#' @title Estimation of Functional Forms of Covaraites under AFT Models
#' @description The function aims to select informative covariates under the AFT model and estimate their corresponding
#' functional forms with survival time. Specifically, the first step in this function is to derive an unbiased
#' estimating function by the Buckley-James method with corrected survival times and censoring status. After that, a
#' boosting algorithm with the cubic-spline method is implemented to an unbiased estimating function to detect
#' informative covariates and estimate the functional forms of covariates iteratively.
#' @param data A \code{c(n,p+2)} dimension of data, where \code{n} is sample size and
#' \code{p} is the number of covariates. The first column is survival time and second
#' column is censoring status, and the other columns are covariates.
#' @param iter The iteration times of the boosting procedure. The default value = 50 and the iteration will stop
#' when the absolute value of increment of every estimated value is small than 0.01.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 "geom_line" "theme_minimal" "labs" "aes"
#' @importFrom ggplot2 "ggplot"
#' @importFrom stats "lm" "smooth.spline" "fitted"
#' @return covariates The first ten covariates that are selected in the iteration.
#' @return functional_forms The functional forms of the first ten covariates that are selected
#' in the iteration.
#' @return predicted_failure_time The predicted failure time of every sample
#' @return survival_curve Predicted survival curve of the sample.
#' @examples
#' ## generate data with misclassification = 0.9 with n = 50, p = 6
#' ## and variance of noise term is 0.75. The y* is is related to the first
#' ## covariate.
#' b <- matrix(0,ncol=6, nrow = 1)
#' b[1,1] <- 1
#' data <- data_gen(n=50, p=6, pi_01=0.9, pi_10 = 0.9, gamma0=1,
#' gamma1=b, e_var=0.75)
#' ## Assume that covariates are independent and observed failure time is
#' ## related to first covariate with weight equals 1. And the scalar
#' ## in the classical additive measurement error model is 1 and
#' ## Misclassifcation probability = 0.9.
#' matrixb <- diag(6)
#' gamma_0 <- 1
#' gamma_1 <- matrix(0,ncol=6, nrow =1)
#' gamma_1[1,1] <- 1
#' data1 <- ME_correction(pi_10=0.9,pi_01=0.9,gamma0 = gamma_0,
#' gamma1 = gamma_1,
#' cor_covar=matrixb, y=data[,1],
#' indicator=data[,2], covariate = data[,3:8])
#' data1 <- cbind(data1,data[,3:8])
#' ## Data in boosting procedure with iteration times =2
#' result <- Boosting(data=data1, iter=2)
#' @export
Boosting <- function(data, iter=50){
W <- function(r_star,g_x){
a <- data.frame(r_star); b <- data.frame(g_x)
data <- cbind(a,b)
colnames(data) <- c('Y',"X")
w <- lm(Y~X+0,data = data)
interval<- function(lower_bound,upper_bound){
interval_size = (upper_bound-lower_bound)/7
interval_points <- c(lower_bound)
for(i in (1:7)){
interval_points <- c(interval_points,lower_bound+interval_size*i)
corrected_data<- data
colnames(corrected_data)[1:2] <- c('Y','censoring_indicator')
# number of sample
n = dim(corrected_data)[1]
# dimension
p = dim(corrected_data)[2]-2
censoring_indicator <- corrected_data$censoring_indicator
variable_catch <- c()
y <- corrected_data$Y
#step 0.
sum_of_every_fitted_value <- rep(0,times=n)
y_star <- corrected_data$Y
r <- y - sum_of_every_fitted_value
r_star <- y_star - sum_of_every_fitted_value
df3 <- data.frame(corrected_data$censoring_indicator,r_star,r)
colnames(df3)[1] <- "censoring_indicator"
survival_probability <- c()
for (i in c(1:dim(df3)[1])){
yy <- df3[df3$r<=df3$r[i],]
u <- c(yy$r)
data_producted <- 1
for (j in c(1:length(u))){
total_sum_of_denominator <- sum((df3$r>=u[j])*1)
censoring_indicator_1<- df3[df3$censoring_indicator==1,]
total_sum_of_numerator <- sum((censoring_indicator_1$r==u[j])*1)
data_producted = data_producted * (1-total_sum_of_numerator/total_sum_of_denominator)
survival_probability[i] <- data_producted
survival_probability[which(survival_probability==0)] <- 0.000001
sum_riemann_for_every_n <- c()
upper = max(r)
for (i in c(1:length(df3$r))){
point <- interval(df3$r[i],upper)
riemann_x <- c()
data_producted <- 1
for (j in c(1:length(point))){
xx <- df3[df3$r<=point[j],]
u <- c(xx$r)
for (k in c(1:length(u))){
total_sum_of_denominator <- sum((df3$r>=u[k])*1)
censoring_indicator_1<- df3[df3$censoring_indicator==1,]
total_sum_of_numerator <- sum((censoring_indicator_1$r==u[k])*1)
data_producted = data_producted * (1-total_sum_of_numerator/total_sum_of_denominator)
riemann_x[j]<- data_producted
riemann_minus <- c()
for (l in c(1:length(riemann_x)-1)){
riemann_minus[l] <- riemann_x[l+1]-riemann_x[l]
sum_integrate <-c(0)
for (m in c(1:length(riemann_minus))){
sum_integrate <- sum_integrate + point[m+1] * riemann_minus[m]
sum_riemann_for_every_n[i] <- sum_integrate
y_star_update <- c()
for (i in c(1:length(y))){
y_star_update[i] <- censoring_indicator[i] * y[i]+
(1-censoring_indicator[i])*(sum_of_every_fitted_value[i] - sum_riemann_for_every_n[i]/survival_probability[i])
y_star <- y_star_update
add_g_every_time <- data.frame()
df <-,ncol = p, nrow = n))
df[] <- 0
for (i in c(1:p)){
colnames(df)[i] <- i
iterations = 0
stop_times = iter
while (TRUE) {
r_star <- y_star - sum_of_every_fitted_value
residual<- c(0)
add_f <- c()
times <- c(0)
variable <- c()
for (i in c(1:p)){
times = times + 1
f_variables <- smooth.spline(x=corrected_data[,i+2],y=r_star,cv=FALSE,all.knots=c(0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1))
if (residual==0){
add_f <- f_variables
residual <- f_variables$pen.crit
variable <- times
} else if(f_variables$pen.crit < residual){
add_f <- f_variables
variable <- times
residual <- f_variables$pen.crit
variable_catch <- c(variable_catch,variable)
fit = fitted(add_f)
w <- W(r_star,fit)
add_g <- * fit, ncol = 1)
stop_value <- 1e-2
number_of_added_value <- sum((abs(add_g) < stop_value)*1)
if (iterations == stop_times){
if (number_of_added_value != n && iterations!= stop_times){
df[as.character(variable)] <- df[,variable] + add_g
sum_of_every_fitted_value <- sum_of_every_fitted_value + w * fit
r_star = y_star - sum_of_every_fitted_value
r <- y - sum_of_every_fitted_value
df1 <- data.frame(corrected_data$censoring_indicator,r_star,r)
colnames(df1)[1] <- "censoring_indicator"
survival_probability <- c()
for (i in c(1:dim(df1)[1])){
yy <- df1[df1$r<=df1$r[i],]
u <- c(yy$r)
data_producted <- 1
for (j in c(1:length(u))){
total_sum_of_denominator <- sum((df1$r>=u[j])*1)
censoring_indicator_1<- df1[df1$censoring_indicator==1,]
total_sum_of_numerator <- sum((censoring_indicator_1$r==u[j])*1)
data_producted = data_producted * (1-total_sum_of_numerator/total_sum_of_denominator)
survival_probability[i] <- data_producted
survival_probability[which(survival_probability==0)] <- 0.000001
sum_riemann_for_every_n <- c()
upper = max(r)
for (i in c(1:length(df1$r))){
point <- interval(df1$r[i],upper)
riemann_x <- c()
data_producted <- 1
for (j in c(1:length(point))){
xx <- df1[df1$r<=point[j],]
u <- c(xx$r)
for (k in c(1:length(u))){
total_sum_of_denominator <- sum((df1$r>=u[k])*1)
censoring_indicator_1<- df1[df1$censoring_indicator==1,]
total_sum_of_numerator <- sum((censoring_indicator_1$r==u[k])*1)
data_producted = data_producted * (1-total_sum_of_numerator/total_sum_of_denominator)
riemann_x[j]<- data_producted
riemann_minus <- c()
for (l in c(1:length(riemann_x)-1)){
riemann_minus[l] <- riemann_x[l+1]-riemann_x[l]
sum_integrate <-c(0)
for (m in c(1:length(riemann_minus))){
sum_integrate <- sum_integrate + point[m+1] * riemann_minus[m]
sum_riemann_for_every_n[i] <- sum_integrate
y_star_update <- c()
for (i in c(1:length(y))){
y_star_update[i] <- censoring_indicator[i] * y[i]+
(1-censoring_indicator[i])*(sum_of_every_fitted_value[i] - sum_riemann_for_every_n[i]/survival_probability[i])
y_star <- y_star_update
iterations = iterations + 1
survival_data<- df
predict_failure_time <- apply(survival_data,1,sum)
sur_time <-apply(survival_data,1,sum)
sur_time <-exp(sur_time)
sur_time <-sort(sur_time)
sur_time <-data.frame(sur_time)
pro <- seq(1,dim(sur_time)[1])/dim(sur_time)[1]
pro <- sort(pro, decreasing= TRUE)
pro <- data.frame(pro)
# survival probability
ddf1 <- cbind(sur_time, pro)
survival_curve <- ggplot(ddf1, aes(x=sur_time,y=pro))+geom_line()+
labs(x="time", y="survival probability", title='survival curve')
variable_catch <- variable_catch[1:10]
variable_catch <- as.numeric(names(table(variable_catch)))
variable_names <- c()
for (i in c(1:length(variable_catch))){
variable_names[i] <- colnames(corrected_data)[variable_catch[i]+2]
pictures <- list()
for (i in c(1:length(variable_catch))){
temp <-[,variable_catch[i]+2],df[,variable_catch[i]]))
colnames(temp) <- c('x','y')
temp <- temp [order(temp$x),]
pic <- ggplot(temp, aes(x=x,y=y))+geom_line()+
labs(x="x", y="f", title=colnames(corrected_data)[variable_catch[i]+2])
pictures[[i]] <- pic
names(pictures) <- variable_names
results <-list(predict_failure_time=predict_failure_time, covariates = variable_names, function_forms = pictures,survival_curve=survival_curve)
x = c()
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