aptamers: Sequence data for the Somalogic SOMAscan assay

Description Format References Examples


Sequence data for the SOMAmers in the 1129 and 1310 panels of the Somalogic SOMAscan assay.


A data frame with the following columns.


Character, primary key. The identifier of the aptamer sequence identified using SELEX. It consists of an SomaLogic SeqId truncated at the underscore, to remove its sequence version number.


Character. The SomaLogic identifier for the protein target. For the 1129 and 1310 assays, there is a one-to-one correspondence between SeqId and SomaId, but in theory there is a many-to-one correspondence.


Character. The name of the protein target, from the protein standard supplier, sometimes with additional annotation by SomaLogic.


Character. The name of the protein target, from UniProt.


List of character vectors. UniProt IDs for the protein target.


List of character vectors. Entrez Gene IDs for the gene associated with protein target.


List of character vectors. Entrez Gene symbols for the gene associated with protein target.


Either "Human" or the name of a virus.


Should always be RFU, short for Relative Fluorescence Units.


The protein standard source for the original SELEX performed for the sequence. "Protein" refers to human protein; a few sequences used rat protein standard sources in the SELEX.


What dilution factor is used in plasma?


What dilution factor is used in serum?


Is the aptamer in the 1129 panel of the SOMAscan assay?


Is the aptamer in the 1310 panel of the SOMAscan assay?


The SOMAmers in the SomaLogic SOMAscan 1310 assay can be found in this PDF: http://www.somalogic.com/somalogic/media/Assets/PDFs/SSM-045-REV-1-SOMAscan-Assay-1-3k-Content.pdf Those from the 1129 assay can be found here: http://www.somalogic.com/somalogic/media/Assets/PDFs/SSM-011-Rev-11-SOMAscan-Assay-%28V1-1k%29-Content.pdf



Example output

  AptamerId   SomaId                    Target
1   4829-43 SL001737                 STRATIFIN
2   3804-66 SL007403                      DMP1
3   3814-63 SL007423                  IL-11 RA
4  14156-33 SL004815 14-3-3 protein beta/alpha
5   7625-27 SL008071      14-3-3 protein theta
6    5858-6 SL005688 14-3-3 protein zeta/delta
                         TargetFullName UniProt EntrezGeneID EntrezGeneSymbol
1                  14-3-3 protein sigma  P31947         2810              SFN
2 Dentin matrix acidic phosphoprotein 1  Q13316         1758             DMP1
3 Interleukin-11 receptor subunit alpha  Q14626         3590           IL11RA
4             14-3-3 protein beta/alpha  P31946         7529            YWHAB
5                  14-3-3 protein theta  P27348        10971            YWHAQ
6             14-3-3 protein zeta/delta  P63104         7534            YWHAZ
  Organism Units    Type PlasmaDilution SerumDilution IsIn1310Panel
1    Human   RFU Protein             40            40          TRUE
2    Human   RFU Protein             40            40         FALSE
3    Human   RFU Protein             40            40         FALSE
4    Human   RFU Protein              1             1          TRUE
5    Human   RFU Protein              1             1          TRUE
6    Human   RFU Protein              1             1          TRUE
1          TRUE
2          TRUE
3          TRUE
4         FALSE
5         FALSE
6         FALSE

readat documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 8:19 a.m.