
Defines functions plotDots

Documented in plotDots

#' Create a dot plot of expression values
#' Create a dot plot of expression values for a grouping of cells,
#' where the size and color of each dot represents the proportion of detected expression values and the average expression,
#' respectively, for each feature in each group of cells.
#' @param object A \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param features A character vector of feature names to show as rows of the dot plot.
#' @param group Specification of a column metadata field to show as columns.
#' Alternatively, an \link{AsIs} vector, see \code{?\link{retrieveCellInfo}} for details.
#' @param exprs_values A string or integer scalar specifying which assay in \code{assays(object)} to obtain expression values from.
#' @param detection_limit Numeric scalar providing the value above which observations are deemed to be expressed.
#' This is also used as the 
#' @param low_color String specifying the color to use for low expression.
#' This is also used as the background color, see Details.
#' @param high_color String specifying the color to use for high expression.
#' @param max_ave Numeric value specifying the cap on the average expression.
#' @param max_detected Numeric value specifying the cap on the proportion of detected expression values.
#' @param other_fields Additional feature-based fields to include in the data.frame, see \code{?"\link{scater-plot-args}"} for details.
#' Note that any \link{AsIs} vectors or data.frames must be of length equal to \code{nrow(object)}, not \code{features}.
#' @param by_exprs_values A string or integer scalar specifying which assay to obtain expression values from,
#' to use when extracting values according to each entry of \code{other_fields}. 
#' @param swap_rownames Column name of \code{rowData(object)} to be used to 
#'  identify features instead of \code{rownames(object)} when labelling plot 
#'  elements.
#' @param block Specification of a column metadata field containing the blocking factors, e.g., batch of origin for each cell. 
#' Alternatively, an \link{AsIs} vector, see \code{?\link{retrieveCellInfo}} for details.
#' @return 
#' A \link{ggplot} object containing a dot plot.
#' @details
#' This implements a \pkg{Seurat}-style \dQuote{dot plot} that creates a dot for each feature (row) in each group of cells (column).
#' The proportion of detected expression values and the average expression for each feature in each group of cells is visualized efficiently using the size and colour, respectively, of each dot.
#' If \code{block} is specified, batch-corrected averages for each group are computed with \code{\link{batchCorrectedAverages}}.
#' We impose two restrictions - the low end of the color scale must correspond to the detection limit,
#' and the color at this end of the scale must be the same as the background color.
#' These ensure that the visual cues from low average expression or low detected proportions are consistent,
#' as both will result in a stronger \code{low_color}.
#' (In the latter case, the reduced size of the dot means that the background color dominates.)
#' If these restrictions are violated, visualization can be misleading due to the difficulty of simultaneously interpreting both size and color.
#' For example, if we colored by z-score on a conventional blue-white-red color axis, a gene that is downregulated in a group of cells would show up as a small blue dot.
#' If the background color was also white, this might be mistaken for a gene that is not downregulated at all.
#' On the other hand, any other background color would effectively require consideration of two color axes as expression decreases.
#' We can also cap the color and size scales at \code{max_ave} and \code{max_detected}, respectively.
#' This aims to preserve resolution for low-abundance genes by preventing domination of the scales by high-abundance features.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @examples
#' sce <- mockSCE()
#' sce <- logNormCounts(sce)
#' plotDots(sce, features=rownames(sce)[1:10], group="Cell_Cycle")
#' plotDots(sce, features=rownames(sce)[1:10], group="Treatment", block="Cell_Cycle")
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{plotExpression}} and \code{\link{plotHeatmap}}, 
#' for alternatives to visualizing group-level expression values.
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes_string geom_point
#' scale_size scale_color_gradient theme element_line element_rect
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @importFrom scuttle summarizeAssayByGroup
plotDots <- function(object, features, group = NULL, block=NULL, exprs_values = "logcounts",
    detection_limit = 0, low_color = "white", high_color = "red",
    max_ave = NULL, max_detected = NULL, other_fields = list(),
    by_exprs_values = exprs_values, swap_rownames = NULL)
    if (is.null(group)) {
        group <- rep("all", ncol(object))
    } else {
        group <- retrieveCellInfo(object, group, search="colData")$value

    feature_names <- .swap_rownames(object, features, swap_rownames)
    group <- factor(group)

    # Computing, possibly also batch correcting.
    ids <- DataFrame(group=group)
    if (!is.null(block)) {
        ids$block <- retrieveCellInfo(object, block, search="colData")$value

    summarized <- summarizeAssayByGroup(assay(object, exprs_values), 
        ids=ids, subset.row=feature_names, 
        statistics=c("mean", "prop.detected"), threshold=detection_limit)

    ave <- assay(summarized, "mean")
    num <- assay(summarized, "prop.detected")
    group.names <- summarized$group

    if (!is.null(block)) {
        ave <- batchCorrectedAverages(ave, group=summarized$group, block=summarized$block)
        num <- batchCorrectedAverages(num, group=summarized$group, block=summarized$block, transform="logit")
        group.names <- colnames(ave)

    # Creating a long-form table.
    evals_long <- data.frame(
        Feature=rep(features, ncol(num)),
        Group=rep(group.names, each=nrow(num)),
    if (!is.null(max_detected)) {
        evals_long$NumDetected <- pmin(max_detected, evals_long$NumDetected)
    if (!is.null(max_ave)) {
        evals_long$Average <- pmin(max_ave, evals_long$Average)

    # Adding other fields, if requested.
    vis_out <- .incorporate_common_vis_row(evals_long, se = object, 
        colour_by = NULL, shape_by = NULL, size_by = NULL, 
        by_exprs_values = by_exprs_values, other_fields = other_fields,
        multiplier = rep(.subset2index(feature_names, object), ncol(num)))
    evals_long <- vis_out$df

    ggplot(evals_long) + 
        geom_point(aes_string(x="Group", y="Feature", size="NumDetected", col="Average")) +
        scale_size(limits=c(0, max(evals_long$NumDetected))) + 
        scale_color_gradient(limits=c(detection_limit, max(evals_long$Average)),
            low=low_color, high=high_color) +
        theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill=low_color),
            panel.grid.major = element_line(size=0.5, colour = "grey80"),
            panel.grid.minor = element_line(size=0.25, colour = "grey80"))

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scater documentation built on Feb. 28, 2021, 2:01 a.m.