "matrix")) listA[["metric"]]$FDC <- matrix(listA[["metric"]]$FDC)
        if(!methods::is(listB[["metric"]]$FDC, "array") & !methods::is(listB[["metric"]]$FDC, "matrix")) listB[["metric"]]$FDC <- matrix(listB[["metric"]]$FDC)
        if(!methods::is(listA[["metric"]]$probTP, "array") & !methods::is(listA[["metric"]]$probTP, "matrix")) listA[["metric"]]$probTP <- matrix(listA[["metric"]]$probTP)
        if(!methods::is(listB[["metric"]]$probTP, "array") & !methods::is(listB[["metric"]]$probTP, "matrix")) listB[["metric"]]$probTP <- matrix(listB[["metric"]]$probTP)
        if(!methods::is(listA[["delta"]], "list")) listA[["delta"]] <- list(listA[["delta"]])
        returnList <- list()
        returnList[["power"]] <- abind::abind(listA[["power"]], listB[["power"]], along = 3)
        returnList[["delta"]] <- listA[["delta"]]
        returnList[["delta"]][[length(listA[["delta"]])+1]] <- listB[["delta"]]
        returnList[["metric"]]$marTypeI <- abind::abind(listA[["metric"]]$marTypeI, listB[["metric"]]$marTypeI, along = 3)
        returnList[["metric"]]$classicalPower <- abind::abind(listA[["metric"]]$classicalPower, listB[["metric"]]$classicalPower, along = 3)
        returnList[["metric"]]$FDR <- abind::abind(listA[["metric"]]$FDR, listB[["metric"]]$FDR, along = 3)
        returnList[["metric"]]$FDC <- abind::abind(listA[["metric"]]$FDC, listB[["metric"]]$FDC, along = 3)
        returnList[["metric"]]$probTP <- abind::abind(listA[["metric"]]$probTP, listB[["metric"]]$probTP, along = 3)
    combine_totSampleSizes <- function(listA, listB){
        if(is.null(listA)) return(listB)
        returnList <- list()
        returnList[["power"]] <- cbind(listA[["power"]], listB[["power"]])
        returnList[["delta"]] <- cbind(listA[["delta"]], listB[["delta"]])
        returnList[["metric"]]$marTypeI <- cbind(listA[["metric"]]$marTypeI, listB[["metric"]]$marTypeI)
        returnList[["metric"]]$classicalPower <- cbind(listA[["metric"]]$classicalPower, listB[["metric"]]$classicalPower)
        returnList[["metric"]]$FDR <- cbind(listA[["metric"]]$FDR, listB[["metric"]]$FDR)
        returnList[["metric"]]$FDC <- cbind(listA[["metric"]]$FDC, listB[["metric"]]$FDC)
        returnList[["metric"]]$probTP <- cbind(listA[["metric"]]$probTP, listB[["metric"]]$probTP)
        # finding tau and K for target DM CpG's
        cat(paste("[",Sys.time(),"] ", "Finding tau...", sep = ""))
        K <- NULL 
        tau <- NULL
        for(d in seq_along(targetDelta)){
            myTau <- getTau(targetDmCpGs, targetDelta[d], methPara, detectionLimit, J, CpGonArray)
            tau[d] <- myTau$tau
            K[d] <- myTau$K # number of changed CpGs
        cat(paste("done", " [",Sys.time(),"]\n", sep = ""))
        print(paste("The following taus were chosen: ", paste(tau, collapse = ", "), sep = ""))
    } else {
        tau <- deltaSD 
        K <- NULL
        for(d in seq_along(tau)){
            K[d] <- getK(targetDmCpGs, methPara, detectionLimit, J, CpGonArray, tau)
    # main function
    startTime <- Sys.time()
    cat(paste("[",startTime,"] ", "Running simulation\n", sep = ""))
    iterations <- length(totSampleSizes) * length(tau)
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = iterations, style = 3)
    progress <- function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
    opts <- list(progress = progress)
    Ntot <- NULL
    multiThreadOut <- foreach(d = seq_along(tau), 
        .combine = combine_tau,
        .packages = c("truncnorm", "limma", "CpGassoc", "genefilter"),
        .export = c("getAlphBet", "getMeanVar", "beta2Mvalue", "limma", "ttestSlow", "ttestFast", "Wilcox", "CPGassoc")) %:%
        foreach(Ntot = totSampleSizes, .combine = combine_totSampleSizes, .options.snow = opts) %dopar% { 
            utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, (d-1)*length(totSampleSizes) + which(Ntot==totSampleSizes))
            Ncnt <- round(Ntot * NcntPer)
            Ntx <- Ntot - Ncnt
            marPower <- NULL
            deltaSim <- NULL
            marTypeI <- NULL
            FDR <- NULL
            classicalPower <- NULL
            FDC <- NULL
            probTP <- NULL
            for(sim in seq_len(sims)){
                ## sample CpGs
                cpgIdx <- sample(x = seq_len(CpGonArray), size = J, replace = TRUE) # pick J random CpG's to be simulated
                cpgIdxName <- paste(seq_len(J), "_", rownames(methPara)[cpgIdx], sep = "") # ensuring unique CpG name (allowing unique sampling with replacement)
                changedCpgsIdx <- sample(x = cpgIdx, size = K[d]) # pick K random CpG's to be changed in mean meth
                changedCpgsIdxName <- cpgIdxName[match(changedCpgsIdx, cpgIdx)]
                ## Change Mu for "changedCpgsIdx"'s CpG's
                # drawing delta from truncated normal
                delta <- truncnorm::rtruncnorm(1, mean = 0, sd = as.numeric(tau[d]), 
                    a=0.5 - methPara$mu[changedCpgsIdx] - sqrt(0.25-methPara$var[changedCpgsIdx]), 
                    b=0.5 - methPara$mu[changedCpgsIdx] + sqrt(0.25-methPara$var[changedCpgsIdx]))
                deltaSim <- c(deltaSim, delta)  # multi core
                meaningfulDM <- (abs(delta) >= detectionLimit)
                meaningfulDMName <- changedCpgsIdxName[meaningfulDM]
                # changing mean methylation for specific CpG's (changedCpgsIdx)
                muToBeSimuUNchanged <- methPara$mu[cpgIdx]
                muToBeSimuChanged   <- methPara$mu[cpgIdx]
                muToBeSimuChanged[match(changedCpgsIdx, cpgIdx)] <- muToBeSimuChanged[match(changedCpgsIdx, cpgIdx)] + delta
                ## get alpha and beta 
                params_unchanged <- getAlphBet(myMean = muToBeSimuUNchanged, myVar = methPara$var[cpgIdx])
                alpha_unchanged <- params_unchanged$alpha
                beta_unchanged <- params_unchanged$beta
                params_changed <- getAlphBet(myMean = muToBeSimuChanged, myVar = methPara$var[cpgIdx])
                alpha_changed <- params_changed$alpha
                beta_changed <- params_changed$beta
                ## simulate baseline beta values
                g1Beta <- NULL
                g2Beta <- NULL
                g1Beta <- matrix(stats::rbeta(J*Ncnt, rep(alpha_unchanged, each = Ncnt), rep(beta_unchanged, each = Ncnt)), ncol = Ncnt, byrow = TRUE) 
                g2Beta <- matrix(stats::rbeta(J*Ntx, rep(alpha_changed, each = Ntx), rep(beta_changed, each = Ntx)), ncol = Ntx, byrow = TRUE) 
                g1Beta[g1Beta == 1] <- max(g1Beta[g1Beta != 1]) # replacing 0/1 by min/max
                g2Beta[g2Beta == 1] <- max(g2Beta[g2Beta != 1])
                g1Beta[g1Beta == 0] <- min(g1Beta[g1Beta != 0])
                g2Beta[g2Beta == 0] <- min(g2Beta[g2Beta != 0])
                rownames(g1Beta) <- rownames(g2Beta) <- paste(seq_len(J),"_",names(alpha_unchanged),sep = "")
                # Tests 
                DMtest <- switch(DMmethod,
                    "t-test (unequal var)" = ttestSlow(g1Beta,g2Beta,Ncnt,Ntx,paired=FALSE), # t-test slow (unequal var)
                    "t-test (equal var)" = ttestFast(g1Beta,g2Beta,Ncnt,Ntx), # t-test (equal var)
                    "CPGassoc" = CPGassoc(g1Beta, g2Beta, Ncnt,Ntx), # CPG assoc
                    "Wilcox rank sum" = Wilcox(g1Beta, g2Beta, Ncnt,Ntx), # Wilcox rank sum test
                    "limma" = limma(g1Beta, g2Beta, Ncnt,Ntx), # limma
                    stop("Test not found")

                # table from paper
                notDM  <- cpgIdxName[!(cpgIdxName %in% changedCpgsIdxName)]
                DM_negligible <- changedCpgsIdxName[!(changedCpgsIdxName %in% meaningfulDMName)]
                DM_meaningful <- changedCpgsIdxName[changedCpgsIdxName %in% meaningfulDMName]
                FP  <- intersect(cpgIdxName[DMtest$fdr<FDRcritVal], notDM) # FP
                NP <- intersect(cpgIdxName[DMtest$fdr<FDRcritVal], DM_negligible) # NP
                TP <- intersect(cpgIdxName[DMtest$fdr<FDRcritVal], DM_meaningful) # TP
                detectedCpGs <- cpgIdxName[DMtest$fdr<FDRcritVal]
                TN <- intersect(cpgIdxName[!(DMtest$fdr<FDRcritVal)], notDM) # TN
                NN <- intersect(cpgIdxName[!(DMtest$fdr<FDRcritVal)], DM_negligible) # NN
                FN <- intersect(cpgIdxName[!(DMtest$fdr<FDRcritVal)], DM_meaningful) # FN
                ## metrics
                marPower[sim] <- ifelse(length(DM_meaningful) > 0, length(TP)/length(DM_meaningful), NA)
                marTypeI[sim] <- ifelse(length(notDM) > 0, length(FP)/length(notDM), NA) 
                FDR[sim] <- ifelse(length(detectedCpGs) > 0, length(FP)/length(detectedCpGs), NA)
                FDC[sim] <- ifelse(length(TP) > 0, (length(FP))/length(TP), NA) # expected false discovery for each true discovery
                classicalPower[sim] <- (length(NP)+length(TP))/(length(DM_negligible)+length(DM_meaningful))
                probTP[sim] <- ifelse(length(TP)>0, 1, 0)
            } # end sim
            outSim <- list() 
            outSim[["power"]] <- marPower # multi core
            outSim[["delta"]] <- deltaSim # multi core
            outSim[["metric"]]$marTypeI <- marTypeI
            outSim[["metric"]]$FDR <- FDR
            outSim[["metric"]]$classicalPower <- classicalPower
            outSim[["metric"]]$FDC <- FDC
            outSim[["metric"]]$probTP <- probTP
        } # end tau and totSampleSizes
    cat(paste("[",startTime,"] Running simulation ... done [",Sys.time(),"]\n", sep = ""))
    # dirty fix
    if(is.null(targetDelta)) targetDelta <- tau
    # calculate mean marginal power and adding names 
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) == 1)  output$meanPower <- matrix(mean(multiThreadOut[["power"]], na.rm=TRUE))
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) > 1)   output$meanPower <- matrix(apply(multiThreadOut[["power"]], 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE), ncol = 1)
    if(length(targetDelta) > 1)                                 output$meanPower <- apply(multiThreadOut[["power"]], c(2,3), mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    rownames(output$meanPower) <- totSampleSizes
    colnames(output$meanPower) <- targetDelta
    # powerArray
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1) output$powerArray <- array(data = multiThreadOut[["power"]], dim = c(sims, length(totSampleSizes), length(targetDelta)))
    if(length(targetDelta) > 1 & length(totSampleSizes) == 1) output$powerArray <- multiThreadOut[["power"]]
    if(length(targetDelta) > 1) output$powerArray <- multiThreadOut[["power"]]
    dimnames(output$powerArray) <- list(seq_len(sims), totSampleSizes, targetDelta)  
    # deltaArray
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) == 1)  output$deltaArray <- list(matrix(multiThreadOut[["delta"]]))
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) > 1)   output$deltaArray <- list(multiThreadOut[["delta"]])
    if(length(targetDelta) > 1 & length(totSampleSizes) == 1)   output$deltaArray <- lapply(multiThreadOut[["delta"]],as.matrix)
    if(length(targetDelta) > 1 & length(totSampleSizes) > 1)    output$deltaArray <- multiThreadOut[["delta"]]
    names(output$deltaArray) <- targetDelta
    for(d in seq_along(targetDelta)){
        colnames(output$deltaArray[[d]]) <- totSampleSizes
    # calculate mean marTypeI and adding names 
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) == 1)  output$metric$marTypeI <- matrix(mean(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$marTypeI, na.rm=TRUE))
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) > 1)   output$metric$marTypeI <- matrix(apply(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$marTypeI, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE), ncol = 1)
    if(length(targetDelta) > 1)                                 output$metric$marTypeI <- apply(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$marTypeI, c(2,3), mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    rownames(output$metric$marTypeI) <- totSampleSizes
    colnames(output$metric$marTypeI) <- targetDelta
    # calculate mean classicalPower and adding names 
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) == 1)  output$metric$classicalPower <- matrix(mean(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$classicalPower, na.rm=TRUE))
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) > 1)   output$metric$classicalPower <- matrix(apply(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$classicalPower, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE), ncol = 1)
    if(length(targetDelta) > 1)                                 output$metric$classicalPower <- apply(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$classicalPower, c(2,3), mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    rownames(output$metric$classicalPower) <- totSampleSizes
    colnames(output$metric$classicalPower) <- targetDelta
    # calculate mean FDR and adding names 
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) == 1)  output$metric$FDR <- matrix(mean(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$FDR, na.rm=TRUE))
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) > 1)   output$metric$FDR <- matrix(apply(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$FDR, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE), ncol = 1)
    if(length(targetDelta) > 1)                                 output$metric$FDR <- apply(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$FDR, c(2,3), mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    rownames(output$metric$FDR) <- totSampleSizes
    colnames(output$metric$FDR) <- targetDelta
    # calculate mean FDC and adding names 
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) == 1)  output$metric$FDC <- matrix(mean(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$FDC, na.rm=TRUE))
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) > 1)   output$metric$FDC <- matrix(apply(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$FDC, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE), ncol = 1)
    if(length(targetDelta) > 1)                                 output$metric$FDC <- apply(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$FDC, c(2,3), mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    rownames(output$metric$FDC) <- totSampleSizes
    colnames(output$metric$FDC) <- targetDelta
    # calculate probability of detecting at least one TP and adding names 
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) == 1)  output$metric$probTP <- matrix(mean(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$probTP, na.rm=TRUE))
    if(length(targetDelta) == 1 & length(totSampleSizes) > 1)   output$metric$probTP <- matrix(apply(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$probTP, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE), ncol = 1)
    if(length(targetDelta) > 1)                                 output$metric$probTP <- apply(multiThreadOut[["metric"]]$probTP, c(2,3), mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    rownames(output$metric$probTP) <- totSampleSizes
    colnames(output$metric$probTP) <- targetDelta

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pwrEWAS documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:13 p.m.