
Defines functions divideByReference .replaceAssay

Documented in divideByReference

##' Internal function to efficiently replace a `SummarizedExperiment`
##' (and subclasses of it) assay in a `QFeatures` object. Watch out
##' this function should only be used when the old assay and the assay
##' to replace have same size. Otherwise, this can lead to
##' inconsistencies in the colData and functionality from
##' `MultiAssayExperiment` should be used.
##' @param obj A QFeatures object
##' @param y A SummarizedExperiment object, or an object that inherits from it
##' @param i a characther(1) or logical(1) that indicates which assay must be 
##'     replaced
##' @importFrom MultiAssayExperiment experiments
##' @noRd
.replaceAssay <- function(obj, 
                          i) {
    if (length(i) > 1) stop("Only 1 assay can be replaced at a time.")
    if (!inherits(obj, "QFeatures")) stop("'obj' must be a 'QFeatures' object")
    if (!inherits(y, "SummarizedExperiment")) 
        stop("'y' must inherits from a 'SummarizedExperiment' object")
    if (!identical(colnames(experiments(obj)[[i]]), colnames(y)))
        stop("Colnames of old and new assays must match. Otherwise, consider ",
             "using 'experiments(obj)[[i]] <- y' to avoid bad surprises.")
    obj@ExperimentList@listData[[i]] <- y

##' Divide assay columns by a reference column
##' The function divides the sample columns by a reference column. The sample 
##' and reference columns are defined based on the provided `colDataCol` 
##' variable and on regular expression matching.
##' The supplied assay(s) are replaced with the values computed after reference
##' division.
##' @param obj A `QFeatures` object
##' @param i A `numeric()` or `character()` vector indicating from which 
##'     assays the `rowData` should be taken.
##' @param colDataCol A `character(1)` indicating the variable to take from 
##'     `colData(obj)` that gives the sample annotation.
##' @param samplePattern A `character(1)` pattern that matches the sample 
##'     encoding in `colDataCol`. By default all samples are devided (using the
##'     regex wildcard `.`).
##' @param refPattern A `character(1)` pattern that matches the carrier 
##'     encoding in `colDataCol`. Only one match per assay is allowed, otherwise
##'     only the first match is taken
##' @return A `QFeatures` object
##' @export
##' @examples
##' data("scp1")
##' scp1 <- divideByReference(scp1, 
##'                           i = 1, 
##'                           colDataCol = "SampleType",
##'                           samplePattern = "Macrophage",
##'                           refPattern = "Ref")
divideByReference <- function(obj, 
                              samplePattern = ".", 
                              refPattern) {
    ## Check arguments
    if (!inherits(obj, "QFeatures")) stop("'obj' must be a QFeatures object")
    for (ii in i){
        ## Get the reference channel 
        annot <- colData(obj)[colnames(obj[[ii]]), ][, colDataCol]
        refIdx <- grep(refPattern, annot)
        sampIdx <- grep(samplePattern, annot)
        if (!length(refIdx)) 
            stop("The reference pattern '", refPattern, 
                 "' did not match any column in '", names(obj)[ii], "'")
        if (!length(sampIdx)) 
            stop("The sample pattern '", samplePattern, 
                 "' did not match any column in '", names(obj)[ii], "'")
        if (length(refIdx) != 1) 
            warning("Multiple references found in assay '", names(obj)[ii], 
                    "'. Only the first match will be used")
        ## Divide all channels by the reference channel
        y <- obj[[ii]]
        ref <- assay(y)[, refIdx]
        assay(y)[, sampIdx] <- assay(y)[, sampIdx, drop = FALSE] / ref
        ## Store the normalized assay
        obj <- .replaceAssay(obj, y, ii)

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scp documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:20 p.m.