
Defines functions .list_of_citations_as_strings .extended_list_by_slot new_struct populate_slots set_obj_show set_obj_method set_struct_obj struct_class

Documented in new_struct set_obj_method set_obj_show set_struct_obj struct_class

#' \code{struct_class} object definition
#' Defines the struct class base template. This class is inherited by other objects
#' and not intended for direct use. It defines slots and methods common to all
#' \pkg{struct} objects.
#' @section Public slots:
#' Public slots can be accessed using shorthand $ notation and are intended for 
#' users building workflows.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{name}}{\code{character()} A short descriptive name of the struct object}
#'   \item{\code{description}}{\code{character()} A longer description of the struct object and what it does}
#'   \item{\code{type}}{\code{character()} A keyword that describes the type of struct object}
#'   \item{\code{libraries}}{\code{character()} A (read only) list of R packages used by this struct object}
#'   \item{\code{citations}}{\code{list of bibentry} A (read only) list of citations relevant to this struct object,
#'   in Bibtex format.}
#' }
#' @section Private slots:
#' Private slots are not readily accessible to users and are intended for developers
#' creating their own struct objects. Any slot not listed within `.params` or 
#' `.outputs` is considered a private slot.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{.params}}{\code{character()} A list of additional slot names that can be get/set by the user
#'   for a specific struct object. These are used as input parameters for different methods.}
#'   \item{\code{.outputs}}{\code{character()} a list of additional slot names that can be get by the user. These are
#'   used to store the results of a method.}
#' }
#' @import methods
#' @include generics.R
#' @return Returns a \pkg{struct} object
#' @examples
#' S = struct_class(name = 'Example',description = 'An example object')
#' @export
    slots = c(
        name = 'character',
        description = "character",
        type = "character",
        libraries = 'character',
        citations = 'list',
    prototype = list(

#' Constructor for struct_class objects
#' Creates a new \linkS4class{struct_class} object and populates the slots. Not intended
#' for direct use.
#' @param name the name of the object
#' @param description a description of the object
#' @param type the type of the struct object
#' @param citations a list of citations for the object in "bibentry" format
#' @return a struct_class object
#' @export
struct_class = function(
    citations=list()) {
    # if Bibtex is provided convert to a list
    if (is(citations,'bibentry')){
    # check all citations are Bibtex
    if (length(citations>0)) {
        if (!(all(citations))){
            stop('all citations must be in "bibentry" format')
    # new object
    out = .struct_class(

#' Get/set parameter or output values
#' Dollar syntax can be used to as a shortcut for getting/setting input parameter 
#' and output values for struct objects.
#' @return Parameter/output value
#' @param x An object derived from struct_class
#' @param name The name of the slot to access
#' @examples 
#' M = example_model()
#' M$value_1 = 10
#' M$value_1 # 10
#' @export
setMethod(f = "$",
    signature = c("struct_class"),
    definition = function(x,name) {
        # check for param
        w = is_param(x,name)
        if (w) {
            out = param_value(x,name)
        # check for output
        w = is_output(x,name)
        if (w) {
            out = output_value(x,name)
        # check for other struct slots
        if (name %in% valid) {
            out = slot(x,name)
        # if we get here then error
        stop(paste0('"', name, '" is not valid for this object:', class(x)[1]))

#' Get/set parameter or output values
#' Dollar syntax can be used to as a shortcut for getting/setting input parameter 
#' and output values for struct objects.
#' @return Parameter/output value
#' @param x An object derived from struct_class
#' @param name The name of the slot to access
#' @param value The value to assign
#' @examples 
#' M = example_model()
#' M$value_1 = 10
#' M$value_1 # 10
#' @export
setMethod(f = "$<-",
    signature = c("struct_class"),
    definition = function(x,name,value) {
        # check for param
        if (is_param(x,name)) {
            param_value(x,name) = value
        # check for output
        if (is_output(x,name)) {
            output_value(x,name) = value
        # check for other slots
        # do not allow setting of libraries or citations
        if (name %in% valid) {
            # check citation is Bibtex
            if (name=='citations') {
                if (!all(unlist(ok))) {
                    stop(paste0('All citations must be "bibentry" objects'))
            slot(x,name) = value
        # if we havent returned value by now, then we're not going to
        stop(paste0(name,' is not a valid param, output or column name for this DatasetExperiment using $'))

#' @describeIn chart_names 
#' @export
setMethod(f = "chart_names",
    signature = c("struct_class"),
    definition = function(obj,ret = 'char') {
        if (ret == 'char') {
            OUT = character(0)
        } else if (ret == 'obj') {
            OUT = list()
        } else {
            stop('not a valid ret option. Try "char" or "obj"')
        x = showMethods(f = chart_plot,classes = class(obj)[1],printTo = FALSE)
        if (x[2] == '<No methods>') {
        } else {
            for (i in 2:length(x)) {
                a = strsplit(x[i],'\"')[[1]]
                if (length(a)>0) {
                    a = a[seq(2, length(a), by = 2)]
                    a = a[-which(a == class(obj)[1])]
                    if (length(a)>0) {
                        if (a == 'chart') {
                        } else if (extends(a,'chart')) {
                            if (ret == 'char') {
                                OUT = c(OUT,a)
                            } else
                                OUT[[length(OUT)+1]] = eval(parse(text = paste0(a,

setMethod(f = "show",
    signature = c("struct_class"),
    definition = function(object) {
        n=nchar(paste0('A "', class(object),'" object'))
        if (length(object@description) > 1) {

            if (is.null(nmes)) {
                # add bullets to description if more than one item
                object@description=paste0('\U2022',' ', object$description)
            } else {
                padding=strrep(' ',padding)
                for (k in seq_along(nmes)) {
                    nme=sub(strrep(' ',nchar(nmes[k])),nmes[k],padding)
                    object@description[k]=paste0(nme,' ',object@description[k])
                # add name to description if more than one item
                object@description=paste0('\U2022',' ', object$description)
        # strip newlines from description, we'll add our own
        if (length(object$description)>1) {
            pad='\n               '
        } else {

            'A "', class(object),'" object','\n',
            'name:          ', object$name,'\n',
            'description:   ', paste0(strwrap(object$description,width=95,exdent = 17),collapse=pad),'\n',
            sep = ''
        if (length(object@.params>0) & !is(object,'entity')) {
            cat('input params: ', paste(object@.params,collapse=', '),'\n')
        if (length(object@.outputs>0) & !is(object,'entity')) {
            cat('outputs:      ', paste(object@.outputs,collapse=', '),'\n')

#' define a new struct object
#' a helper function to create new struct objects
#' @export
#' @param class_name the name of the new class to create
#' @param struct_obj the struct obj to inherit e.g. 'model', 'metric' etc
#' @param stato TRUE (default) or FALSE to inherit the stato class
#' @param params a named character vector of input parameters where each
#' element specifies the type of value that will be in the slot e.g. c(example = 'character')
#' @param outputs a named character vector of outputs where each
#' element specifies the type of value that will be in the slot e.g. c(example = 'character')
#' @param private a named character vector of private slots where each
#' element specifies the type of value that will be in the slot e.g. c(example = 'character').
#' These are intended for internal use by the object and generally not available to the user.
#' @param prototype a named list with initial values for slots.
#' @return a new class definition. to create  a new object from this class use X = new_class_name()
set_struct_obj = function(
    stato = TRUE, 
    params = character(0), 
    outputs = character(0), 
    private = character(0), 
    prototype = list()) {
    # inherit stato if stato = TRUE
    if (stato) {
        struct_obj = c(struct_obj,'stato')
    ## list of slots to create
    slots = c(params,outputs,private)
    ## add .params and .outputs to prototype
    ## create class definition as assign to the chosen environment
        Class = class_name,
        contains = struct_obj,
        slots = slots,
        prototype = prototype,
        where = topenv(parent.frame())
        # new object
        out = eval(parse(text=paste0('new_struct("',class_name,'",...)')))

#' update method for a struct object
#' a helper function to update methods for a struct object
#' @export
#' @param class_name the name of the to update the method for
#' @param method_name the name of the method to update. Must be an existing method for the object.
#' @param definition the function to replace the method with. This function will be used when the method is called on the object.
#' @param where the environment to create the object in. default where = topenv(parent.frame())
#' @param signature a list of classes that this object requires as inputs. Default is c(class_name,'DatasetExperiment')
#' @return a method is created in the specified environment
#' @examples
#' set_struct_obj(
#' class_name = 'add_two_inputs',
#' struct_obj = 'model',
#' stato = FALSE,
#' params = c(input_1 = 'numeric', input_2 = 'numeric'),
#' outputs = c(result = 'numeric'),
#' prototype = list(
#'    input_1 = 0,
#'    input_2 = 0,
#'    name = 'Add two inputs',
#'    description = 'example class that adds two values together')
set_obj_method = function(class_name, method_name, definition, where = topenv(parent.frame()), signature=c(class_name,'DatasetExperiment')) {
    setMethod(f = method_name,
        signature = signature,
        definition = definition,
        where = where)

# ' update show method for a struct object
#' a helper function to update the show method for a struct object
#' @export
#' @param class_name the name of the to update the method for
#' @param extra_string a function that returns an extra string using the input object as an input e.g. function(object){return = 'extra_string'}
#' @param where the environment to create the object in. default where = topenv(parent.frame())
#' @return a method is created in the specified environment
#' @examples
#' # create an example object first
#' set_struct_obj(
#' class_name = 'add_two_inputs',
#' struct_obj = 'model',
#' stato = FALSE,
#' params = c(input_1 = 'numeric', input_2 = 'numeric'),
#' outputs = c(result = 'numeric'),
#' prototype = list(
#'    input_1 = 0,
#'    input_2 = 0,
#'    name = 'Add two inputs',
#'    description = 'example class that adds two values together')
#' # now update the method
#' set_obj_show(
#' class_name = 'add_two_inputs',
#' extra_string = function(object) {return('The extra text')}
#' )
set_obj_show = function(class_name, extra_string,where = topenv(parent.frame())) {
    setMethod(f = 'show',
        signature = c(class_name),
        definition = function(object) {
            callNextMethod() # force the default output
            # add extra info
        where = where

populate_slots=function(obj,...) {
    for (k in L) {
        if (is_param(obj,names(k))) {
            param_value(obj,names(k)) = k[[1]]

#' Generate a \pkg{struct} object from a Class
#' This function creates a newly allocated object from the class identified by 
#' the first argument. It works almost identically to \code{new} but is specific 
#' to objects from the \pkg{struct} package and ensures that \code{entity} slots have 
#' their values assigned correctly. This function is usually called by class 
#' constructors and not used directly.
#' @param class The class of struct object to create
#' @param ... named slots and values to assign
#' @return An object derived from struct_class
#' @examples
#' S = new_struct('struct_class')
#' @export
new_struct = function(class, ...) {
    # new default object
    # check if struct_class
    if (!is(obj,'struct_class')){
        stop(paste0('struct_class is only for objects derived from struct_class. Got object of type "',class(obj),'"'))
    # update values
    for (k in seq_len(length(L))) {

#' @rdname citations
#' @importFrom utils capture.output bibentry as.person citation
#' @export
setMethod(f = "citations",
    signature = c("struct_class"),
    definition = function(obj) {
        if (is(obj,'DatasetExperiment')) {
        } else {
        # citations for libraries
        lib = .extended_list_by_slot(obj,'libraries')
            lib = lapply(lib,function(x){
                # citations for library
                A = suppressWarnings(citation(x))
                # convert to strings
        cit = c(cit,lib)
        # citations as strings
        out = .extended_list_by_slot(obj,'citations')
        # remove duplicates

#' @rdname libraries
#' @export
setMethod(f = "libraries",
    signature = c("struct_class"),
    definition = function(obj) {

.extended_list_by_slot = function(obj,slotname) {
    # returns a unique list of values for slots in this object
    # and all the ones in inherits
    # get the objects this object extends
    ex = extends(class(obj)[1])
    # for each one, if its a struct class grab the citations
    for (k in seq_along(ex)) {
        if (extends(ex[[k]],'struct_class')) {
            X = new_struct(ex[k])

.list_of_citations_as_strings = function(L) {

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struct documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:14 p.m.