
Installation - Docker image

SeqPlots is available as Docker image, which can be easily run on Mac OS, Windows and Linux systems. The image can be obtained from Docker Hub:

System requirements: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux or any other system supporting the Docker software. Refer to for details.

How to install Docker

Install the Docker Toolbox/Docker executables:

How to use on Mac and Windows

  1. On Mac or Windows start Kitematic. The application will be installed as a part of Docker Toolbox. You may skip the registration/login.

  2. Search for "seqplots", then click on CREATE button. This will download the container, all it's dependencies and run the application. The SeqPlots web interface should be shown in "WEB PREVIEW" window on right side of Kitematic.

  3. To open SeqPlots interface click on WEB PREVIEW. This will open the GUI is system default web browser. At this point the SeqPlots is ready to use.

  4. The uploaded files, datasets and downloaded reference genomes will be saved inside the Docker container. To use local system storage or access files previously added using SeqPlots Mac OS X app or R package click on the cog icon "VOLUMES" section of Kitematic (below WEB PREVIEW). There should be one Docker folder (/var/shiny-server/DATA), currently not mapped to local filesystem. Click on CHANGE button on the right side and select your data location, e.g. ~/SeqPlots_data. Verify that path is correct in LOCAL FOLDER column, restart SeqPlots Docker image if needed.

How to use Linux

  1. After installing Docker and verifying it works properly (docker run hello-world) run following commands in terminal:
docker pull przemol/seqplots
docker run -p 80:80 przemol/seqplots
  1. At this point the SeqPlots should be available on port 80 of local web interface. Open the web browser and navigate to http://localhost.

    If port 80 is already taken (e.g. by Apache web server), change port mapping in docker command, e.g. docker run --rm -p 3838:80 przemol/seqplots and navigate to http://localhost:3838.

  2. To use local file system for SeqPlots data storage use -v <host_dir>:<container_dir> parameter:

docker run -p 3838:80 -v ~/SeqPlots_data:/var/shiny-server/DATA przemol/seqplots


When using shared folder error messages The application unexpectedly exited. or Error in : could not open file 'tmp/sessionID_1b61fb3846.png' indicate that shared file system is not writeable for SeqPlots in Docker container. Make sure all files and folders have "Read & Write" permission set for everyone (all users). This can be changed using right click followed by "More info" (Mac) or "Properties" (Windows). On Mac and Linux the following command will fix all issues:

chmod -R a+w ~/SeqPlots_data

Package content

Try the seqplots package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

seqplots documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:52 p.m.